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Your most ridiculous comeback?

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Oct 15, 2012
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(SG4) I had a lot but the best was once when i met a team of 4 (3 were hackers dont ask how i am sure they were sprint hacking)The 2 guys had like leather and gold gear and stone swords , the other was kinda decked and the last was decked too not much but gold chain and iron sword . So i had iron with chain armor and iron sword , i saw them at corn camping so i thought lets charge so i went and i almost died from dem hacks so i run up the staircase and keep running when some of them decided to go an other way so that was my chance i went and killed the 1 guy (hacker) then the other guys came and chasing me for like 5 minutes so i used my flint and steel i found in my inv and burned to death the one guy (not the hacker) .So 2 down , 2 left (hackers) . I thought i can kill them but they hacked ofc and they got me at half a heart so i run and climb the ladder at the tower near gravel trap , the guys climb up and i push them and they fell once each guy but they didnt die so they tried again and i pushed the one and died then the other guy left (4 people left) i let him get refill and i went my route and got dia sword and full iron .After i was confident i could win i started searching and i found the guy from the team we fought he got me at 1 heart and i started running i stopped , turned and started shotting i got him 3/3 R.I.P .Won the game


Aug 20, 2012
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My most ridiculous comeback? SG5, 4th time playing. I got absolutely nothing at cornucopia except for a fishing rod, and I managed to get into an argument with what ended up being a 4 man donor team, who made a point to attack me with their swords of death, since two of their members got stone swords. I escaped by luring them through the tunnel with the drop through ice floor and running along the edge. I grabbed a couple chests, only to see them all with assorted gold/chain/iron armor and stone swords (I mean what!? How!? It's been 2 minutes!!) I ran away from them and managed to hide under a snowdrift I memorized the location of. They wandered off and I escaped. At around 10 players remaining, me with a fishing rod and leather tunic, and no regen due to lack of food in the barren wilderness, hobbled over to the crane that was working on building a building before the apocalypse. This is where things get interesting.

I jump off the crane over to the remains of the building, and snag a chest that gives me a chain chestplate, wooden sword, and butterpants. This is when the donor team rediscovers me, with my five hearts. I tell them to go away, find another target, maybe toss me some steak. Naturally, like any group of annoyingly persistent donors, they start up the ladder. Once they get parallel to me, I decide, "What the hell?" and launch my fishing rod at him. It strikes him head on, he falls off the ladder, and dies. The next person comes up and I knock him down and kill him the same way. I then begin to taunt them. One more climbs up and dies, and the last guy, I would think, is too smart for that. NOPE. He bows me until he runs out of arrows and I drop to 2 1/2 hearts. The guy down there has a quick fight with another guy, who kills him. That guy then comes up, not knowing the fate of previous challengers. I kill him too, and down there, with no way of me getting down without killing myself due to falling, is all the food I need, a diamond sword, and full iron. I make a jump for the ladder at 4 hunger. I miss by exactly one block and die of fall damage. Album documenting the event: http://imgur.com/a/0JF4h


Feb 2, 2013
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Half-a-Heart warriored a guy: then Iscavenged a bowl, ate, and was fixed. I died to a guy that had full iron/DM sword because i had leather/stone sword


Jul 10, 2012
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Ok, I had an iron sword, leather pants in SG4.

My friend who was in TeamSpeak told me there was a team of two fighting a really good guy and only one of them survives, with low health... he is standing right next to the ledge and... I won. I said "I did it..." once I won.

(same game)
I was hiding in the room with the hidden trap (by the sewers exit) I flip the lever, go through the back, and there it was, the lava. Someone was stupid enough to walk into the room, and there he went.


District 13
Jun 4, 2012
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One game it passed deathmatch and i had nothing and my teammate was dead there was like 7 people left (Map 4) Team of 2 took corn and got in a fight with some hacker who had chesed me down earlyer to 1 heart and i needed i bit of food to regain, the hacker fought the team but died and the i swooped in fisted the one he wass killing to death in 1 hit and i ran. the guy chased me untill there was 4 people left and he finally gave up. i ate a golden apple put on the full iron and stone sword equipped i ended up whooping his but in DM with my Juke-age


