People are jerks. I've never truly understood why. At school, I see this sort of thing happen everyday, too me mainly. I usually just ignore them, trying to remind myself that many of the people who do this to me have terrible grades. That means, I have a chance to be their boss. Oh the pleasures of planning ahead.
Yet it's true, I see this everyday and I don't understand why. I've been forced onto the other side of the stick before out of peer pressure, being forced to be the "bad guy". Honestly, being forced to be the bad guy was a lot worse than being hit on by the bad guy to me. I mean it's bad enough that people are causing you pain for no reason, but I don't see how people can get joy out of doing that. To be pressured into that was terrible, the worst time of my life. I've decided that I'll never let myself be pressured again, regardless the consequences. Nothing they can do to me is as worse as they feeling of what they made me do.
So, again I don't see the reason in bullying. It doesn't make you feel better, on either parties. What's with this whole "strong man beats weak man" ordeal? I mean we're humans, not gladiators. We don't fight to test our power, no we put our minds to use. The mind is the most unique thing about a human being, and yet people are going around testing their strength on others? You're going to waste your time doing harm to others by honing an ability that almost every other animal on this planet has, rather than honing the one ability that makes you unique, the abilities of the human mind? We didn't come about without brute strength for a reason. We're not inherently strong. Our survival skill is not strength, it's intuitiveness. Being a bully is just trying to make yourself good at something you're not meant to be, and for what price? Your ability to be a generous person, an ability you should never give up.