"Firstly, is this not slightly offensive to us "peasants"? Seeing as you're the one saying that some staff members would see themselves as more important than us?"
- No I'm saying even if all the mods wanted it and one admin didn't, it probably wouldn't happen. Whether I like it or not, as a mod, even if I want and try to make this community better, my limitations stop me. I'm not saying you're not important, I'm saying its not US who make the decision, I should have made it more clear I do include myself in the group of people who can't really make too much of a change. And telling Chad how to run his servers and his staff is diffirent than where he should open servers. If it were me, I might even be offended by this {even though I'm kinda touchy-feely like that and take offence quick}.
"The fact that Forum Moderators aren't needed doesn't really convince me at all. Again, going back to our AU servers; they weren't needed. We could've just kept on lagging in US, but we didn't. Why?
Because higher members of staff could see that this would be hugely beneficial and they chose to input it.
It is my opinion that this could also be beneficial, which is why it should be implemented.
It's not needed, but it can't do any harm."
- It can do SOOOOOO much harm, this is where {if I were to say mods are better/know better than players} it would be here. Because there's the side to modding these servers that anyone who isn't staff can't see. The side where mods with higher powers {Sr. Mods+} abuse/ get power hungry. Currently no ones doing this {thank the almighty flying spaghetti! RAMEN!} but it's happened in the past, not to mention the fighting and disagreeing that already happens between mods now. Giving people ONLY "Forum Mod" will make them feel less powerful than those with both "Forum Mod" and "In-Game Mod" will just cause more fights, more power hungry people, more people who look down on others. And you could argue against this saying "they know they will have less powers, they know that the others are most modly, and above them" but that'll just cause fights and rifts between mods. The staff has to be one FULL unit of people, all having either Mod, equal same powers to everyone of this level {which is somewhere around 100 people or more now} or higher ups, trusted people who worked hard to earn being more trusted. It's just unfair to make it so there's a level below mod. Its just gonna open ways to mock people. Imagine being a "Forum Mod" and telling someone on the forums off and then he just goes "Youuuuuuuuuu are just a Forum Mod! What are you gonna do?! Delete my post!" Think of how devestating that could be to someone. People come online to get away from those kind of people, making lesser and better types of Mods would just be stupid. It could hurt people, way more than it could benefit people.
"To clear up the forums.
To make current moderators jobs easier.
To me, in no way could this be a hindrance to you guys.
Although obviously, we disagree again."
-Again, as an "In-Game Mod" most of my bans come from the site, most of the things I do come from the site. If i had the permission to make it better I would be working on it this exact moment, but I don't, currently admins and up can do most of the important things, and sometimes Sr. Mods and up, like taking care of the "UGG guys" I LIKE working on the forums, if this thing takes away me working on the forums because there's a new type of "Mod" so I can focus on "In-Game troubles" I will have NOTHING to do as a mod. I cant go from server to server just looking for hackers.. when i do find a hacker I record it and move on, but it's stupid to make that my ONLY job. I can't take care of lag, I cant help with no cheat. That's all developer things. And if you say "but you can mod both!" then why would anyone apply to be forum mod?! why have less power than a different type of mod when you could probably have the same type of mod as them. How would you feel if someone who has "In-Game Mod" just came and did all your work for you? would you be annoyed at him for it?
"One last thing I wanted to say was that don't you think it's fair to give it a chance?
What's wrong with that?
Another thing is that age wise (assuming it was a lower requirement) it gives us a fair shot."
- Not gonna lie, If anything, it'll have HIGHER age requirement, you need to be more mature on the forums than on the servers.. So really... it'll either be the same age, or probably a higher age.
Hope this cleared my point of view why this would be a bad idea...
******IF YOU'RE LAZY!******
- It would not help, only take away some of the work, I don't think moderating the forums is that hard, and I find it fun, if we have those mods I wont have anything to do on here.
- It could and probably would hurt the Forums Mods feelings.
- There aren't too many In-Game things to do... Most bans come from report abuse, that's a fact.
-The age requirement most likely wont be lower.