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Ascendancy [US]

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Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score

Hello! Welcome to the Ascendancy clan thread. This clan is based upon team work, skills, and strategy. We are a highly professional group of individuals that strive to be the best. Below you will find all you need to know about the clan, including applications and information! Enjoy your time here!

We started as nothing and ascended to where we are now.

The Beginning: June 7th, 2014
Clan Battles Won: 0
Clan Battles Lost: 1
Total Members: 16/16
Teamspeak IP:

PvP and Teamwork Skill- Preferably 300+ wins. or 1/5 ratio. Skill can be proven in other ways! (If you reset your stats, you must have some proof to show your total wins.)
No previous hacking offenses on MCGamer.
Headset/Mic- Please make sure background noise is limited, and voice is clear.
Teamspeak & Skype- Our main forms of communication. MUST have both!
Donor- Some sort of donor is required. Rare exceptions can occur.
Maturity- MUST be extremely mature in situations that require such behavior.
Activity- MUST be active throughout the week, or inform leaders if you won't.
Fast Learning & Good Listener- MUST be able to think on your feet and listen to instructions!
MUST have fun! :]

*If comfortable, we will be calling each other by our first names.*

~ Applications are currently closed - entrance into the clan is upon invite only! ~
In-Game Name:
Skype Username:
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]:
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]:
Time Zone:
Past Clans:
PvP Weaknesses:
PvP Strengths:
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]:
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]:
Application Process
-Your applications will be viewed by the leaders and officers.
-We will either accept your application for trial, decline your application, or mark it as pending so that the other leaders/officers can review it.
-If you are accepted, you will receive an interview on the TeamSpeak. There, we will interview you and decide whether you deserve a trial.
-If you are declined, you will not be able to apply again unless you have direct permission from a clan leader.
-If you are accepted for trial, you will have 3-5 days to show your commitment and loyalty. Your fate will be decided by your trial.
-If you are declined in your trial, you may not apply again unless given express permissions from a clan leader.

-If you are accepted after your trial, you will get to participate in clan battles.
-You will be promoted if and only if you have been an exceptional member and will be chosen by a unanimous agreement between the leaders.

Leaders (4/4)

Captain | Lqzer (skype: lqzer_)
africannswallow (skype: matthew.norrmansell)

Captains (3/3)


Members (9/11)


On Break/Vacation

Regular Battles
Ascendancy vs Extinct - Loss - 2-3

Ascendancy vs Elevate - Loss - 1-3
Ascendancy vs Reflection - Loss - 1-3

Ascendancy vs Tigers - Win - 4-0

Ascendancy vs Reflection - Loss - 0-6
Notes: 3 of our members were losing packets like crazy and died due to ghosting. Solar got accidentally kicked; however one of their members was kicked as recompense as well. If none of those things happened, our strategy would have been much different.
Representing #Overkill we challenge you, Ascendancy to a 6v6 clan battle.
If you accept, please add me on Skype!
Skype = Mi.Spirit
If you deny, simply reply with a no! ;)
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