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Your Most Epic Fight


Aug 23, 2012
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I'm not sure if it counts as a "fight" but I remember I went into a game with someone I really hate. He had previously made fun of my friend and I was trying to ignore him but I ended up running into him at the airbase on SG4. I had a stone sword and chain pants and he had a wooden sword and a leather tunic. He tried to give me stuff and say "Joker pls team" but I was so pissed I ended up running at him. He fled back to corn where there was a team of two in chain/gold armor already. Running past them, the team of two then turned and targeted me.

Usually I'm a very panicked player and I tend to run and go "AAAAAAAA D:" when I see a powerful team. I was so dead set on killing him though I remember thinking "Get out of my way." I massacred the two, quickly equipped their armor, then went back to chasing him. He ran all over the map and tried to hide behind others, who would attempt to kill me for him. Anyone who got in my way just DIED. I killed 4 more people in my bloodlusted state, most of whom had better armor than me. Finally he ran to the train and dove into the river. There was a tribute in full iron and a diamond sword. At this point I had half chain half iron and an iron sword. Two fools in leather ran infront and tried to team on me, but got murdered like the others. With six hearts I strafed around the guy in full iron and killed him. Not waiting to regen, I jumped into the river and attacked my target, just as he said, "Joker please team".

And then I won the game c:

TLDR; I kill people that you hide behind.


District 13
Jun 4, 2012
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Map 3 I climbed the Mountian and got a bow and like 3 arrows and almost full gold.
OP dude came up to kill me I fishing poled them a bit down than he came up than I jumped below him and got lots of hits on him (wood sword) he ran and jumped into the big river (I was really far behind) he got a distance and I got 3 long distance snipes to kill one of my first couple wins


Feb 18, 2013
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I was playing on SG 1, and i went to the middle where a lot of blocks were lite on fire from a previous fight, and then 3 other people showed up, and we had a fight in the fire, lol i felt like a bad ass


May 21, 2012
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I pulled back to regen after a fight whilst my teammate hit them, after a few hits from him the three of them started running.
I shot 1 arrow which hit the first guy in the back of the head then the second did the same.


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
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Oh man so many...
1. My friend Sudnofsky and I teamed for a round. An opposing team was Elebits and Hiqhlights... We're screwed right? Not quite yet, Elebits takes out Sudnofsky, but I then kill him and take the 2 diamonds he had :3 i go craft my dia sword (sg4 btw) then go to spawn for refill where Hiqhlights is sitting there, full iron iron sword (also have full iron by this time. I rush in we have an intense battle with a lot of running and a large golden apple consumption. The whole time we are ducking into chests quickly hoping to find some loot. After 3 minutes he kills me. Gg it was one of the best fights I have ever been in.
2. Sg4 I took out 2 teams of 3 and a team of 2 nuff said.
3. Breeze: I have full chain and a dia sword, but I am being attacked by a team of 3 all whom have equal or better armor than I do and iron swords. With the help of fishing rods and the noobiness of the team of 3 I kill them then proceed to take out a team of 2 in dm.
4. Solar Frost: my route provides me with nothing but food and an iron helmet, out of desperation, with 60 seconds till dm I check the secret tier 2 double chest. It provides me with a stone axe that was left there by someone else. It's deathwatch me vs full iron dia sword guy and noob with stone sword leather chests late. Somehow I find 2 iron lying on the ground, while the other two fight I make an iron sword. Now the focus is on me and the op guy. It goes back and forth with me finally winning! I had 1 heart so I immediately turn, the noob is running towards me. I use my flint and steel to burn the gear so he can't get it. I pull out my fishing rod , but there is no need, he waddles right into the fire and I hit him once with my sword. Gg
5. Not an epic fight, but an epic kill wish I had been recording it. On TSG2 I am op and have gotten corn refill when a noob runs up with a stone sword leather chest and cap. I get a lot of hits on him and he turns and begins running. So I pull out my fishing rod, trying to knock him off track so I can finish the deal. I don't succeed in that, but I do succeed in pushing him into a cactus where he promptly is pricked to death :3


Mar 3, 2013
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Oh man so many...
1. My friend Sudnofsky and I teamed for a round. An opposing team was Elebits and Hiqhlights... We're screwed right? Not quite yet, Elebits takes out Sudnofsky, but I then kill him and take the 2 diamonds he had :3 i go craft my dia sword (sg4 btw) then go to spawn for refill where Hiqhlights is sitting there, full iron iron sword (also have full iron by this time. I rush in we have an intense battle with a lot of running and a large golden apple consumption. The whole time we are ducking into chests quickly hoping to find some loot. After 3 minutes he kills me. Gg it was one of the best fights I have ever been in.
2. Sg4 I took out 2 teams of 3 and a team of 2 nuff said.
3. Breeze: I have full chain and a dia sword, but I am being attacked by a team of 3 all whom have equal or better armor than I do and iron swords. With the help of fishing rods and the noobiness of the team of 3 I kill them then proceed to take out a team of 2 in dm.
4. Solar Frost: my route provides me with nothing but food and an iron helmet, out of desperation, with 60 seconds till dm I check the secret tier 2 double chest. It provides me with a stone axe that was left there by someone else. It's deathwatch me vs full iron dia sword guy and noob with stone sword leather chests late. Somehow I find 2 iron lying on the ground, while the other two fight I make an iron sword. Now the focus is on me and the op guy. It goes back and forth with me finally winning! I had 1 heart so I immediately turn, the noob is running towards me. I use my flint and steel to burn the gear so he can't get it. I pull out my fishing rod , but there is no need, he waddles right into the fire and I hit him once with my sword. Gg
5. Not an epic fight, but an epic kill wish I had been recording it. On TSG2 I am op and have gotten corn refill when a noob runs up with a stone sword leather chest and cap. I get a lot of hits on him and he turns and begins running. So I pull out my fishing rod, trying to knock him off track so I can finish the deal. I don't succeed in that, but I do succeed in pushing him into a cactus where he promptly is pricked to death :3
What is your most epic fight? The title says it all.

My epic fight was with some guy, (I forgot his name) we were in map 4. I was running away from him he had full chain iron sword and I had leather/iron iron sword. I went to the train and right when I ran through that little space I lit it up with fire and we fought. When I had low health, I pulled my bow while he pulled his bow at the same time and we both shot and we both died at the same time. It was so epic. There was just a bunch of loot sitting there.

My most epic fight ever was when I killed a guy.....


Mar 3, 2013
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XD Jk my most epic fight was when I killed Bajan Canadian a couple months ago on the day he posted his 50th Hunger Games Vid, he never posted the match lawl.


Jul 29, 2012
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8 people with vip 2000 points, i used to call em' team purple xD
Anyways, i fought and killed five, in a fair fight, with flint and steel too :p


District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Something happened?
Was he lagging etc..?
I don't really recall the situation to well, but I do recall it being one of only two times that I've ever not put any damage onto someone in a deathmatch fight. I may have just gotten done killing the third person and he came up to me to fight and put a couple hits onto me and when I tried to hit him I missed, resulting in me running from him the whole time and ultimately failing.

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