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What the heck happened to the community?!

DO you think the community needs a change?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 41 53.2%
  • No, the community is fine the way it is.

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • Somewhat, we can make a few changes.

    Votes: 32 41.6%

  • Total voters


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
I feel like everyone who posts alot of paragraphs on this thread get a ton of likes :p

My thoughts:

I had donor for one month (Torchscar kindly bought it for me because like many others I cannot afford it). I have seen many players want to team with me just because I'm donor. The common belief with these 'noobs' is that donors are automatically more skilled when they get donor. I could have 0 points and 10 wins and they would still want to team.

This is bad for two reasons:

1. The donors take advantage of these kids and betray/are douchy to them.
2. Once these kids get donor, they think they are better then everyone else.

There is nothing to do about this. Does it cause conflict? Yes. Does it annoy kind people? Yes. But it is a part of society that we just have to live with. Almost everything we do is based of popular belief and ideas. There is no fix to this, and pointing it out doesnt do much either.

Humans are humans, they are not perfect, and they will continue to be imperfect until the end of time. It is a sad fact. Some times we let our egos get the best of our selves and end up hurting someone.

You can't directly effect the this, but by doing your part and being a mature, kind person, we can be one person closer to fixing this.
*sheds tear* That was beautiful. My respect for you has grown significantly in the past minute. I agree with you on this!


Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
I feel like everyone who posts alot of paragraphs on this thread get a ton of likes :p

My thoughts:

I had donor for one month (Torchscar kindly bought it for me because like many others I cannot afford it). I have seen many players want to team with me just because I'm donor. The common belief with these 'noobs' is that donors are automatically more skilled when they get donor. I could have 0 points and 10 wins and they would still want to team.

This is bad for two reasons:

1. The donors take advantage of these kids and betray/are douchy to them.
2. Once these kids get donor, they think they are better then everyone else.

There is nothing to do about this. Does it cause conflict? Yes. Does it annoy kind people? Yes. But it is a part of society that we just have to live with. Almost everything we do is based of popular belief and ideas. There is no fix to this, and pointing it out doesnt do much either.

Humans are humans, they are not perfect, and they will continue to be imperfect until the end of time. It is a sad fact. Some times we let our egos get the best of our selves and end up hurting someone.

You can't directly effect the this, but by doing your part and being a mature, kind person, we can be one person closer to fixing this.
I have grown much respect for you in th last min #G33kepost


Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
I remember when MCSG only had SG1 and SG2, pretty large maps. Back then their were waaaayyyyyy less donors and they were waaaayyyyyyyy nicer. It seemed more laid back. I noticed it getting really competitive when the smaller maps came out. Also there were waaaayyyyyyyyy less people. Personally I think MCSG has evolved into a competitive race for wins and points with now purpose other than to win, not have fun.


Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
I remember when MCSG only had SG1 and SG2, pretty large maps. Back then their were waaaayyyyyy less donors and they were waaaayyyyyyyy nicer. It seemed more laid back. I noticed it getting really competitive when the smaller maps came out. Also there were waaaayyyyyyyyy less people. Personally I think MCSG has evolved into a competitive race for wins and points with now purpose other than to win, not have fun.
i agree but you say wayyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyy to many times

Cinci | Kame

Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
I have to agree with you on this. Though I don't find players be more competive than usual a problem. I find it helps the server, but I digress. I think minecraft itself is going through a sort of dark period. I don't think by any means our community will fall apart though. Change is going to be necessary but I think it'll happen. All those people that fist youtubers are probably just little kids whose logic behind their actions somehow makes sense to them. Minecraft is a game for all ages which is the problem. All communities have those annoying, immature people and to be honest, whenever I see someone say something incredibly stupid on the servers I imagine they are probably around the age of 7. Not saying all younger players are the problem, trust me I've met some that are ungodly mature for their age. Bit in my opinion the servers are falling apart because of the immaturity and lack of intelligence of some of the players. Like I saw on the forums once, "remember, the forum community's iq is about 50 points higher than the iq of the server community".
yah... and a girl just put a forum post about her period..........i think that rebukes ur statement right there... I hope the 2 sr. mods i contacted get rid of it soon


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
yah... and a girl just put a forum post about her period..........i think that rebukes ur statement right there... I hope the 2 sr. mods i contacted get rid of it soon
I Domt think it was a girl, I think it was just a perverted troll. -_-


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
yah... and a girl just put a forum post about her period..........i think that rebukes ur statement right there... I hope the 2 sr. mods i contacted get rid of it soon
That person isn't a member of the forum community though. Anyone can make an account and post stupid crap. You do realize that not everyone with a forum account is a real member of the forum community right?


Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, serious mode activate. I've noticed a lot of weird things going on. Like this-
-More betrayal in-game.
-More harassment.
-More comparison in wins.
-Players being more competitive than usual...

That makes me wonder- What happened to the community?
Well, I'll state my opinion on what I've witnessed and even experienced.
I know that people USED to watch them for pure enjoyment, but nowadays, this is what goes on.
People watch the stream just to know where that person is to kill him and take the win. Uhh.... this isn't what happened back then.....
There are now very few people these days that watch livestreams for enjoyment and tips to try hard and get good at PvP. You know what happened? MCSG got too competitive.

Youtubers Okay, this is worse than livestreams. Everytime I see someone say "I'm recording for youtube!" I see too many people say "Fist him youtubers just think they're better" Hm, last I thought, people like Blamph recorded to give tips and upload videos for pure enjoyment. NOT because he thinks he's better than everyone else. Even I've experienced this, I say "Hey guys I can record now!" And people that actually do truly hate me just kill me right off the spot.
Regular players.

Even the regular players are affected. Non donors in general. A lot of times I've been harassed by donors just because I can't afford it right now, I'm getting a laptop repaired for all my money. They say I'm a sore loser that can "suck it" because I'm broke. When I'm in Teamspeak they come in and STILL do that. Another thing they say is "You suck at mcsg because you have no donor lol"
I check their records and I have more stats, but just ignore it because these servers need to be fun.

So here's my message. MCSG is becoming too competitive and you know what, I've seen people complain that the staff do it too. I highly doubt that because mods are chosen wisely, but hey, I haven't witnessed anything. But back on topic. MCSG community is going downhill with its players. I see too many people saying HACKS or HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA YOU DIED IDIOT when they die via betrayal and whatnot. It's hard to remember that mcsg used to be a good community that had decent players and nicer people.... watch Tigerstain's "Haters gonna hate" video. That video shows what players do to people that are just better than them at this game. People take this too seriously. We need to do something about the community. More and more of the veteran players are leaving for this reason. Guess who will take their place? Hackers and noobs that don't deserve it. But they get the rank anyways because they won a lot. But in my point of view, there is no winner or loser, there's just the game.

If you can help support our community and revive it's former kindness, less people will quit these servers because of the players that decide they don't like someone.

Thank you for your consideration of reading this thread, ~Awesomnessface
That was beautiful *sniff*


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
totally agree! and Mitch has ruined the chat!
Heyy dood
and the people who think its funny to hav a bacca skin and say "BACCAS UNITE"

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