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
(Map 4) I get 2 cakes off of spawn and start going my route. T the first chest in my route I am attacked by a guy with a wood sword. All I got from the chest was sticks and a raw fish so I run around the map using my cakes to last as long as possible. At the same time my teammate goes his route and gets an iron cap no weapons and a decent amount of food. The guy chasing me gives up and my teammate and I scavenge the map for tier 1s we manage to get full leather stone swords each. Getting dark now we look in at middle and see a team of 2 with full iron dis swords. There's still some time before refill so one of them goes to hunt. The other remains at spawn. My friend goes to camp airfield and I follow the guy hunting. It's now refill, the hunter doesn't bother with middle he gets the tier 2 near gravel trap and the gravel trap chest. I decide to leeroy it and rush him. He must have been unloading things into the chest so I got a few hits on him. Then by lucky chance he couldn't get his sprint to work. I killed him while taking no damage. I take the full iron dia sword and take almost full iron with a little chain for my teammate. So now it's us the spawncamper and one other guy with full iron minus a gold cap and an iron sword. We go to attack the guy at spawn but he runs away and asks the other guy to team. He agrees so they both run to the top of the firehouse. While we climb up the ladder one of them jumps down I decide to go chase him while my teammate stands guard. I chase him down but am unable to kill him. My teammate is then dropped down upon by the full iron dia sword guy who kills him. So now I'm down 2v1 in dm. Death match starts and I go to the upper part of the middle. I run with both of them in pursuit. Then they decide to have one run the opposite direction to cut me off, while he runs back around, I turn on the full iron dia sword guy and kill him with 1 heart left. I book it out if there and run some more to regen my health. Once I get to full I turn on the iron sword guy killing him easily. GG :D


District 13
Apr 22, 2012
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Most ridiculous comeback? Well...This is what I can remember anyway:
I was playing on SG4. I got a fair amount of armor from corn and my first tier two chest, getting about half iron armor, which is a lot that early in the game. I continue along my route having trouble finding a weapon.

At the end of my route, my last hope for finding a weapon is lost, as I see a team of 2 taking my final chests. I run off, hoping to find a weapon in one of the chests not far off that I knew about, but my luck doesn't server me well as I find the chests to be taken already.

Then, I remember the one chest on the map that nobody ever goes for - it's nearing corn refill, and I only have one chance at this weapon...the ridiculous timed piston parkour over the ravine, for a measly tier 1 chest. I make my way to the ravine, start climbing down slowly, and push the button for the parkour to observe how the pistons go out. I wait for it to stop and reset it, this time I'm ready to go:

I make the first jump, second jump, third jump...it's looking good, just one more jump. I start my sprint, I'm ready to jump - nope, piston retracts and I fall. It's corn refill in a minute, I have no choice but to sit by this chest right next to me at the top of the waterfall from the sewers leading into the ravine and hope for a weapon at refill.

Refill happens, I check the chest, and sure enough, it has a weapon - although hardly much of one. It's a wooden axe, and considering my half iron against the full iron/diamond sword opponents, I still stand no chance. I make my way out of the sewers and up into corn - nobody is there, and there is a pile of leather armor/stone axe on the ground for me to pick up. Possibly my chance to loot corn as well?

I pick up the junk in case there is something useful, like the axe, and I go for one chest - it's got stuff! I frantically pick up as much stuff as I can, realizing my inventory is quite messy and full of junk. I manage to pick up three chests before I see somebody coming, which is enough to have full iron armor due to my luck with them. Sadly, I've got no weapon other than the stone axe I just picked up, and it's deathmatch in 5 seconds. Since I'm being chased by the guy in full iron/diamond sword, I can't even stop to pull out said axe or the iron chestplate I got, and I'm stuck with my wooden axe to fight.

It hits deathmatch - lucky me, I'm positioned right next to the wooden staircase for an easy way out of the bottom of corn. Even more luckiness, he goes for the other person before me, allowing me to put on my armor/pull out the axe. I'm still at a severe disadvantage, but hey, it's worth trying, right?

I begin the attack, getting in about 3 free hits before he even knows what's going on. Now he's coming straight at me, he's really close, and I decide to pull out my bow. I lightly charge some arrows and fire about 3 into him, run in for more hits with the sword, and somehow, while still at nearly full health, he's nearly dead.

