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Your most ridiculous comeback?

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Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Most ridiculous comeback? Well...This is what I can remember anyway:
I was playing on SG4. I got a fair amount of armor from corn and my first tier two chest, getting about half iron armor, which is a lot that early in the game. I continue along my route having trouble finding a weapon.

At the end of my route, my last hope for finding a weapon is lost, as I see a team of 2 taking my final chests. I run off, hoping to find a weapon in one of the chests not far off that I knew about, but my luck doesn't server me well as I find the chests to be taken already.

Then, I remember the one chest on the map that nobody ever goes for - it's nearing corn refill, and I only have one chance at this weapon...the ridiculous timed piston parkour over the ravine, for a measly tier 1 chest. I make my way to the ravine, start climbing down slowly, and push the button for the parkour to observe how the pistons go out. I wait for it to stop and reset it, this time I'm ready to go:

I make the first jump, second jump, third jump...it's looking good, just one more jump. I start my sprint, I'm ready to jump - nope, piston retracts and I fall. It's corn refill in a minute, I have no choice but to sit by this chest right next to me at the top of the waterfall from the sewers leading into the ravine and hope for a weapon at refill.

Refill happens, I check the chest, and sure enough, it has a weapon - although hardly much of one. It's a wooden axe, and considering my half iron against the full iron/diamond sword opponents, I still stand no chance. I make my way out of the sewers and up into corn - nobody is there, and there is a pile of leather armor/stone axe on the ground for me to pick up. Possibly my chance to loot corn as well?

I pick up the junk in case there is something useful, like the axe, and I go for one chest - it's got stuff! I frantically pick up as much stuff as I can, realizing my inventory is quite messy and full of junk. I manage to pick up three chests before I see somebody coming, which is enough to have full iron armor due to my luck with them. Sadly, I've got no weapon other than the stone axe I just picked up, and it's deathmatch in 5 seconds. Since I'm being chased by the guy in full iron/diamond sword, I can't even stop to pull out said axe or the iron chestplate I got, and I'm stuck with my wooden axe to fight.

It hits deathmatch - lucky me, I'm positioned right next to the wooden staircase for an easy way out of the bottom of corn. Even more luckiness, he goes for the other person before me, allowing me to put on my armor/pull out the axe. I'm still at a severe disadvantage, but hey, it's worth trying, right?

I begin the attack, getting in about 3 free hits before he even knows what's going on. Now he's coming straight at me, he's really close, and I decide to pull out my bow. I lightly charge some arrows and fire about 3 into him, run in for more hits with the sword, and somehow, while still at nearly full health, he's nearly dead.

Not much more effort is needed to catch up to him, so I manage to win with a stone axe against a diamond sword opponent...I was told by someone I had been talking to on TS that pretty much every person that was a spectator that round was calling hacks. xD I was not expecting to win that game, not at any point in the game was I confident I could win. :p


Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
So... there was this game in Breeze, and I was going against a hacker in full iron/diamond sword (he just HAS to be a hacker xD) so I tell my friend to get a mod.. He gets a mod ( guggex8 ) <3 and guggex kicks the hacker. But before that, the hacker killed multiple geared people. So I end up winning the game going from leather chesplate and a stone sword, to full iron/diamond sword :D


Apr 23, 2012
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So... there was this game in Breeze, and I was going against a hacker in full iron/diamond sword (he just HAS to be a hacker xD) so I tell my friend to get a mod.. He gets a mod ( guggex8 ) <3 and guggex kicks the hacker. But before that, the hacker killed multiple geared people. So I end up winning the game going from leather chesplate and a stone sword, to full iron/diamond sword :D
Techinically it wasn't a kick.. :p


Jun 12, 2012
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Was AFK for 5 minutes into a match (editing a video), came back, and was miraculously still alive. I strolled out of corn, found a stone axe and a pair of pants in a pile, and proceeded to wreck face.


Aug 24, 2012
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Breeze Island, team of 6, me.

