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What the heck happened to the community?!

DO you think the community needs a change?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 41 53.2%
  • No, the community is fine the way it is.

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • Somewhat, we can make a few changes.

    Votes: 32 41.6%

  • Total voters


Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
I have been here (the internet) from since I was four... Its been like this with anything popular... (except forums, they are to dumb to use them)


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Anywho, some of this applies to me but I handle it differently.
-Im 12, but pretty mature.
-I donate to either be nice or because I wanna go one lobby without being kicked.
Right, sorry about the "12 year old" stereotype. My brother is 12 and is infinitely more mature than me - he's easily the single most mature person under 18 that I know, but it's so easy to lop all the 12 year olds in one group, because it really is the majority of 10-13 year olds causing the problem. If you ask a group of mcsg players on-server their ages, the average age will be in that range, and then the same people so quick to brag about their age will, I've found, be the most likely to be asses for no logical reason.

Most people can only afford $10 toward the server, I fully understand that, and I'm sure plenty of Iron Donors care a lot about the server, but what I'm saying is that the majority of Iron Donors do it for the perks, which isn't necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, since it's the main reason for server revenue, but it gets frustrating knowing that they only fork over the money so they don't have to be patient like us poor people, since I find it hard to believe that the people who scream and cuss and hack really care about the server's monetary status.


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Right, sorry about the "12 year old" stereotype. My brother is 12 and is infinitely more mature than me - he's easily the single most mature person under 18 that I know, but it's so easy to lop all the 12 year olds in one group, because it really is the majority of 10-13 year olds causing the problem. If you ask a group of mcsg players on-server their ages, the average age will be in that range, and then the same people so quick to brag about their age will, I've found, be the most likely to be asses for no logical reason.

Most people can only afford $10 toward the server, I fully understand that, and I'm sure plenty of Iron Donors care a lot about the server, but what I'm saying is that the majority of Iron Donors do it for the perks, which isn't necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, since it's the main reason for server revenue, but it gets frustrating knowing that they only fork over the money so they don't have to be patient like us poor people, since I find it hard to believe that the people who scream and cuss and hack really care about the server's monetary status.
Well then their money was just a donation, hacks get you banned real quick!


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
I agree. The quantity of donors is getting ridiculously high, and the quality of donors is getting ridiculously low. Even some high-win and well known donors (not saying any names) cuss out and make fun of players when they kill them, and deny superior non-donor players to their team because they're not donors. I've seen iFrox or someone like that denied as a teammate by a group of 0 win donors that proceeded to mock him for his "lack of skill", and then he promptly killed them and screamed about him having hacks because there's no way a "noob" could ever have killed them.

Another thing that bothers me about this is all of the players who donate just to kick players. I've brought this up before, but it irks me to absolutely unfathomable ends. All these immature players who donate before they play their first game and constantly call everyone a noob...
I've been called a noob because I lost an even gear fight to a 20 win player, by that player. I know it's my own fault for dying because I suck, but these low-t 12 year olds need to check their facts, because it's getting annoying to be labeled a noob, especially when I'm the one who got the kill in the first place. I've literally seen maybe 5 non-donors call me a "noob" for killing them. The donor registers for the same statistic number in the 100s.
They also tend to say that if I win via anything other than pure PvP ability, I'm a noob who only fights that way because I suck at the game. I'd say it's part of the game :p

I understand that this rant is taking a similar format and pissed-off approach similar to overly competitive butthurt players, but in reality, I haven't won a game in ages because I haven't been doing anything but having fun, it just annoys me when my set challenge - killing people with raw chicken, for example - results in me being mercilessly taunted for not using my diamond sword and dying in the process.

/rant end
Right, sorry about the "12 year old" stereotype. My brother is 12 and is infinitely more mature than me - he's easily the single most mature person under 18 that I know, but it's so easy to lop all the 12 year olds in one group, because it really is the majority of 10-13 year olds causing the problem. If you ask a group of mcsg players on-server their ages, the average age will be in that range, and then the same people so quick to brag about their age will, I've found, be the most likely to be asses for no logical reason.

Most people can only afford $10 toward the server, I fully understand that, and I'm sure plenty of Iron Donors care a lot about the server, but what I'm saying is that the majority of Iron Donors do it for the perks, which isn't necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, since it's the main reason for server revenue, but it gets frustrating knowing that they only fork over the money so they don't have to be patient like us poor people, since I find it hard to believe that the people who scream and cuss and hack really care about the server's monetary status.
That is all.

(This is officially the only post I've ever created on any forum that contained any less than 2 sentences...and those with less than a paragraph are rare as it is...)


