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"Pro" SG Players


Dec 14, 2012
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I know someone who has played minecraft since it first came out and I have never seen him lose at PVP!


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
If someone has a sword and is chasing you it does not matter how much food you have. The second you stop to eat your food they will catch up to you and mutilate you...
As I am sure you are aware, there are also a very simple way to avoid this. Just eat high saturation foods whenever possible. In a normal chase that does not occur at the start of the game you should typically be able to outlast an opponent using this.

I don't think that I have ever been chased off of spawn and died because my hunger has gone to 3. I wouldn't doubt that it happened to me, I just haven't remembered it which leads me to believe that it only happens very rarely. I would safely say that it is less than 1 in 100.


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
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As I am sure you are aware, there are also a very simple way to avoid this. Just eat high saturation foods whenever possible. In a normal chase that does not occur at the start of the game you should typically be able to outlast an opponent using this.

I don't think that I have ever been chased off of spawn and died because my hunger has gone to 3. I wouldn't doubt that it happened to me, I just haven't remembered it which leads me to believe that it only happens very rarely. I would safely say that it is less than 1 in 100.
But you see, I am one of the few people who managed to legitimately get over 10k points and therefore I am targeted a lot. Alongside that, I am a staff member. And, with all the new community maps, I am starting to see very bizarre cornucopias.


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
But you see, I am one of the few people who managed to legitimately get over 10k points and therefore I am targeted a lot. Alongside that, I am a staff member. And, with all the new community maps, I am starting to see very bizarre cornucopias.
I have managed to reach the 10k mark as well. I am not targeted a lot. But I do notice it happening more.


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
It would be cool to maybe see like a tournament or something with the top 50 players....


District 13
Nov 10, 2012
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You state "All I need from chests on my route is full leather/wooden sword to win the rest of the game"

Be that as it may, might I ask you what happens when you don't end up getting said items? As Gumby stated to a degree, MCSG is indeed a game based off of both skill AND chance. Taking into consideration how many times you have gone down each of your own personal chest routes, the act of doing so becomes extremely autonomous and eventually is done out of habit with very little thinking required which in turn translates to the whole process taking very little skill. There is absolutely no guarantee that you will get such gear before encountering an unpredictable outside entity/problem such as a team who intercepts you that ultimately leads to your death. Imagine you are going through your chest route and at the end of it, you find yourself with only some leather garments and no weapon. The chances of you surviving have a negative net change. On the other hand, if you were to be fortunate enough to find yourself with a mixture of chain/iron armor and a formidable weapon, the chances of you surviving take a positive net change. If there is one thing I am completely sure about, it is the fact that you can not control what spawns in the chests you get. Such an uncontrollable variable leads us to conclude that chance plays a formidable role relative to skill in MCSG.

What happens when the pursuing tribute managed to snatch a sword from corn? The chances of you surviving such an unfortunate happening is slim to none assuming the player chases you until death. This is another thing that you simply can not control. Another quote pertaining to this specific matter: "However, the way in which someone is "skilled" isn't to prevent it, since that's impossible, but to lower the chances of it happening to as low as possible." You talk about how one is to use their skill to ensure that they lower the chances as much as possible. Like I just stated, you simply can not control whether or not someone with a stone sword will instantly go for you and kill you.

Hackers and large teams can not be avoided because you can not control whether or not they are in your game. In the event there is a hacker in your game, the chances of you winning go down. If there is not, it goes up. The same goes for teams. As for the two being 'dealt' with, this does indeed rely on one's skill. Alongside that, however, it still more importantly relies on chance. If you have tools such as flint n' steel, a bow with arrows, or any other useful items, the chances of you winning against a team are substantially increased, as one would expect. Likewise, if you do not have the necessary items to take down a team, your chances of taking a team down are greatly decreased. And, as we all now know, the gear you have is a variable based on chance in accordance to your fortune with chests.

You mention things like missing with your fishing rod. This stated, you must ask yourself this: Are my misses due to my inadequate skill or are they due to the fact that I can not directly control the actions of my enemy and it is mostly chance in regards to whether or not they move the way I predicted them to move. You also go on to state how it is entirely possible to almost completely negate the luck chance in a fight as long as you do not have lag. The thing is, every single person in an MCSG server is being affected by lag. And, as we all know, the more noticeable effects are usually negative ones. But, it is unfair to say this is the case for everything as there are indeed many people who have a such an ample connection to the server that any negative lag is nearly 100% negligible. Alongside this, we can all agree that the amount of lag you are having on a particular day is not within your control due to the fact that there are varying occurrences such as server load and how well your internet service provider is doing that particular day.

Perhaps in your eyes this may be true but in reality it is not. A major reason for this is because the effectiveness of a fishing rod is directly reliant on ones lag. If you are experiencing negative lag, using the fishing rod effectively is, in many cases, simply not possible. For example, on servers where I lag to a noticeable extent, it takes a much longer time to deploy the fishing rod. On a server where I do not get noticeable lag, I can do so much quicker. No harm intended, I am truly baffled at your statement as it contradicts your original intent to convey the idea that the fishing rod is a fix for lag.

