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Your Most Epic Fight

Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oh gawd I love telling stories, how have I not told this one yet. Sunset. Standing in the center of the collapsed towers on SG2. Beautiful red light everywhere thanks to shaders. I had full chain, iron sword, he had full gold, iron sword. We ran at eachother and met on an incline in the center of the wreckage. Avoiding holes we spun around, attempting to kill, or push off the other player. If you know MC physics, you know that you can cling on vines (even hanging vines) by holding shift. I turn towerds him, we had both bashed eachother insanly close to the edges. I turn see a fully drawn bow in my face, and wam! I fall off the edge. Despretly, I scramble back up, grabbing the vines on the edge on the collapsed area. I climb back up, just as he peeks over to see what happened to me, and why there was no cannon. We shock eachother. I let go, he falls off, and we both grab the vines hanging halfway down the buildings. This began the eternal staring contest. To far off and nervous to hit eachother, we hung, suspended in midair for 10 minutes, until someone came and shot us down via bow. Kinda amazing :p


Dec 15, 2012
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Breeze islan to people chasing me in water I regained my health I had full iron and iron sword so did one of my enimeys the other had leather and wood sword I took out both of them then later one that game


Feb 25, 2013
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This was way back when oZeppy was still here and had like 10 wins.

I met oZeppy when he and I were both noobs at MCSG. We decided to Skype team because of his skin :p So I had like 30 wins back then and it was considered a lot. He knew that I was better than him, so when we were the last ones in a game in SG1, I gave him the diamond sword and full iron armor, while I had gold helm and chest, with leather pants and iron boots (I remembered every moment) and a wood sword. We only fought with swords; no bows, no flint n steel, nothing except swords. We fought each other for a long time, then I used that move of mine where I'm acting like I'm running, then I turn around real fast and start hitting him, then I ended up winning.

Ahhh, I remember the good ol' days. I still have oZeppy on skype, but we don't talk much anymore.


Feb 28, 2013
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One of my most epic fights and one of my favorite matches was against mr. Blamph. There were 4 people left: me, him, themegaryan17, and some other guy that ryan was teamed with. Blamph was running and I offered to panic team with him and he said yes :D We killed the team and it came to deathmatch. He had full iron and a diamond sword, and I had a mix of chain and gold with and iron sword. Got 4 straight bow shots from a long distance and finished off with my sword. I was so happy, I still have the snapshot of my chat xD He almost killed me too!


May 28, 2012
Reaction score
This is one of my epic fights which is i fought 3 hackers. They were all in a team and there was only me and that team left. So i was pretty scared, as i've heard the players in that team are hackers. They went chasing me, only 2 of them. the last one was sorting out his inventory or something. I killed the first guy who went for me without losing a sinlge or half a heart, same goes to the 2nd guy. the third one was an easy kill. I won the match! :D


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
I don't really recall the situation to well, but I do recall it being one of only two times that I've ever not put any damage onto someone in a deathmatch fight. I may have just gotten done killing the third person and he came up to me to fight and put a couple hits onto me and when I tried to hit him I missed, resulting in me running from him the whole time and ultimately failing.
I got many hits on you so I don't think you were hurt when it started. Might of just been a Derp xD


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
My top 3

1. Me and my friend ozeyfire fought Gravey4rd and Dognitro at breeze island. Me and ozey had lether tunics and wood swords. we saw Dog and Grave in the water, they both had gold armor and wood swords. I warned ozey about graveyard knowing how good he was, but he didn't listen so he charged him and surprisingly got the first few hits, but gravey reset, and smoked him, but ozey did get some nice blows on him. As they fought dog sat back and watched. Grave saw me on shore and fired 3 shots and missing them all. I picked up the arrows and nailed him with all 3 until the cannon fired and his loot was on the ground. 600 points for killing him. Next was dogniro (he had better armor than grave did). He swooped down for the armor but i fish poled him off and picked it up. ready for war i got underneath dog and got some vital hits on him forcing him into a run. I chased for about 3 minutes until the sun began to set. As i went middle dog went for the big boat. After getting the middle i had full iron armor except for gold pants. He had the same armor (good boat refill i guess). I charged and we battle strong for atleast 40 seconds until he got some room and went for the creeper eye. I knew he might pull this off because i knew alot of experienced pvpers knew the trick... But it prepared for it. I sunk 3 of 4 arrows and him and he fell to the bottom of the vines, barely alive. I leaped onto the vines and struck him twice and he died. I won.

2. My teammate mobsk8r helped big in this fight. xSwagGiraffe had got the middle and me and him only had weak leather armor and stone swords. Swag had full chain and a diamond sword. I knew we needed to team up to take him down so we ran around the middle until swag fell in the water. I shot him which knocked him back enough for mob to attack. They exchanged blows until mob had 3 hearts left, so i fish poled our foe back until mob was out of the water. My turn. I dove in blindsiding him sending him flying up onto shore. He dealt no hits on me so i lured him back into the water, taking about 4 hearts in exchange. While he was in the water me and mob fish poled him until he regenerated. He jumped back at him and got bullied bad, so i quickly got him out of there and attacked him myself dealing out about 3 or 4 hits. I could tell he was low so we double teamed him and got him to run. about 2 minutes left in deathmatch. We stared eachother down until me and mob were ready for round 3. I went first this time and i got that extra hit on him. Mob then jumped in and got trapped on the floor of the water surrounding the breeze island corn. He died. I decided now was the time to react and i jumped in clicking as fast as I possibly could. With 1 heart left SwagGiraffe died and I had won the hunger games.

