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Admitting to Hacking in Chat

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Jun 27, 2013
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I agree with this, saying you hack in chat is a true and false thing. How would you know if they was actually hacking and who would be dumb enough to actually say they're hacking in chat?

Maybe a 24 hour ban would be better or even a 1 hour mute or longer, a 7-day ban is just stupid.


Dec 23, 2013
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The staff take into consideration what people say all the time but overall rules are rules for a reason. If the public don't read and follow the rules it is their own fault and if you are stupid enough to say you hack in chat it's your own fault.
Watch the language pls


Aug 20, 2012
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*Staff takes this post seriously only because Huahwi wrote it*
a.) Not at all :p

b.) My opinion. Being a staff member for over three months now, I can come to the conclusion that you are in fact not entirely true. There are, in fact cases, where people have been banned for joking about hacking in chat when they clearly aren't hackers. But then again, there are far more cases than you could imagine (because you aren't a moderator) in which there has been somebody who said "i hack" in chat, and actually was hacking. Most of the time, it occurs on the EU region. I've run into multiple people saying "I hack" in chat, and I'd screenshot it to deal with them later, run into them in game, and BAM, they're hacking. While this may seem absurd to some people, it actually does help in more cases than it does hurt in the long run. To add on to that, hacking is a serious matter. You shouldn't be joking about it anyway in public chat as not to cause panic, if you have to say a hacking joke to a friend, message it to them, even, or just tell them on Skype or Teamspeak.


Jul 2, 2013
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Maybe we should enforce the rule on accusing someone of hacking in chat, the same way as if someone were to admit to hacking in chat jokingly or vaguely or not, instead of letting them all off with a warning. Both are based off of lying/trolling. Easily misinterpreted. 7-day bans for everything relating to hacks? This seems to be where this situation is leading, based on some of these ideas. It doesn't make any sense to me and most of the people. Anyways, this is an easy problem to fix that will help the servers and the community. There is not one negative side to decreasing the punishment of "admitting to hacking in chat". Do not tell me that there will be an increase in hackers/trolls/lying. Think more logically about this. Whether it'd be "admitting to hacking/lying/trolling", those should all be dealt with accordingly in a timely manner. It only hurts newer players and some current players more if the punishment of "admitting to hacking in chat" stays this way. There is no negative side to lowering the punishment. Leaving the rule as it is now, there is only a higher chance that players will move into a more friendly/fair server after getting banned for 7-days because of "admitting to hacking in chat".


Oct 20, 2012
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Maybe we should enforce the rule on accusing someone of hacking in chat, the same way as if someone were to admit to hacking in chat jokingly or vaguely or not, instead of letting them all off with a warning. Both are based off of lying/trolling. Easily misinterpreted. 7-day bans for everything relating to hacks? This seems to be where this situation is leading, based on some of these ideas. It doesn't make any sense to me and most of the people. Anyways, this is an easy problem to fix that will help the servers and the community. There is not one negative side to decreasing the punishment of "admitting to hacking in chat". Do not tell me that there will be an increase in hackers/trolls/lying. Think more logically about this. Whether it'd be "admitting to hacking/lying/trolling", those should all be dealt with accordingly in a timely manner. It only hurts newer players and some current players more if the punishment of "admitting to hacking in chat" stays this way. There is no negative side to lowering the punishment. Leaving the rule as it is now, there is only a higher chance that players will move into a more friendly/fair server after getting banned for 7-days because of "admitting to hacking in chat".
You bring up valid points, however we as staff are unable to distinguish between what is actually trolling/lying/admitting, and if someone
does admit, we see it as them saying that they have committed a hacking offence in the server, and this, more than anything, is causing players to leave.

Though it would be nice for those who do fall victim to joking and getting banned, it doesn't really make sense to have different punishments for something like aimbot and admitting to aimbot. Decreasing the punishment would potentially give hackers the impression that we no longer value hacking as a horrific offence on the server, prompting them to do it again.

Also, when people say 'I hack' we take it seriously because sometimes people use hacks that cannot be detected such as Increased Gamma, and people saying this allow us to catch them easily.


