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Top 10 MCSG Players You Have Fought.

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Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Oh sh-, I forgot about you! You would definitely be on this list because I got pretty desperate thinking of just a few of them to fill 10 slots.
You can replace arena master ;)

Im_Christian and Im_Kiko . Also WM_blackout21
Thanks XD


Apr 30, 2013
Reaction score
Oh sh-, I forgot about you! You would definitely be on this list because I got pretty desperate thinking of just a few of them to fill 10 slots.
You can replace arena master ;)

Im_Christian and Im_Kiko . Also WM_blackout21
WM_blackout21, didn't he hack :p


Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
Maybe one day I'll be on one these list...(be quiet, I like to dream)

1. EDOG. Holy hell, this man is my nemesis, and he doesn't even know I exist. I remember distinctly fighting him with slightly superior gear, exchanging hits, and backing out at about 2 hearts. "Wow man, I only had 1 heart, you shouldn't have ran." I charged again, we exchanged pleasantries and I once again backed out. "That was close, you shouldn't have ran". I once again charged, and after a couple of hits, I lied dead at Edog's feet. He is consistentl good, although he always seems to leave on the servers I'm on :p

2. ThatOneTomahawk- Very good sword fighter and flinterrr and steeler. I remember fighting him on TW2, shooting him 5-6 times with a bow before taking chase. I followed him, and he put two fires perfectly in front of me. The hit damage and blur from the fire, plus his hitblocking skills...resulted in my death.

I haven't played enough with other really good players to give an accurate description.


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Maybe one day I'll be on one these list...(be quiet, I like to dream)

1. EDOG. Holy hell, this man is my nemesis, and he doesn't even know I exist. I remember distinctly fighting him with slightly superior gear, exchanging hits, and backing out at about 2 hearts. "Wow man, I only had 1 heart, you shouldn't have ran." I charged again, we exchanged pleasantries and I once again backed out. "That was close, you shouldn't have ran". I once again charged, and after a couple of hits, I lied dead at Edog's feet. He is consistentl good, although he always seems to leave on the servers I'm on :p

2. ThatOneTomahawk- Very good sword fighter and flinterrr and steeler. I remember fighting him on TW2, shooting him 5-6 times with a bow before taking chase. I followed him, and he put two fires perfectly in front of me. The hit damage and blur from the fire, plus his hitblocking skills...resulted in my death.

I haven't played enough with other really good players to give an accurate description.
I don't think you can have a nemesis that doesn't know you exist... but I may be mistaken


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hacksource - Such a good PvPer!!! Amazing with an axe. Most mature person you will ever meet.

BajanCanadian - Such a sophisticated gentle man who cannot be beat in Pvp, and he doesn't even use BetterSprint!!

Every Single Bacca - So powerful when it comes to playing solo. Never causing trouble, never teaming, never quoting Bajan's strange ass language. Coolest skins ever!!!

KermitPlaysMC - Such a cute little voice!!!!

Pioneers13 - Smartest PvPer that I have ever seen! So much talent from him.

Matias98 - Straightest gay person ever.

J_Martt17 - Smartest PvPer ever, soooo good!

Wobbie333 - So kind and always giving a helping hand!

xRpmx13 - Ugliest gamer ever!

1 year old drunk bunny in space - Better at minecraft then all of the above.


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hacksource - Such a good PvPer!!! Amazing with an axe. Most mature person you will ever meet.

BajanCanadian - Such a sophisticated gentle man who cannot be beat in Pvp, and he doesn't even use BetterSprint!!

Every Single Bacca - So powerful when it comes to playing solo. Never causing trouble, never teaming, never quoting Bajan's strange ass language. Coolest skins ever!!!

KermitPlaysMC - Such a cute little voice!!!!

Pioneers13 - Smartest PvPer that I have ever seen! So much talent from him.

Matias98 - Straightest gay person ever.

J_Martt17 - Smartest PvPer ever, soooo good!

Wobbie333 - So kind and always giving a helping hand!

xRpmx13 - Ugliest gamer ever!

1 year old drunk bunny in space - Better at minecraft then all of the above.
^ this


May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Mah list. Sorry if I didn't mention you, but this is just from my experience. Also I have my top 11 because I'm a hipster. #Swag. In no particular order:

Kos - Honestly. What just happened...

CraftyKratonite - Dat asian lag makes him almost unbeatable. Plus his sexiness often distracts me.

Edog786 - Every battle with him is extremely intense and exciting! *cough* I'm better *cough*

polarisXD - Underestimated and great pvper. Also, dat flint and steel.....

mikefroot - I honestly have never beaten mike out of the 10+ battles we've had. I don't understand.

Soul - Destroyed me without his shirt on. #DemAsianHax

darkai202 - Destroyed me and 2 other great US players by himself. It was due to australian server lag, but shhh. Don't tell him. Let him have his moment.

Cheedos - I always thought he was a god who was legendary at pvp and I would watch him destroy in games. And then I met him.

Yesh (DoodleBob91) - He has really grown as a pvper over the last few months and I've got to say he's pretty darn good.

soggypickle - The soggiest pickle you will ever meet, and when it comes to pvping, he'll surprise you with how amazing he is. Don't let his hilarious username fool you...

Kerbals - Every time I fight him he either beats me or leaves me at 1/2 a heart. Plus he makes the tastiest darn bacon you will ever eat. Or inject. Whatever floats your boat.


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Mah list. Sorry if I didn't mention you, but this is just from my experience. Also I have my top 11 because I'm a hipster. #Swag. In no particular order:

Kos - Honestly. What just happened...

CraftyKratonite - Dat asian lag makes him almost unbeatable. Plus his sexiness often distracts me.

Edog786 - Every battle with him is extremely intense and exciting! *cough* I'm better *cough*

polarisXD - Underestimated and great pvper. Also, dat flint and steel.....

mikefroot - I honestly have never beaten mike out of the 10+ battles we've had. I don't understand.

Soul - Destroyed me without his shirt on. #DemAsianHax

darkai202 - Destroyed me and 2 other great US players by himself. It was due to australian server lag, but shhh. Don't tell him. Let him have his moment.

Cheedos - I always thought he was a god who was legendary at pvp and I would watch him destroy in games. And then I met him.

Yesh (DoodleBob91) - He has really grown as a pvper over the last few months and I've got to say he's pretty darn good.

soggypickle - The soggiest pickle you will ever meet, and when it comes to pvping, he'll surprise you with how amazing he is. Don't let his hilarious username fool you...

Kerbals - Every time I fight him he either beats me or leaves me at 1/2 a heart. Plus he makes the tastiest darn bacon you will ever eat. Or inject. Whatever floats your boat.
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