Not much more effort is needed to catch up to him, so I manage to win with a stone axe against a diamond sword opponent...I was told by someone I had been talking to on TS that pretty much every person that was a spectator that round was calling hacks. xD I was not expecting to win that game, not at any point in the game was I confident I could win. :p


District 13
Apr 22, 2012
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So this is back in beta when there was 2 person deathmatch and mobs were on. I got one chest where I luckily got a stone sword and a leather chestpiece. I then fell in a hole and spent the whole game in there. Now remember mobs were on back then and other players weren't the only threat out there. I ended up making it to deathmatch against another player going into it I was expecting a guy with full iron and diamond sword. As it turns out. My opponent only had a wood sword and leather armor and I ended up winning.
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Sep 15, 2012
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My best comeback ever would have been my first time playing Insanity Cause. I was having no luck with finding chests, and when I did I got terrible things, and was starting to die of hunger. I was then attacked by a random with leather/chain armour and a stone sword. I just reached water in time and started to fishing rod them away when there team mate came from my side. The persons friend didn't have such good stuff so I didn't have too much trouble killing them. Unfortunately they only had a golden apple which regenerated a few hearts. Then focusing my attention back to the first person I realised i was in big trouble. So after fishing rod spamming through 4 fishing rods another person came and attacked the person I had kept at bay for so long. They had an intense fight so I tried to sneak in and kill the victor. Unfortunately that didn't happen because I couldn't sprint to get there in time. So when I finally got near them deathmatch had started. All I had was a leather chestplate, gold boots and a stone sword. When I saw my 2 opponents I almost gave up. One had nothing and the other had full iron armour and a diamond sword. I waddled my way to attack the person with full iron after they killed the other person. I noticed that they were a bit laggy and couldn't hit me easily. I started my attack and got them down to really low hearts then they hit me. I was on half a heart, unable to sprint, and had no way out. So I pulled out a bow ,I got off of someones dead loot, and spammed three weak arrows into the other person. I killed them and won the game, then of course people next game called me a hacker and so on. And thats it!


Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
Well, the greatest comeback I've ever had came a few months ago on SG4. There was a large group of us on TeamSpeak together of about 5 or 6. Things started off great, I received an iron chest plate, iron helmet, and gold boots from corn along with a diamond.

Then, I start off on my chest route and gather leather pants, a few useless items, a bow, a few arrows, and a cake but find no weapon. Next, I head over to the Tier 2 chest in the lava trap hangar at airfield, where I am trapped inside with no escape. Fortunately, I think fast and place down a cake, which i use to climb up into the little area in there, out of harm's way.

I then just sit around there for the rest of the game, and listen as all 6 of my teammates over TS meet their deaths. This leaves me trapped with no way out, 4.5 armor bars, and no weapon. It ends up that I become incredibly bored, because the match lasts about 30 minutes, and I can't do anything. Multiple players attempt to kill me with arrows, and I actually got down to 1.5 hearts at one point, due to the fact that there isn't much space to dodge arrows in there.

I did survive till Deathmatch, where I wait for the full iron/diamond sword OP dude to fight some other fairly armored dude. Still with no weapon, I encircle corn a few times, avoiding death, but not getting much done. I finally thought to look what was in the pile of crap that the OP player didn't bother to pick up, and I spotted a stone sword and a few arrows.

Thinking it was my last chance, I sprinted to the pile and grabbed everything I could, but the sword wasn't in my hotbar. It took time for me to place it there, and by then I was at 4 hearts, and running for my life. I healed up a bit, but realizing that DM must almost be over, I decided to turn around and fight him with 8 hearts. He wasn't expecting me to turn around so fast, and I got about 4 hits on him when he got just one on me. We continue to clash, and I finally have to run for it again with just 2 hearts. I turn around, deciding I had nothing to lose, and fired my bow 5 times, hitting my target each time and winning with a heart left.

My friends over TS were going crazy, and the guy I killed started yelling and cussing in all caps about something called "SUPER-INVINCIBILTY HAX" When I typed /i right after the fight, there had only been 7 seconds left in DM too. It was by far my geratest comeback.


Oct 19, 2012
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I was playing on sg1 and i had stone sword, chain chest and leather pants and helmet. I was being hunted by a guy with iron armour, gold chest and dia sword. Then it became Deathmatch and I killed him an had over half of my life left and won the round


Nov 22, 2012
Reaction score
On Breeze Island, I had bad luck. All of my chests had been hit, and I had no weapons. My teammate is killed, who had iron armor and a decent weapon. I see an enemy coming from around one corner, and two people with good armor fighting around the next. One of the people kills another, and I manage to take a stone sword from the pile of goodies. I kill (without armor) the one with iron armor+sword, and then I still have one enemy to deal with. My health is low, and hope is lost. Suddenly this player leaves the server and I have two diamonds. I won the game.
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