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Goodbye... Forever?


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Gosh I didn't expect this day to come so soon...

Well, as a select few of you know, today was my court date. My father's trying to get full custody of me and lots more personal stuff that can be talked about in more detail elsewhere. I have decided that if we lost one specific part of the deal, i'd quit mcsg. Well here I am... I'm flying back to Florida, my home, in two days and by then i'll be getting a job and my GED and starting college courses.

I've already kinda slipped out of of the community so i'm doubting that anyones going to care. I don't even play mcsg anyways, I stopped in December.

Anywho, on a side note, this isn't a full goodbye. This is just a... "I'll never play a game again but i'll still be in my clan and on ts and forums like twice a week"

But besides that, Kristie's out yo'.

I'm not tagging anyone because so many people have impacted me in my time here.. It's been a hell of a 16 months, and i'll never regret a day of it.

I guess if you're one of the final 6 I follow, you've impacted me a whole lot. But those 6 aren't the only ones who have made a huge impression in my life. I love you all, and i'll never forget a single one of you. I promise.

On another sidenote, I can't say i'll be gone forever. I can't say if this will be a month or a year, but I can say this is a legit leaving message. Thank you all so much for being so freaking awesome. ALL OF YOU.

Keep your heads up, no matter how bad it gets. Trust me, i'm there and i've been there.. It's going to get better.

This won't be the last you see of me, but I wanna go out with a bang.

So, I guess if you have any random questions at all you can ask 'em. I'm going to really focus on my writing completely now. c: Ily all pls tam even though i'm leaving.


Updateish thing: I'm staying away from the community for sure until court is over. I have two more dates and i'm not sure what's going to happen/when it'll be over. When the final verdict is reached i'll consider coming back.
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Darn. With all the issues in your life, I'm not surprised you're leaving, but I just hope it's not voluntary. You were a good staff member, and an even better forumer. (Oh, btw, I used your profile in an experiment that I conducted today. I hope you don't mind.)
It's sad to see you go, (Geez I say that way too often, but it's true.) and I'm sure the MCSG community will miss you too. :'c now who do I ask about music?


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Darn. With all the issues in your life, I'm not surprised you're leaving, but I just hope it's not voluntary. You were a good staff member, and an even better forumer. (Oh, btw, I used your profile in an experiment that I conducted today. I hope you don't mind.)
It's sad to see you go, (Geez I say that way too often, but it's true.) and I'm sure the MCSG community will miss you too. :'c now who do I ask about music?
What experiment? Tell me about it.

And you ask me about music, silly. It might take longer for a response but I'll get to it. Anywho, thank you for the kind words.<3


Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
Why have so many popular people in the community left in the past couple of months ;-;!?!?


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score

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