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You can't break leaves/grass/flowers during DM.I sometimes pull off a cool move Try to leftclick first to destroy the grass, and just a split second after you rightclick
Damn, you're right...You can't break leaves/grass/flowers during DM.
I understand what you mean, but this just seems very pointless. Why wouldn't you be able to set fire to grass? Why wouldn't you be able to break it during deathmatch? It simply makes no sense to me. If you can do all the things listed above normally, why can't you do it during DM?Not to sound to harsh but I disagree with this. That is just part of the map and the DM. So if you kill yourself because of the grass/flint and steel, then I guess you deserved to lose? Its like asking to remove traps because sometimes you fall in and die.. you just have to hone your skills so these things don't happen.
There isnt grass EVERYWHERE at DM so a skilled player will lead the enemy to a choke-point with no grass. Like the very center for example. Just run into the middle (I am thinking of maps like map 2 and the vacation one) because there is no grass there and it has some good coke-points to place fire.
I understand what you mean, but this just seems very pointless. Why wouldn't you be able to set fire to grass? Why wouldn't you be able to break it during deathmatch? It simply makes no sense to me. If you can do all the things listed above normally, why can't you do it during DM?