3. The next one is short. i had nothing all game, only a leather cap. I was in the final 4 and decided to go to the middle. in the middle was a team of 3, full iron, diamond swords. They spotted me and the chase was on. I ran as fast as i could getting hit everyonce in a while until i was down to 2 hearts. I thought (well, i tried) and i was about to give up until i realized. The Sg4 ravine. I ran to the ravine and dove in, landing in the water safely. As i hoped, the team of 3 followed and they all hit the rocks and died. I was in shock, but I won the game!

Sorry for it being long but these were the most epic, blood pumping games i have ever played :\ sorry.


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
My top 3

1. Me and my friend ozeyfire fought Gravey4rd and Dognitro at breeze island. Me and ozey had lether tunics and wood swords. we saw Dog and Grave in the water, they both had gold armor and wood swords. I warned ozey about graveyard knowing how good he was, but he didn't listen so he charged him and surprisingly got the first few hits, but gravey reset, and smoked him, but ozey did get some nice blows on him. As they fought dog sat back and watched. Grave saw me on shore and fired 3 shots and missing them all. I picked up the arrows and nailed him with all 3 until the cannon fired and his loot was on the ground. 600 points for killing him. Next was dogniro (he had better armor than grave did). He swooped down for the armor but i fish poled him off and picked it up. ready for war i got underneath dog and got some vital hits on him forcing him into a run. I chased for about 3 minutes until the sun began to set. As i went middle dog went for the big boat. After getting the middle i had full iron armor except for gold pants. He had the same armor (good boat refill i guess). I charged and we battle strong for atleast 40 seconds until he got some room and went for the creeper eye. I knew he might pull this off because i knew alot of experienced pvpers knew the trick... But it prepared for it. I sunk 3 of 4 arrows and him and he fell to the bottom of the vines, barely alive. I leaped onto the vines and struck him twice and he died. I won.

2. My teammate mobsk8r helped big in this fight. xSwagGiraffe had got the middle and me and him only had weak leather armor and stone swords. Swag had full chain and a diamond sword. I knew we needed to team up to take him down so we ran around the middle until swag fell in the water. I shot him which knocked him back enough for mob to attack. They exchanged blows until mob had 3 hearts left, so i fish poled our foe back until mob was out of the water. My turn. I dove in blindsiding him sending him flying up onto shore. He dealt no hits on me so i lured him back into the water, taking about 4 hearts in exchange. While he was in the water me and mob fish poled him until he regenerated. He jumped back at him and got bullied bad, so i quickly got him out of there and attacked him myself dealing out about 3 or 4 hits. I could tell he was low so we double teamed him and got him to run. about 2 minutes left in deathmatch. We stared eachother down until me and mob were ready for round 3. I went first this time and i got that extra hit on him. Mob then jumped in and got trapped on the floor of the water surrounding the breeze island corn. He died. I decided now was the time to react and i jumped in clicking as fast as I possibly could. With 1 heart left SwagGiraffe died and I had won the hunger games.

3. The next one is short. i had nothing all game, only a leather cap. I was in the final 4 and decided to go to the middle. in the middle was a team of 3, full iron, diamond swords. They spotted me and the chase was on. I ran as fast as i could getting hit everyonce in a while until i was down to 2 hearts. I thought (well, i tried) and i was about to give up until i realized. The Sg4 ravine. I ran to the ravine and dove in, landing in the water safely. As i hoped, the team of 3 followed and they all hit the rocks and died. I was in shock, but I won the game!

Sorry for it being long but these were the most epic, blood pumping games i have ever played :\ sorry.
Oh yeah and this one...

4. As some people may or may not know I have a bad reputation with McFinest. (check out their 46th hunger games) And me and my friend ozeyfire were waiting in lobby for the match to start when j_martt, matias, and pioneers joined the game. I was excited to face them yet again so me and ozey stuck together on TSG2 and got both stone swords. We found pioneers weaponless with gold and leather armor on and we got lots of hits on him. He decided to run, leading us to j_martt and matias who were in a fight of their own. anyways, pioneers got tripped up on parkourish jump and i got the final hits on him. Me and ozey quickly exchanged his armor making it even, then focused back towards the rest of McFinest. J_Martt was fighting some n00b when Matias spotted me. Wanting revenge (most likely) he and j_martt charged and we braced for action. I took matias and ozey naturally took j_martt because he knew me and matias had kind of a rivalry going on. I got lots of hits on matias sending him flying into a near by river while ozey butted heads with j_martt until ozey turned to run, but he ran right into matias and was killed. J_martt charged me while matias went through ozey's crap. I fought like crap against j_martt but ended up killing him with 1 heart left. Matias now got ozey's armor and charged me as hard as he could, but luckily he was on a log over the river and i used one of my 3 arrows to shoot him back in the water. That cleared up enough time to eat a gold apple and regenerate to about 5 or 6 hearts. We battled but he got a few more hits off on me and i had about 1 heart left, so i used my arrows for 2 close combat shots and matias died. I ended up with the armor i had on when i killed matias fighting against a team of 2 with full iron armor, I killed 1 but with only 1/2 heart left I was sniped and I lost. Thats it. No more stories.

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