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
(This is officially the only post I've ever created on any forum that contained any less than 2 sentences...and those with less than a paragraph are rare as it is...)
More than two sentences with that in it :3


Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
I was on a different MC Community and someone got arrested for cyber-bullying the owner turned him in i died one time and people say "Ethan your a kissup Good im in bed with your mom" WTF Thats not doing anything A I got good IRL Friends B I have Good MCSG Community friends and C My moms upstairs working idiots! And D I have a good life i got a girfriend good friends good gaming friends good family and a roof over my head what more could i ask for


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Screenshotted and reported. <3
Same here, buddy. <3 (As a mod, I feel the need to confirm I'm joking for those who read this, before some unneeded drama occurs...it's happened before. >.>)

More than two sentences with that in it :3
Doesn't count. It was a side note. D:

Anyway - you guys can get back on topic now. I don't want to derail this thread, I just had to point it out. :3

Although, to contribute to the topic a bit - While I never have experienced too many donors doing this myself, I do understand that the reason may very well be that I'm not the one experiencing it - I do not notice it so much as it's never happened to me. (As soon as a mod comes in game, they all shut up anyway...)
If you feel you're being harassed/they are truly "cussing you out" or anything of the like, feel free to take screenshots and report them - they may be donors, but they aren't above the rules.

(Also, try to keep insults directed towards them to a minimum. I don't want flame wars in this thread. :p It's already a very touchy subject, blatantly calling out people doing "X" thing. Let's keep comments/discussions clean of flaming. :p)

Edit: Should confirm that when I'm talking about donors, it's because I've read the most recent/quoted posts in my reply. Might make more sense if you read those first. Edited other various parts of the post as well...I tend to do that a lot. >.>


Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
Same here, buddy. <3 (As a mod, I feel the need to confirm I'm joking for those who read this...)

Doesn't count. It was a side note. D:

Anyway - you guys can get back on topic now. I don't want to derail this thread, I just had to point it out. :3

Although, to contribute to the topic a bit - While I never have experienced too many donors doing this myself, I do understand that the reason may very well be that I'm not the one experiencing it - I do not notice it so much as it's never happened to me. (As soon as a mod comes in game, they all shut up anyway...)
If you feel you're being harassed/they are truly "cussing you out" or anything of the like, feel free to take screenshots and report them - they may be donors, but they aren't above the rules.

(Also, try to keep insults directed towards them to a minimum. I don't want flame wars in this thread. :p)
G33ke Or just G You should get sr. Mod if it was my choice your nice awesome (Wit dem posts) And a fair mod


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
I feel like everyone who posts alot of paragraphs on this thread get a ton of likes :p

My thoughts:

I had donor for one month (Torchscar kindly bought it for me because like many others I cannot afford it). I have seen many players want to team with me just because I'm donor. The common belief with these 'noobs' is that donors are automatically more skilled when they get donor. I could have 0 points and 10 wins and they would still want to team.

This is bad for two reasons:

1. The donors take advantage of these kids and betray/are douchy to them.
2. Once these kids get donor, they think they are better then everyone else.

There is nothing to do about this. Does it cause conflict? Yes. Does it annoy kind people? Yes. But it is a part of society that we just have to live with. Almost everything we do is based of popular belief and ideas. There is no fix to this, and pointing it out doesnt do much either.

Humans are humans, they are not perfect, and they will continue to be imperfect until the end of time. It is a sad fact. Some times we let our egos get the best of our selves and end up hurting someone.

You can't directly effect the this, but by doing your part and being a mature, kind person, we can be one person closer to fixing this.


Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
I feel like everyone who posts alot of paragraphs on this thread get a ton of likes :p

My thoughts:

I had donor for one month (Torchscar kindly bought it for me because like many others I cannot afford it). I have seen many players want to team with me just because I'm donor. The common belief with these 'noobs' is that donors are automatically more skilled when they get donor. I could have 0 points and 10 wins and they would still want to team.

This is bad for two reasons:

1. The donors take advantage of these kids and betray/are douchy to them.
2. Once these kids get donor, they think they are better then everyone else.

There is nothing to do about this. Does it cause conflict? Yes. Does it annoy kind people? Yes. But it is a part of society that we just have to live with. Almost everything we do is based of popular belief and ideas. There is no fix to this, and pointing it out doesnt do much either.

Humans are humans, they are not perfect, and they will continue to be imperfect until the end of time. It is a sad fact. Some times we let our egos get the best of our selves and end up hurting someone.

You can't directly effect the this, but by doing your part and being a mature, kind person, we can be one person closer to fixing this.
dat was pretty deep d00d. *lieks cause of human species talk*

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