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Top 10 MCSG Players You Have Fought.

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Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Maybe one day I'll be on one these list...(be quiet, I like to dream)

1. EDOG. Holy hell, this man is my nemesis, and he doesn't even know I exist. I remember distinctly fighting him with slightly superior gear, exchanging hits, and backing out at about 2 hearts. "Wow man, I only had 1 heart, you shouldn't have ran." I charged again, we exchanged pleasantries and I once again backed out. "That was close, you shouldn't have ran". I once again charged, and after a couple of hits, I lied dead at Edog's feet. He is consistentl good, although he always seems to leave on the servers I'm on :p

2. ThatOneTomahawk- Very good sword fighter and flinterrr and steeler. I remember fighting him on TW2, shooting him 5-6 times with a bow before taking chase. I followed him, and he put two fires perfectly in front of me. The hit damage and blur from the fire, plus his hitblocking skills...resulted in my death.

I haven't played enough with other really good players to give an accurate description.
I know you! :3


Jun 10, 2012
Reaction score
Mah list. Sorry if I didn't mention you, but this is just from my experience. Also I have my top 11 because I'm a hipster. #Swag. In no particular order:

Cheedos - I always thought he was a god who was legendary at pvp and I would watch him destroy in games. And then I met him.
I am a god. lol


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I mean I don't really pay attention to my games, but I guess here are a few that I've fought at least once that were pretty good:
- JustAHotDog
- Canziano
- slasherxtreme


Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
(In no particular order)
1) ScrewYouGumby2
2) duncdew
3) Flexvoid
5) theoretically
6) Canziano
7) CharlesYummyegg
8) Gravey4rd

I don't really remember anyone else that good that I have fought


Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
My top 10 (also in no particular order)

Zeno - A fantastic PvPer that always seems to get a bunch of hits. While I may not use the same strafing strategy as he does, it works extremely well for him. He's an excellent PvPer, and beware if you see him in game. c:

Soul - A nublet that's great at PvP. He's extremely tactical and one of the first people I personally knew that used the Fishing Rod / Flint and Steel tactics. He is also a great leader when it comes to coordination with teammates, a skill that makes him amazing at the game...not to mention his 73 win streak on his alt account.

Nitro_Elite - One of the best sword fighters I've ever seen in the game. Without a fishing rod, I often find myself having to run from him or deal with him with other tactics.

Atwatt - Another great tactical player. As much as we hate his tactics for how OP they are, we still love him. He's also one of the best with the bow I've ever seen. I think anyone in the Forgotten can comment on his strategies, positively and with hate. However, we still love him. <3

angelgun - A great friend and a great player. All of my fights with him have been extremely close, so I think he deserves a spot in my top 10.

Branbob83 - So unbearably sexy. He also tends to tick me off with his overall PvP skill. He's good with pretty much everything. :c

Macobeast / Makobeast / whatever his alt is now :L - Amazing PvPer. From what I've seen, he can take almost anybody in an unfair (for him) 1v1.

soggypickle - As much as I love his name and want to kill him for it, he's also extremely good at the game. He's also was a nub blockhitter, but we still love him. <3

Kos / Kosmish - Have you seen her winstreaks? I've only PvPed her once, but she's amazing. I wish I could win that many games without losing. xD

nickelodeonthe1 - A blockhitting nub, but he's pretty damn good at the game. Yoshi is still convinced he's from Jamaica. :L
Let's just name all the pros in our clans shall we? :p


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
I need to make one of these but I really don't know who to put... But I'll try

Kos She is a god with dat fishing pole. Seriously, 1 on 1, she can take on anyone as long as she has a fishing pole and a swarhd.

Zeno One of the best strategist's out there; he always knows what and when to do the most seemingly ridiculous plans.

Atwatt I've only fought him once, but we held each other off for all 5 minutes of deathmatch (this was in V1)

Branbob83 An amazing pvper all around. Wish I could be as sexy as him too :/

CraftyKratonite Really good with dem 180 bowshawts and getting good hit combos.

mikefroot He's underated, but a good player nonetheless.

JaysWing ryanroks594 A good swordsman, his power boosts when he go's Black Jesus"

Theoretical I remember when he played in US for a while. He would take all my routes, and out of all the battles we fought, I only beat him once. Stahp stalking, Theo.

omega_moon When we were fighting for the last spot in the Clan Battles, he kept making the most ridiculous shots... A good swordsman as well.

And we can't forgot the best, can we? ChadTheDJ dis kiddo haz insane hax0r skeelz brah hii da beshtesht mayne bt nawt betah dan dat benja canada mayne
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