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"Pro" SG Players


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
No. You would gain some distance on on the guy with the sword, then eat.

It's the player's fault because they didn't avoid the team. As soon as the player sees the team, he should run if he knows he can't beat them.
You can run if you see a team but at some point in the game you are probably going to have to face them if you want to win. Usually the earlier the better, you can get them before they have full iron and diamond swords. It is never ideal to face a team in deathmatch.


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
Yes, but, they are going to return later. If they are the only team of three, chances are they will stay alive (if they play smart). You will have to either hide until force deathmatch, or just face them, and neither of those options are going to end up with you winning if they are smart players.
The original post I replied to said that it was chance to encounter a team before getting enough gear. I'm saying that it is the player's fault that he faced the team before he has the necessary equipment (f&s, bow, etc.)


Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
Pretty much my thoughts on this.

Believe it or not, guys, some of those things you thought couldn't be controlled, can be. All I need from chests on my route is full leather/wooden sword to win the rest of the game through PvP reliably well. It's hard for my route to fail me...All I need to avoid getting killed off of corn is just not to stay there too long. Take one and done. I can't remember the last time I was killed in the first minute or two of the game...And yes, I do get chased off corn due to high rank, plenty of times...but I almost never die to it. Again, I can't remember the last time someone punched me to death.

Sure, there are some deaths that are uncontrollable: Sometimes, there was nothing you could have done to stop yourself from getting killed off corn. However, the way in which someone is "skilled" isn't to prevent it, since that's impossible, but to lower the chances of it happening to as low as possible.

Even hackers and large teams can be avoided or dealt with if you know how. A forcefielders weakness, as I'm sure we are all aware, is to stay out of his reach: That's why I use the fishing rod technique. It's a reliable way to hit people more times than they hit you. Teams, all it really takes is to focus one down, and with the fishing rod, it's easier than ever...

This is why I invented (Okay, popularized, for those of you who seem to think otherwise.) the fishing rod trick. It's a brilliant way to take the luck out of a melee fight...once you're good enough, anyway. Normally, a melee fight is partly determined by when you swing the sword, meaning that if you swing just as you get to the opponent, you'll likely hit them on their way back, and they won't back at you. However, the fishing rod allows for melee without the opponent being able to reach you in the first place, as well as manipulating the opponent to get the free hit on knockback without perfect timing or luck. It's also a great way to avoid the effects of minimal lag on fights. (If there is too much lag, though, then it can't be helped. You can't hit someone with the rod if you're lagging that badly.)

Many of the fights I lose are due to a fail: In other words, I don't switch to an item soon enough, I don't use my fishing rod to knock the person back and block instead, slowing me down, missing with the fishing rod when I expected it to hit, effecting how I planned on attacking the opponent, etc...Technically, you could call this bad luck, but to be honest, if I was good enough, I would never make these mistakes in the first place. (Unless lag took place, etc.) It is entirely possible to almost completely negate the luck factor in any fight, or even a good portion of the game, as long as you don't have lag or something along those lines. Lag is the only luck factor you cannot minimize the likelihood of in a game through your actions.

Almost all my deaths these days are not a factor of bad luck: A very large portion of them are me failing in a fight I could have won. If I mastered the PvP of a fishing rod, I would technically win pretty much all my games...there's a very small portion that were just bad luck. (Well, this isn't counting games where I time out or have to leave for moderation duties, etc. These aside, though.)

Restating a bit of what I've already said:

The fishing rod technique is designed to remove the factors of luck and lag.
I'm well aware of their effects on the average melee fight. Lag can cause a player to not be able to hit the other properly, and the luck is sometimes getting the extra hit on knockback, which is caused by when you start attacking the opponent as you get in range, which is so precise you couldn't possibly master it.

The fishing rod fixes this. By pushing the opponent back, you are able to get a hit, if precise enough, without even a chance of getting hit back yourself. It also allows for manipulation to be able to increase the likelihood of the extra hit mentioned earlier that normally requires oddly specific timing. Throwing off the opponent is always nice, too, but it varies from person to person.

To be perfectly honest, there are only a select number of people who can consistently beat me in a fight, and often times, both me winning and them winning has to do with who made the first mistake. For the truly "elite" players, the fight is pretty much who slips up first. This may seem like luck, but to be honest, it's not. It's simply a lack of mastery on a certain skill. With enough practice, it's entirely possible to never make a mistake. I don't mean to sound egotistical here, but I've yet to see a single person beat me consistently without a strategy that's nearly identical to mine, maybe with slight modifications, so until one is found, or unless there is one that I'm not aware of, it will be the strategy that, once mastered, you won't die. (Except maybe to hackers/large teams. You wouldn't be prepared for hackers, and large teams is a different story entirely.)

