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Team Nitride - [New Owner]

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Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Erik Sjöberg
MineCraft Name: Ninjaswede9
Region: EU
Exact date of birth: 1999/12/12
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?: 577
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?: 22
Why you want to join Nitride?: I like playing SG it is so funny even funnier than LoL :p I like playing with other people so I want to join Nitride because I want to team with great pvpers (also im friend with Sneeze7 IRL, he thinks I'm a meat)
Something good you have done in MCSG?:Like in a game? Once I was alone 1v1 I had leather armor and a sstone sword against a guy that had iron armor and a diamond sword and killed him (with help from flint and steel) and Sneeze7 has a video of me going into a battle killing 5 people in one fight.
Why should we accept you?: I'm a good pvper and I could support team Nitride by teaming with you guys and help you win.
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes: No.
Skype name? And do you have a mic?:Sjoberg99, yes I do
TeamSpeak name: Ninjaswede9
Accepted. Welcome to the team.

max scaife

Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : Max scaife
MineCraft Name: Fizzchicken
Region (EU/AU/US): eu
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 2/1/1997
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 854
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED):24
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): looks like FUN ^_^
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): killed pure223 XD
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED):because im good at stuff like killing things
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED):i once got kicked for spamming "i love kfc"
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: max.scaife and i do have a mic
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED):


Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : Josh W
MineCraft Name: hyper_giraffe
Region (EU/AU/US): Eu
Exact date of birth (No lieing):10th febuary 1999
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED):1018
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED):31
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED):my friends are in it and want to be in a clan
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED):got a hacker banned
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED):because i'm good
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED):no
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?:Josh willoughby, yes i have a mic
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED):I will get it later


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : Max scaife
MineCraft Name: Fizzchicken
Region (EU/AU/US): eu
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 2/1/1997
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 854
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED):24
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): looks like FUN ^_^
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): killed pure223 XD
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED):because im good at stuff like killing things
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED):i once got kicked for spamming "i love kfc"
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: max.scaife and i do have a mic
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED):


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Ryan mack
MineCraft Name: Ryanmack1
Region: EU
Exact date of birth: 1999.7.31
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?: 917
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?: 14
Why you want to join Nitride?: Because Survival games is fun and i am quite competitive and want to help nitride :) and im friends with bayneplauge
Something good you have done in MCSG?: I have won killed a guy before with only a stone sword and no armour he had full iron but wooden axe then i took his armour made a better sword and won the game :D
Why should we accept you?: I am good at pvp and whenever any nitride is on i help them if they need it and the people in nitride are nice
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes: No
Skype name? And do you have a mic?:Ryan.mack37, yes I do
TeamSpeak name: Dont have teamspeak but can make won :D


max scaife

Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : Max Scaife
MineCraft Name: Fizzchicken
Region (EU/AU/US): eu
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 2nd Jan 1997
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 887
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 25
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): i'v eapplied before but i really want to join my firend is Charlesyummyegg and i think i will do well for nitride
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): killed pure223 XD
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): Im firendly and i will give nitride a good name
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): i once got kicked for spamming (if that counts)
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: max.scaife and i do have a mic
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): don't have it yet will get it ASAP


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : Max Scaife
MineCraft Name: Fizzchicken
Region (EU/AU/US): eu
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 2nd Jan 1997
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 887
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 25
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): i'v eapplied before but i really want to join my firend is Charlesyummyegg and i think i will do well for nitride
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): killed pure223 XD
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): Im firendly and i will give nitride a good name
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): i once got kicked for spamming (if that counts)
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: max.scaife and i do have a mic
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): don't have it yet will get it ASAP
Declined. you need to get more wins to be honest then we may think of adding you


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Nitride Clan Rankings (Will be updated):
Owner: Eshancowee
Co-Owner: Tacklepop
Administrators: Echo_555
Moderators: Loic1212, Poppi11, Purewelshboy1, Sneeze7
Trusted Members: TaiserRY, Theoretically, Elias1312, Iprogames, Hyrulekid, Killerkrok39, Creepy_Crawler, Roellie9933, Hypezfizz
Regular Members: xXCireEricXx, BaynePlauge, Joe123go, abaabia
New Members: CharlesYummyegg, xXxphilippxXx,Isaacdumbledore, Craftwizard0104, DestinyE, Mattyisback, Philly67, Travis
Hacker Hunter: VebbiHD
Possible Members (Trial): Minertomtom , Blazemaster561 , Ninjaswede9, Dahlbom99 , TheNinjahedgehog, Godzilla603.


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Possible Members (trial): You will be Trial for around a month. If you are still pretty regular for a month you will be ranked up to New Members. New Members: To rank up from New Member you have to be a regular Member for Nitride and play every at elast every 2-3 days unless you are ill or away somewhere. Regular Members: To rank up from Regular member you must be trusted in all kind of ways you must be in nitride for about 3-4 months fighting with us in clan battles and keeping the team up to scratch. Trusted Members: You are now a Trusted member of the team this is the highest rank you can get unless an Admin or Owner accepts you to Mod. Hacker Hunter: To get this rank you have to have caught over 100 hackers from MCSG then you will be Hacker Hunter. Mods: You will be chosen by an Admin or the Owner's to become this rank. You will have the responsibility to to lead the group and to keep an eye out on the team, so that it stays together.


Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
Name(For example Dylan S.) : Ethan Y.
MineCraft Name: ethanfan21
Region (EU/AU/US): US but play EU servers mainly
Exact date of birth (No lying): 9/12/96
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 1575
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED):41
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): because it'll be fun and you guys are the best clan
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED):
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): Because I win.. legitly.. plus I have helped a lot of others win
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): nope
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: ElloGouvna. my computer has a good mic
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): I don't have one but if accepted I will make one :)
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