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Goodbye... Forever?


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
Gosh I didn't expect this day to come so soon...

Well, as a select few of you know, today was my court date. My father's trying to get full custody of me and lots more personal stuff that can be talked about in more detail elsewhere. I have decided that if we lost one specific part of the deal, i'd quit mcsg. Well here I am... I'm flying back to Florida, my home, in two days and by then i'll be getting a job and my GED and starting college courses.

I've already kinda slipped out of of the community so i'm doubting that anyones going to care. I don't even play mcsg anyways, I stopped in December.

Anywho, on a side note, this isn't a full goodbye. This is just a... "I'll never play a game again but i'll still be in my clan and on ts and forums like twice a week"

But besides that, Kristie's out yo'.

I'm not tagging anyone because so many people have impacted me in my time here.. It's been a hell of a 16 months, and i'll never regret a day of it.

I guess if you're one of the final 6 I follow, you've impacted me a whole lot. But those 6 aren't the only ones who have made a huge impression in my life. I love you all, and i'll never forget a single one of you. I promise.

On another sidenote, I can't say i'll be gone forever. I can't say if this will be a month or a year, but I can say this is a legit leaving message. Thank you all so much for being so freaking awesome. ALL OF YOU.

Keep your heads up, no matter how bad it gets. Trust me, i'm there and i've been there.. It's going to get better.

This won't be the last you see of me, but I wanna go out with a bang.

So, I guess if you have any random questions at all you can ask 'em. I'm going to really focus on my writing completely now. c: Ily all pls tam even though i'm leaving.



Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I appreciate being able to talk to you a couple of times. Thanks for being a good member and good luck in life!


District 13
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Kristie. You were and still are one of my best friends. We have been friends for a while now and you have impacted my time here a lot. You can cheer me up and I feel comfortable telling you anything. Thanks for being there Kristie <3 Love ya


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Kristie. You are one of the most inspirational people I know. We also have somewhat similar irl situations so I feel you. Enjoy everything and stick around pls. I fen


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
Well. I don't know who you are, but it's sad to see another member go.


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Well, I had a sneaking feeling in my mind this would happen, no matter how much I didn't want it to. I can safely say you were one of my 5 closest friends on MCSG, and I had a pleasure helping/leading Ascension with you. I know we didn't end out on greatest terms, but I can say that you were one of the coolest and funniest people I've met.

I remember meeting you, the day you interviewed me for Mod on MCSwish. I talked to you for a while, and when I resigned, I figured I'd never talk to you again. Turns out I was wrong. I remember Alex and I talking to you about the CA Titans, and asking you to apply, when you agreed, I knew you'd fit right in. When you asked to be moved to US Titans, I was kind of sad, but I had ended up moving back within a matter of time.

I didn't really talk to you again after you left for Republic, but I figured I would again, someday. That night, the same one I was "kicked" from Insanity, and the same one you had said you were bringing Republic back, I figured I'd give it a try. I was helping a lot from the get-go, and I was enjoying it, a lot. You were a great leader and person to have leading and just talking to in general. My promotions happened fairly quickly, and the next thing I knew I was leading alongside you. I then knew when your court date was, and was crossing my fingers for the best.

I haven't talked to you very much since Ascension ended up vanishing, but I will always know how great of a person you are, and mostly, a great friend. Have fun in life, and I wish you the best of luck.


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Honestly Kristie, this makes me depressed. I love you. You've always been there for me and I feel like I can talk to you about mostly everything. We haven't been as close lately, and we haven't known each other for too long but whenever we talked, you made me feel so much better.

I'm so sad that the court didn't go as you wanted it to, and please kik me if you feel bad, please. You're so nice and I feel so bad this happened, but I hope that it'll go better in the future, remember, it's only 2 years until you're 18.

And you know you can always talk to me, about everything. The things that you've done to me is unrepayable but, atleast I can try to make you feel as good as you made me feel.

This shouldn't happen to an amazing person like you, but whatever happens, I know that you can go through this, I hope everything will be good with your dad.

And about the college part, I'm so happy. I know that'll you make it through college, and I know you'll get a great job in the future. College is great and I hope you'll like it <3

Like I said, kik me when you're feeling down, you know I'll always be here for you. I love you.<'3


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Omg the amazing words that I wake up to. Ahhh the feels. Keep 'em coming please. I love you alllll

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