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What the heck happened to the community?!

DO you think the community needs a change?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 41 53.2%
  • No, the community is fine the way it is.

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • Somewhat, we can make a few changes.

    Votes: 32 41.6%

  • Total voters


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, serious mode activate. I've noticed a lot of weird things going on. Like this-
-More betrayal in-game.
-More harassment.
-More comparison in wins.
-Players being more competitive than usual...

That makes me wonder- What happened to the community?
Well, I'll state my opinion on what I've witnessed and even experienced.
I know that people USED to watch them for pure enjoyment, but nowadays, this is what goes on.
People watch the stream just to know where that person is to kill him and take the win. Uhh.... this isn't what happened back then.....
There are now very few people these days that watch livestreams for enjoyment and tips to try hard and get good at PvP. You know what happened? MCSG got too competitive.

Youtubers Okay, this is worse than livestreams. Everytime I see someone say "I'm recording for youtube!" I see too many people say "Fist him youtubers just think they're better" Hm, last I thought, people like Blamph recorded to give tips and upload videos for pure enjoyment. NOT because he thinks he's better than everyone else. Even I've experienced this, I say "Hey guys I can record now!" And people that actually do truly hate me just kill me right off the spot.
Regular players.

Even the regular players are affected. Non donors in general. A lot of times I've been harassed by donors just because I can't afford it right now, I'm getting a laptop repaired for all my money. They say I'm a sore loser that can "suck it" because I'm broke. When I'm in Teamspeak they come in and STILL do that. Another thing they say is "You suck at mcsg because you have no donor lol"
I check their records and I have more stats, but just ignore it because these servers need to be fun.

So here's my message. MCSG is becoming too competitive and you know what, I've seen people complain that the staff do it too. I highly doubt that because mods are chosen wisely, but hey, I haven't witnessed anything. But back on topic. MCSG community is going downhill with its players. I see too many people saying HACKS or HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA YOU DIED IDIOT when they die via betrayal and whatnot. It's hard to remember that mcsg used to be a good community that had decent players and nicer people.... watch Tigerstain's "Haters gonna hate" video. That video shows what players do to people that are just better than them at this game. People take this too seriously. We need to do something about the community. More and more of the veteran players are leaving for this reason. Guess who will take their place? Hackers and noobs that don't deserve it. But they get the rank anyways because they won a lot. But in my point of view, there is no winner or loser, there's just the game.

If you can help support our community and revive it's former kindness, less people will quit these servers because of the players that decide they don't like someone.

Thank you for your consideration of reading this thread, ~Awesomnessface


District 13
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with everything. I do think that the donors are getting more cocky. I see donors who say POOR S***S GET SOME MONEY Bunny Lover and they always seem to think that they are alot more skilled than others. They think they own us all because of that grey nametag. I was playing a game with a donor who had decent armor, got chased to the death by me, and accused me for being a noob. Why? Because I chased him endlessly to reduce the amount of players.
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with everything. I do think that the donors are getting more cocky. I see donors who say POOR SHITS GET SOME MONEY Bunny Lover and they always seem to think that they are alot more skilled than others. They think they own us all because of that grey nametag. I was playing a game with a donor who had decent armor, got chased to the death by me, and accused me for being a noob. Why? Because I chased him endlessly to reduce the amount of players.
People are scared of ponies.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with everything. I do think that the donors are getting more cocky. I see donors who say POOR SHITS GET SOME MONEY Bunny Lover and they always seem to think that they are alot more skilled than others. They think they own us all because of that grey nametag. I was playing a game with a donor who had decent armor, got chased to the death by me, and accused me for being a noob. Why? Because I chased him endlessly to reduce the amount of players.
I agree. The quantity of donors is getting ridiculously high, and the quality of donors is getting ridiculously low. Even some high-win and well known donors (not saying any names) cuss out and make fun of players when they kill them, and deny superior non-donor players to their team because they're not donors. I've seen iFrox or someone like that denied as a teammate by a group of 0 win donors that proceeded to mock him for his "lack of skill", and then he promptly killed them and screamed about him having hacks because there's no way a "noob" could ever have killed them.