For more info on why the truth is 'no', please refer to the text that can be found directly above.

Although frowned upon by some, for the third time I must pull out my response on threads similar to this one.
"It is impossible to determine pure skill off of a game like this.

Let me explain:
The Survival Games is a game of both skill and chance. Although it is not hard to come upon a general consensus on who is 'good' and 'bad', it is hard to pinpoint the best player(s). For example, let us say I am playing a game of Survival Games. I have full leather armor and a wooden sword. As for food, I only have uncooked porkchops. I end up running into a team of four people that all have higher tier gear... (chain/iron - stone/iron/diamond wep - flint n' steel - bow & arrow(s)) Chances are, I am going to die given that my opposition has an IQ that allows them to operate and function as your average human being. (You have to think about it, if they have gear as good as that, they must be somewhat decent at the game) On the other hand, I might be the one in full iron+diamond sword and I am faced with a team of four that have a few leather items and wooden axes.

Based off of these hypothetical but completely possible scenarios, we can deduce that there are a wide variety of variables in the game thus rendering it impossible to truly determine skill off of numerical statistics. Take Gravey4rd for example. Looking at his statistics, we can see periods where he is on streaks of both winning and losing. Of course we can all agree that he is a skilled player, but I would not doubt that during his streaks of winning, he was fortunate in many of those games with good chests as well as not having to deal with an enormous amount of teams. On the other hand, during his streaks of losing he probably had unfortunate occurrences such as bad chests, being chased from corn by armed tributes, or something along the lines of the first scenario listed above.

In the end, the Survival Games are not an accurate way to determine pure skill. In more basic terms, there is no 'best' player. A more accurate way of determining skill, especially in terms of PvP, would be to pit two players you want to compare against each other and give them identical gear. Then, have them fight on the same exact terrain about 100,000 times. But, to be more fair, switch their starting locations at the 50,000 halfway mark. Unfortunately, I don't expect anyone to ever do this as it is quite the task.
---End of on topic response---
Speaking of which, this leads me to believe there is an even more efficient way of determining a better player when comparing two. I believe it is entirely possible to develop both the hardware and software capable of performing millions of accurate simulations of Minecraft fights between two players. The only obstacle would be finding a method of accurately converting the mental and physical actions of each player into numerical values which would then be entered in when creating the AI. I have read/seen some people that have actually done something similar to this. (Deadliest Warrior's proprietary combat simulator)

But.....this is an entirely different topic that I feel will unfortunately never be made available for non-commercial use for a few more years."

As my English and History teachers always say: There are two types of papers I recieve: Regular papers and "Scott Papers"

(My first name is Scott)
This might be the longest post ive evar seen! Give this man an award! *claps*


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
This might be the longest post ive evar seen! Give this man an award! *claps*
There was really no other way to convey such important information. Expect to see something roughly 10x longer when I write my little 'MCSG' story' or whatever people call them these days.


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
If someone has a sword and is chasing you it does not matter how much food you have. The second you stop to eat your food they will catch up to you and mutilate you...

Also, how is it a player's fault that a team of three decides to chase him. It simply is chance when it comes to whether or not a team happens to be within your general vicinity.

We both know I am well aware of your competent and working knowledge of the Survival Games...
I was merely using your post to enlighten those who are less knowledgeable about said topic.
You don't have to prove to me that you know these things. ;)

---Moving on to people who are talking about someone who is a 'god' i.e Egrodo---

I don't know of a more efficient way to convey this information to everyone, but let me start by saying this:

I have beaten Egrodo. Egrodo has beaten me.
I have beaten G33ke. G33ke has beaten me.
I have beaten Blamph. Blamph has beaten me.
I have beaten Zeejayy/Rivalize, Zeejayy/Rivalize has beaten me.
and...the SAME goes for everyone else! We have all died to great players as well as we have all beaten them at some point!

In my opinion, there are 'bad, average, good, and great' there is simply no best player.
See? We don't have to write essays to get this point across :3


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
If someone has a sword and is chasing you it does not matter how much food you have. The second you stop to eat your food they will catch up to you and mutilate you...

Also, how is it a player's fault that a team of three decides to chase him. It simply is chance when it comes to whether or not a team happens to be within your general vicinity.
No. You would gain some distance on on the guy with the sword, then eat.

It's the player's fault because they didn't avoid the team. As soon as the player sees the team, he should run if he knows he can't beat them.


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
No. You would gain some distance on on the guy with the sword, then eat.

It's the player's fault because they didn't avoid the team. As soon as the player sees the team, he should run if he knows he can't beat them.
Yes, but, they are going to return later. If they are the only team of three, chances are they will stay alive (if they play smart). You will have to either hide until force deathmatch, or just face them, and neither of those options are going to end up with you winning if they are smart players.

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