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Give People A Second Chance to Apply for Mod if they've been Banned for Hacking.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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The point of reporting hackers is to help the community, not to get moderator.
Yeah, we've gone over that. But by helping the community, they show that they are trying to become deserving of another shot at Moderator. I think you're forgetting that there can be conditions such as how long since your last ban, activity, and they still have to go through an interviewing and applying process, in addition to having their ban(s) overlooked, which could be easily as difficult as an age exception process.

If you hacked a year ago that means you must be at least 14 years old. I think a 14 year old knows right from wrong.
I've seen adults hack. I've been on TEAMSPEAK with adults who were hacking. Some people don't care about ethics and morals, and thus would be highly unlikely to apply for Mod.
Flase bans get pardoned. If a player gets pardoned than they should be allowed to apply for mod. But I think they are talking about players who did hack and were rightly banned.
I speak from personal experience when I say that not all false bans get pardoned. You're claiming that the unbanning system is virtually perfect, which is far from true. It may be decently effective, but it is still based on human efficiency and accuracy, which will never be ideal. There are always bans due to glitches, lag, and other unusual or unfair events and circumstances that the player is not responsible for, but still are banned for.
What? Me and boboy1999 said the same thing. We both said to report hackers for the community, not for mod.
The post that he said that you liked was saying that people who do that DON'T care about the community.
How does it mean he must be 14 years old?
The age limit to apply for Mod is 15. One year before would be at least 14, which would not be entirely accurate because he never specified when exactly his ban was.


Jul 15, 2013
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I wasn't even banned for Hacking, I was banned for abuse, and they never showed me my evidence so I couldn't really appeal my ban. Soz.


Feb 2, 2013
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I wasn't even banned for Hacking, I was banned for abuse, and they never showed me my evidence so I couldn't really appeal my ban. Soz.
You should ask again because if there is no evidence your ban will be pardoned. Or if it is already expired, it will probably be taken off your record.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
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Time to put in my two cents:

If you've been banned for hacking, like the OP has, I do not believe you should be able to normally apply for moderator. You would 100% have to go through a ban exception process, and even then they'd look at your recent history to determine if you'd be a good fit. This would be very difficult to pass.

However, there are a few cases where I feel players should be able to apply for moderator normally. These include:

  • players who have been banned for BSM
  • players that have been banned for any overlay mod including Damage Indicators
  • players that have previous bans for Gamma increasing
All of these players fall into the category of those who most likely didn't know they were doing anything bad. Yes, by playing on the MCGamer servers you agree to have read all of the rules, comply to them, and take any consequences put upon you for breaking the rules. On the other hand, these players are mostly innocent. A HUGE amount of people who play Minecraft watch Youtubers with extreme fan bases. Many of these Youtuber "idols" use some if not all of the previous modifications listed in order to improve gameplay. People may be playing with these mods, thinking based upon their role models that they are fine, when really they are breaking the rules.

For situations like these, I strongly feel that these players should be allowed to apply for moderator without undergoing a ban exception process. However, they'd be judged harshly and it would be more difficult for them to become a mod than if they had not used these illegal mods in the first place. If the player (like Mooclan) maintained a clean history for the rest of their time at MCGamer up until they applied for the moderator position, they would have a better chance than someone with a questionable history. Again, it would still be more difficult than had they not been banned in the first place.

Players should receive chances, especially if they maintain a good reputation within the community. After all, someone who has been banned for hacking might make a much better moderator than someone that hasn't. :)


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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For situations like these, I strongly feel that these players should be allowed to apply for moderator without undergoing a ban exception process. However, they'd be judged harshly and it would be more difficult for them to become a mod than if they had not used these illegal mods in the first place. If the player (like Mooclan) maintained a clean history for the rest of their time at MCGamer up until they applied for the moderator position, they would have a better chance than someone with a questionable history. Again, it would still be more difficult than had they not been banned in the first place.
Funny story to be heard here.
I actually was undergoing a ban-exception process with Col_StaR during the whole Mockingjay drama, but it took him about a month to reply, and then when he did I was informed that he would have to rescind his offer because I was supposedly, "holding a position of authority within the Mockingjays." And that Col would no longer be able to vouch for me to the Senior Staff. Unfortunately, he wasn't joking around. I was rather disappointed, as JennoKoala had recommended that I start writing my Mod application the day before, and I was already 1.5k words into it. :'c


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
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I hope everyone knows this is just a friendly conversation and I hope there are no heart feelings.


Feb 1, 2013
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You know, with the age of the community, I feel like we are getting to a point where former offenders would have an appropriate amount of time to truly change. I think if someone who has been previously banned for something like hacking, it would be fair to allow them to go through a rigorous process where they would be evaluated on maturity and readiness based on writing, interviews, and a thorough evaluation of their history since the ban (and any important details concerning the ban itself). However, I think one should only be allowed to do this (or at least should only pass it) after a fairly significant period of time has passed since the ban for them to prove their improvement. I'm not entirely sure on what would be the best amount, however.


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
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Reporting hackers doesnt mean you care about the community it just means you want to be a mod.
I did not mean all people who report hackers dont care about the community. I meant if the only way to become mod is to help out and report hackers you would only do it for mod and not the community. I have reported many hackers.


Feb 2, 2013
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  • players who have been banned for BSM
  • A HUGE amount of people who play Minecraft watch Youtubers with extreme fan bases. Many of these Youtuber "idols" use some if not all of the previous modifications listed in order to improve gameplay. People may be playing with these mods, thinking based upon their role models that they are fine, when really they are breaking the rules.

For situations like these, I strongly feel that these players should be allowed to apply for moderator without undergoing a ban exception process.
I would classify BSM just as bad as hacking (before the 1.7 sprint update) as it was very OP compared to players who did not use BSM.
There are Youtubers who have hacked on MCSG and recorded it for their channel, those are modifications that are improving your gameplay and they also think they can get away with it since the Youtuber got away with recording it.

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