Post is mildly rushed: Bit of a busy day here.
Mother of god.jpg
You seriously write too much! D:


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
G33ke So you are saying that you can win with only full leather. Im not sure any player could deal with that hinderance all of the time.

And you also state that you haven't seen a player that can beat you consistently without using "your" tactic. I have seen many other players that are very skilled and yes they use the fishing rod but they use it in there own way. CharlesYummyEgg for example is great with the fishing rod. He has perfected it.


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
The original post I replied to said that it was chance to encounter a team before getting enough gear. I'm saying that it is the player's fault that he faced the team before he has the necessary equipment (f&s, bow, etc.)
It is vital that you understand that it is very likely that the team itself is seeking out others.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
G33ke So you are saying that you can win with only full leather. Im not sure any player could deal with that hinderance all of the time.
Well, when I say that, I meant it as more of a "That's all I need from my route." type of thing. Generally, I have way more than enough chests for full leather by a point in the game where full leather is still deadly enough to watch out for. From there, I kill people for gear. I only need a kill or two and I'm doing tons better already.

And you also state that you haven't seen a player that can beat you consistently without using "your" tactic. I have seen many other players that are very skilled and yes they use the fishing rod but they use it in there own way. CharlesYummyEgg for example is great with the fishing rod. He has perfected it.
I said my strategy, not my tactic. I do not claim to own the fishing rod tactic. Many skilled players that I've fought fight slightly differently, but the general idea of it all has never been mixed up. I've watched videos as well, and I've seen people even like Gravey4rd and how he fights...he's drastically different from me, but the same general strategy is about the same. (He used/uses the fishing rod in an entirely different way, if at all. He also thinks a bit more before rushing into a fight, etc...) In other words, he knows when to run, how to run, when to switch items, generally how knockback works, how lag effects fights, tracking where someone will be after hitting them before they get there, all this, even if he doesn't know it...a lot of more inexperienced players don't do this. I've seen some great players out there who don't necessarily do this either and work around it different ways, but none have consistently beat me. Never was I specifically referring to the fishing rod.

Also, a quick note...To say someone has perfected something would be calling them a pro, which the point of this thread is to say nobody is a pro. ._.


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
Well, when I say that, I meant it as more of a "That's all I need from my route." type of thing. Generally, I have way more than enough chests for full leather by a point in the game where full leather is still deadly enough to watch out for. From there, I kill people for gear. I only need a kill or two and I'm doing tons better already.

I said my strategy, not my tactic. I do not claim to own the fishing rod tactic. Many skilled players that I've fought fight slightly differently, but the general idea of it all has never been mixed up. I've watched videos as well, and I've seen people even like Gravey4rd and how he fights...he's drastically different from me, but the same general strategy is about the same. (He used/uses the fishing rod in an entirely different way, if at all. He also thinks a bit more before rushing into a fight, etc...) In other words, he knows when to run, how to run, when to switch items, generally how knockback works, how lag effects fights, tracking where someone will be after hitting them before they get there, all this, even if he doesn't know it...a lot of more inexperienced players don't do this. I've seen some great players out there who don't necessarily do this either and work around it different ways, but none have consistently beat me. Never was I specifically referring to the fishing rod.

Also, a quick note...To say someone has perfected something would be calling them a pro, which the point of this thread is to say nobody is a pro. ._.
You are very good with words good sir. I just wanted to say a few things. I now understand what you mean about your route and such. He isn't pro. Perfected doesn't mean pro in my opinion. Being payed is xD.


Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
The real reason we'll never truly know who the "best players" are is because we don't get the chance to play everyone.
The US players will never come to EU and vise versa due to the lag.

Frankly, I'd love the opportunity to 1v1 players like G33ke, SixZoSeven, Blamph, Elisha and countless others..

Oh well, looks like I'm stuck with the *cough* Pros *cough* of the EU!

Now this is my opinion and I don't want to cause any flames with this but I feel there are more skilled PvPers on EU.
Don't get me wrong the US has it's fair share of skilled players, I just think feel the EU has the better standard of players.

The best players we have to offer are players like Elgoldo, gcb99, teovald, Ryska_ryssen, pure233, Gravey4rd, Charlesyummyegg (The first player to really make the fishing rod his own) and many more.

And remember for over the past year the top player has always been from the EU ;)
Mindahl > iFroxFTW > Hanfi12 and now Gravey4rd

The best two ever players to play on our servers in my opinion are without a doubt Mindahl and Sleivert
No one really comes close to them in terms of PvP

Just my opinion, don't hate :)

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