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The Sad But Actual Truth

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Jul 28, 2014
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Michelle foop is the best, i love you. YOUR THE BEST STAY STRONG!!!! <3


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
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Ing lad you made this thread, so that you can show people who you really are. The people you said that harassed you are some of the biggest assholes on MCSG. Don't let tem bother you. Stay strong, we all believe in you

Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
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Wow Michelle. I can't imagine what it would be like to go through all that. I'm sorry if I was someone who did any of those things. I know we haven't talked for a while, but I remember you not liking me for a while, and I'm really sorry if I upset you.


Apr 2, 2013
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Everyone makes mistakes Michelle; spending time with people in the clan community many hours a day I have heard your story many times and each and every time it has been different. People are so highly opinionated and judgmental it can really cut deep, and being a girl who has seen firsthand and gone through some of the awful things you have as well endured; I truly am sorry that you have had to undergo the journey you have had thus far.

The beautiful thing about life, and want I want to urge you to remember, is that no body's opinion truly matters but your own. Somewhere in the community there are people who will willingly stand by you knowing your story or not. Show someone a little respect and there are people who will gladly have your back whenever you may need them.

Going through the community I have seen the harassment that comes with being a girl. I remember you mentioning in your story meeting a few people who you were actually able to trust. Cling to those people and if you find people harassing you just turn the other way. Who cares what they have to say as long as you believe in yourself.

Your story is one of the most unfortunate that I have ever read; but there is still a little beauty hidden within the words. Although the overall feeling is sadness and depression; the beauty that you have overcome what everyone has said and may think to bring yourself to write your story is incredible.

You have proved you have what it takes to stay strong, and it seems that your life can only go up from here; stay strong girl; there are people who care about you and would love to watch you succeed in all you may do :)



Aug 20, 2012
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Michelle, we haven't talked much, but I'd consider us friends. What those people did was awful and I feel like I can relate on a basic level because I went from pretty well known at my school to a kid who was made fun of a lot for various reasons, but nothing like this ;-;. I've heard people saying lots of things about you, both positive and negative and I myself have believed to not trust the negative things because of the more sincere positive things I've always heard. This situation makes me really feel for you and I hope that you remember that a lot of us are here for you and if you ever need to talk to someone, myself and a lot of others are here c:

What those people have said is awful, that's straight up HORRIBLE what the people you mentioned did or said and people like that get what they deserve when it all comes down to the end. Stay strong.



Jun 16, 2013
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I know what its like, its absolutely horrible. I've gone through depression until to the point when I felt absolutely hopeless. I'm also slightly autistic, and I was seriously bullied for it throughout middle-school and it stopped eventually as people matured, I was lucky to have a lot of friends. Depression is seriously not nice whatsoever. If you need anyone to talk to, privately message me if you need to. I don't want to sound condescending, but help and support from people that understand what you go through really does help you deal with these awful feelings. :/

Also, if I see
ANYONE post such irrelevant ignorant crap on this thread again. Serious action will be taken against you.
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May 3, 2014
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People are jerks. I've never truly understood why. At school, I see this sort of thing happen everyday, too me mainly. I usually just ignore them, trying to remind myself that many of the people who do this to me have terrible grades. That means, I have a chance to be their boss. Oh the pleasures of planning ahead.

Yet it's true, I see this everyday and I don't understand why. I've been forced onto the other side of the stick before out of peer pressure, being forced to be the "bad guy". Honestly, being forced to be the bad guy was a lot worse than being hit on by the bad guy to me. I mean it's bad enough that people are causing you pain for no reason, but I don't see how people can get joy out of doing that. To be pressured into that was terrible, the worst time of my life. I've decided that I'll never let myself be pressured again, regardless the consequences. Nothing they can do to me is as worse as they feeling of what they made me do.

So, again I don't see the reason in bullying. It doesn't make you feel better, on either parties. What's with this whole "strong man beats weak man" ordeal? I mean we're humans, not gladiators. We don't fight to test our power, no we put our minds to use. The mind is the most unique thing about a human being, and yet people are going around testing their strength on others? You're going to waste your time doing harm to others by honing an ability that almost every other animal on this planet has, rather than honing the one ability that makes you unique, the abilities of the human mind? We didn't come about without brute strength for a reason. We're not inherently strong. Our survival skill is not strength, it's intuitiveness. Being a bully is just trying to make yourself good at something you're not meant to be, and for what price? Your ability to be a generous person, an ability you should never give up.
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