Another thing that bothers me about this is all of the players who donate just to kick players. I've brought this up before, but it irks me to absolutely unfathomable ends. All these immature players who donate before they play their first game and constantly call everyone a noob...
I've been called a noob because I lost an even gear fight to a 20 win player, by that player. I know it's my own fault for dying because I suck, but these low-t 12 year olds need to check their facts, because it's getting annoying to be labeled a noob, especially when I'm the one who got the kill in the first place. I've literally seen maybe 5 non-donors call me a "noob" for killing them. The donor registers for the same statistic number in the 100s.
They also tend to say that if I win via anything other than pure PvP ability, I'm a noob who only fights that way because I suck at the game. I'd say it's part of the game :p

I understand that this rant is taking a similar format and pissed-off approach similar to overly competitive butthurt players, but in reality, I haven't won a game in ages because I haven't been doing anything but having fun, it just annoys me when my set challenge - killing people with raw chicken, for example - results in me being mercilessly taunted for not using my diamond sword and dying in the process.

/rant end


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
I agree. The quantity of donors is getting ridiculously high, and the quality of donors is getting ridiculously low. Even some high-win and well known donors (not saying any names) cuss out and make fun of players when they kill them, and deny superior non-donor players to their team because they're not donors. I've seen iFrox or someone like that denied as a teammate by a group of 0 win donors that proceeded to mock him for his "lack of skill", and then he promptly killed them and screamed about him having hacks because there's no way a "noob" could ever have killed them.

Another thing that bothers me about this is all of the players who donate just to kick players. I've brought this up before, but it irks me to absolutely unfathomable ends. All these immature players who donate before they play their first game and constantly call everyone a noob...
I've been called a noob because I lost an even gear fight to a 20 win player, by that player. I know it's my own fault for dying because I suck, but these low-t 12 year olds need to check their facts, because it's getting annoying to be labeled a noob, especially when I'm the one who got the kill in the first place. I've literally seen maybe 5 non-donors call me a "noob" for killing them. The donor registers for the same statistic number in the 100s.
They also tend to say that if I win via anything other than pure PvP ability, I'm a noob who only fights that way because I suck at the game. I'd say it's part of the game :p

I understand that this rant is taking a similar format and pissed-off approach similar to overly competitive butthurt players, but in reality, I haven't won a game in ages because I haven't been doing anything but having fun, it just annoys me when my set challenge - killing people with raw chicken, for example - results in me being mercilessly taunted for not using my diamond sword and dying in the process.

/rant end
G33ke has a challenge.....
Anywho, some of this applies to me but I handle it differently.
-Im 12, but pretty mature.
-I donate to either be nice or because I wanna go one lobby without being kicked.
I think we need more community rules for donors because even in teamspeak other harassed by donors. A couple I actually will point out just to let them know they don't need to be an anatoli.
-EpicAlpha64 was harassing me in game by taunting me about no donor, I say it ran pit he says BURRRNNN.
-Deeejayyyy does it too, I'm in teamspeak in the recording channel recording, and he comes in and makes random noises and disturbs my commentary, thus forcing me to start over.
There are many more, those two stood out though. Just trying to prove a point that donors are lots more obnoxious lately, and the games are beginning to become a lot less fun due to people that are so obsessed with winning they scream their vocal cords out because they die. Players like that need to calm the frick down because its MCSG, it's natural to die in the games. Deal with it.


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
i have to say.. about 6 months ago when i donated for the first time.. There were less donors.. en they were nicer than most of the donors are now.. i'm not calling any names.. And i hope you don't think so about me :p But most of the donors and other people that you see in the forums. Are nice or they won't bother you.. In my opinion it are more the players who never look at the forums and such. I think that most of the forums people are nice :) and i like to play with them.. they make MCSG fun :D


Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
Eh, everything seems the same to me. I've been on the internet since I was like 6 so yea. I've been here and there, everywhere. The way I see it, this is how stuff usually is.


District 13
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
G33ke has a challenge.....
Anywho, some of this applies to me but I handle it differently.
-Im 12, but pretty mature.
-I donate to either be nice or because I wanna go one lobby without being kicked.
I think we need more community rules for donors because even in teamspeak other harassed by donors. A couple I actually will point out just to let them know they don't need to be an anatoli.
-EpicAlpha64 was harassing me in game by taunting me about no donor, I say it ran pit he says BURRRNNN.
-Deeejayyyy does it too, I'm in teamspeak in the recording channel recording, and he comes in and makes random noises and disturbs my commentary, thus forcing me to start over.
There are many more, those two stood out though. Just trying to prove a point that donors are lots more obnoxious lately, and the games are beginning to become a lot less fun due to people that are so obsessed with winning they scream their vocal cords out because they die. Players like that need to calm the frick down because its MCSG, it's natural to die in the games. Deal with it.
Don't bring Anatoli into this! You're gonna make me QQ

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