Team of 6: OP

Me: Legit nothing, walking around on 5 hearts.

They all get bored and right, 3 die and almost DM, they run up to the house (fighting at the same time, one of the guys went up to try to knock the other off),

They were easily both low, but still OP.

Now, one guy dies on the house and the other guys on the diving board. I was somehow at the right time at the right place.

In my head: 'Heh, I'll let this kid have his 23rd win'

In reality: Punched off diving board and he's dead


Apr 23, 2012
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This was back in beta of mcsg: I was playing Survival Games (1 of course, it was the only map at the time). I had more or less full leather armour (at this time you could get full diamond armor and diamond sword from the corn chests) and a stone sword, maybe 5 minutes into the game (the games were 1 hour standard) I had to go and eat, so I climbed a tree on the little island with the house outside the castle. I made it impossible for anyone to get me there by destroying the way I got there and I was protected from falling down by 4 blocks of leaves (1 block in each direction). I could easily been killed by someone with only a bow and 4 arrows, as I said I went to eat, came back about 30-40 min later, still alive and only 4 players left in the game, don't exactly remember what happend after that (it was almost a year ago) but I won the game! :p


I was playing SG Ancient Japan (with Elisha in the game o_O) and it was my first time playing the map. I looked around for chests, most were looted (I actually got a wood axe at corn, and was about to kill Elisha but it glitched out of my hand. Yes seriously!!!). I could only find raw chicken, sticks and leather armour :/ I had no weapon still when it said 60 seconds until deathmatch. Then 30 second before DM, I found a dead guys loot. He had iron sword, chain pants, gold helmet and leather chest plate and chain boots. It was epic!!!

But unfortunately I got struck by lighting before I could get out of the starting spot. I hadn't fully regenerated my health tho :/


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
I have a video of me finding lucky lootz that gave me and iron sword, food and arrows. but it was my brothers and brodinas loot because they were fighting and they both fell of and died.

Ok now for a story that will be crazily insane.

It was about 6 hours ago, playing on the map Teweran with some Rebel friends and another separate pro. These people were Darkrai202, PAT01450 and NingaristicNinga, Ninga left in pregame, pat's Minecraft crashed and Darkrai was targeted early, I was late to the game because my mother had asked me to something earlier.

So I ran my route, collecting 1 tier 2 and 1 tier 1, with the tier 1 containg wooden sword and a bone, the tier 2 with gold boots and chain helmet and food, running around trying to find an opponent with a stone sword but making sure they weren't terribly good, I came across a girl with iron chestplate, gold leggings and a stone sword, she was succeptable, she was in that chest for way to long, I run down and attack, killing her with 3 hearts remaining, I also managed to collect a diamond, a bow and many arrows.

I went to my last tier 2 expecting it to be taken, of course I found a diamond, I run to te village crafting bench and make a diamond sword and flint&steel, I head to corn as it was turning night and I wanted to collect refill, to my surprise there was a team of 2 with practically the same gear as me. One of them attacked me while the other stayed behind thinking I was a noob and that he'd take refill, I lead one of them away because that's what you do when versing teams. I killed him and collect his loot which gave me more arrows and 3 golden apples, his friend was taking refill I left him because he practically didnt need refill, I ran to clear out my inventory and I was surprised attacked by the guy who took refill and he was a hacker, his hits were unbelievable.

Now this next thing was terrible, I accidentally shift clicked my diamond sword in the chest because of the sudden fright, I only had a spare stone sword in my inventory which I managed to place in my hotbar, I ran finding a 2x2 spot no where near water so he had to outlast the 3 1/2 heart damage, I ran a bit more like 10 blocks to get a bit of distance to shoot 3 fully charged arrows then ran in and clicked as fast as possible. I killed him. :3

Headed to DeathMatch straight after and the guys had full iron armour, iron swords and saw my diamond sword and just ran. I don't think they understand that iron sword don't do much less then a diamond sword.

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