Aug 20, 2012
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Maybe we should enforce the rule on accusing someone of hacking in chat, the same way as if someone were to admit to hacking in chat jokingly or vaguely or not, instead of letting them all off with a warning. Both are based off of lying/trolling. Easily misinterpreted. 7-day bans for everything relating to hacks? This seems to be where this situation is leading, based on some of these ideas. It doesn't make any sense to me and most of the people. Anyways, this is an easy problem to fix that will help the servers and the community. There is not one negative side to decreasing the punishment of "admitting to hacking in chat". Do not tell me that there will be an increase in hackers/trolls/lying. Think more logically about this. Whether it'd be "admitting to hacking/lying/trolling", those should all be dealt with accordingly in a timely manner. It only hurts newer players and some current players more if the punishment of "admitting to hacking in chat" stays this way. There is no negative side to lowering the punishment. Leaving the rule as it is now, there is only a higher chance that players will move into a more friendly/fair server after getting banned for 7-days because of "admitting to hacking in chat".
This is a valid point. No matter what, however, this should still be a bannable offense, joking about hacking is a very serious matter and as I stated before can definitely catch hackers who are silly enough to admit to hacking in a public environment. That would be the main argument for keeping the rule at the same amount of punishment time. A relevant argument for lowering the punishment time to something such as 3-5 days would be that a lot of innocent players are nabbed for this, without truly realizing it is a rule, again this goes back to the blame being placed on them for not reading the rules.

In order for the punishment time to be lowered on this, "admitting to hacking" would have to become it's own offense, as it is currently treated as a strike for just regular "hacking". This will cause problems because it may take longer to permanently remove consistent rule breakers from our network, and anybody who consistently breaks our rules without any regard for taking them into consideration should not be here anyway.
Jan 8, 2014
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We don't have to agree to anything. We can have our own opinions if we wanted to. The reason a lot of staff member support this a good rule is because we are on the banning side... not the side of people getting banned.
you don't have your own opinion about the rules. You as a representative of MCSG have to agree and follow the rules, even if they are silly and useless
Oct 21, 2014
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:D I agree!

Comparing mc to real life, is like comparing a book to a movie. One is better than the other, but we don't live in real life like we do in mc? Minecraft is a video game, something we do to get away from reality. Having an instant 7-day ban for hacks, is quite insane. And like Crackling said, how about you go in and spectate to see if he's hacking, instead of a 7-day ban. I have a lot of friends who where banned unfairly for this reason, and they just moved to a different server.
Sep 8, 2013
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Well, as you said, the police gathers evidence after arresting the person. The rules as for this network say that whoever says "I hack" even as a joke, is guilty. No further investigation, no disputes, no removal from the record, no chance to become a moderator, and further bans are prolonged, just because of a sense of humor that the staff dislikes. Certain people even end up getting permanently banned for a cheap little joke. I am 99,9% sure that if the staff was to take a look at the players who "admitted to hacking", they would find that a great, great majority of the people were just joking.

Why cannot staff treat "i haz mlg hax mannnnn" the same way as they treat TS pokes about hackers? Follow and look at the damn person before heading straight onto the ban panel. It really is worth it, considering you will be keeping more legitimate players, and only end up throwing out the actual cheaters. I'm just gonna say this: If people keep getting banned for "admitting to hacks" in the process of hacker elimination, all that will happen is that a large group of legitimate players will disappear at the same time.

Let's assume 1/3 "admitters" actually do hack, even though I believe the number is way lower (this could actually be a good idea to research). When 3 people are banned for admitting to hacks, 2 of them will be legitimate players. In the long run, you could be looking at a removal of 1000 hackers, and 2000 legitimate players. What you have done is to make the hacker:legit ratio go in the favor of hackers, as there will be less of them removed. If you want an effective way to not have a hacker in every single game, I suggest not removing the innocent players who at least create a certain balance to the servers.

I used to be a mod back in the day myself, and obviously had to follow the guidance given by Sr. Staff, which lead to me banning tons of people that I knew were only playing jokes, trying to make other people laugh. I knew a lot of people used this system to get people they disliked banned. All they had to do was to ask them "DO YOU HACK!?!?!?", and they would answer "ya d00d i haz tha faze mlg noscope hax client". A screenshot of that, and BOOM, he is out. At last, the fact that I no longer wanted to be a party pooper, ended up being one of the reasons affecting my decision to resign.
Good point. I think that your idea of MCSG staff investigating the situation after a player has been banned for "admitting to hacking" would be a great idea.


Aug 8, 2014
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I'm kinda more mad for being banned for NOT hacking, when I had the best proof ever that I wasn't
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