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The 'Do's and 'Don't's of PvP

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District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Well, it's a good thread if you're wanting a new account with a good w/l ratio, or to even just build up your regular accounts win to loss ratio. This guide will also to be helpful to win games consistently or even to just win your first game.

Edit: This isn't 100% accurate. It essentially my style of play, so I don't advise to copy the whole guide, just use parts that suite you in battle. This guide is for players that don't have the best connection then most players within that region such as myself. Players within Western Australian and live in the east of America could learn a bit from this thread.

DON'T - Criticals: Criticals are less important in 1.7, the sprint key is were it is at:
  • Most people constantly jump in order to get however but they do not know the effects of jumping, it may seem easy just to keep it on there, or awkward to hold it off, but it is better. Jumping is completely ineffective in general 1v1 combat. Would you rather get 2-3 extra hits then 3 critical strikes?
DO - Flat running/better strafing: This tactic is much better than the usual jump and attack, better mechanic than jumping every second:
  • What is actually more effective is this; This tip was originated from AlLuc, after he kept on beating me in consecutive 1v1's and I couldn't explain how he was beating me so easily. If you keep jumping after each hit, or even before you engage in a fight, you will be hit a lot further, throwing you off guard and confused. This is even worse when a player using the sprint key effectively will demolish you. When holding it down once they are "confused" you can charge straight in again, and again. Over and over allowing you quite easily kill another player. Yes, if to aggressive, you may die from fire depending how skilled this player is and/or if they're in an open area. To easily run away. This tactic is mainly for 2 hit combos instead of the usual one.
DON'T - Blockhitting: Blockhitting is now completely null and horrible in 1.7 use. The sprint key can easily overcome this tactic without a breeze:
  • Blockhitting is actually a completely useless tactic that will get you killed, since you are spending a few milliseconds blocking instead of not doing anything. You are also slowed by blockhitting, because there's no other way to move while also blockhitting. Unfortunately, the silly notion of blockhitting has worked its way throughout MCSG and beyond to many other PvP/faction servers and is completely useless. This tactic now doesn't help as it slows you and makes you become more vulnerable to combo locks. People also believe that believe that block-hitting in small areas where it is impossible to strafe is good. No, you are better off not even being in that area in the first place.
DO - Blocking: A complete difference to block hitting, I'll show you why:
  • Blocking is a different term to 'blockhitting' if you want to obviously "team" with a noob, or block an arrow while in water or an explosion (like on TheHive for example).
    Blocked attacks deal only half the normal damage they normally would (3 heart arrow shot would do 1.5). Blocking does not decrease the sword's durability.
DON'T - Terrain: Fighting is always a pain, whether it'll be flat or hilly:
  • Hilly terrain has many disadvantages and advantages, the main disadvantage is being above the player, many people believe it is the better place to have majority of their fights, it really isn't to have every single battle there.
DO - Terrain: Watch where you fight, no matter where you are assess what is required of your situation.
  • If you're on a mountain, and it is possible to see flat land, always PvP down there, it is so much better from where you currently are. Mountain PvP disables the use of an important secondary; flint and steel. Always watch out for grass flat terrain (long grass) because of excessive flint and steel usage. Having height on an opponent IS indeed a pvp strategy that can help you outmanoeuvre someone completely; jumping on them, hitting them twice and knocking them down 5 blocks or more can definitely change the game, leaving their team mate ready to 1vs1. After that you can simply repeat what you did previously and the person who has already been knocked off the first time will usually come back. If you do do enough damage you can definitely kill them or fit one snipe in easily (depending on their gear and the amount of hits you get off).
DON'T - Fishing Rod: Over casting
  • If you're chasing a guy that you'll most likely die to (or could die) do not spam your fishing rod if you're both constantly running in a relative straight line. Why am I saying this? Because of the fact that they can simply turn around while you have your fishing rod casted. Why is this bad? The main reason why this is bad is because that they will mostly likely stun YOU. Yes, you. Then you'll feel like you're not on top of this situation at hand. Keeping the rod in your hand without it being casted is good, so that if they turn around, you'll most likely cast it as they turn around leaving them surprised and for you to come in and finish it off.
  • TBH; there weren't really to many don't s with the fishing rod, but as I stated, mainly it's the one above.
DO - Fishing Rod: Extreme knowledge on this unique weapon.
  • With fishing rods now a days, you either join them or die. There is simply no way around not using a fishing rod, unless you don't want to be good. There are 2 or 3 so ways of using aggressively play, and the same for defensive play.
  • Now lets start off with aggression, it can get you killed majority of the time, but it is still needed in regular play. When chasing someone, one of the best things to do is to knock them into walls, or blocks. Now, you might think 'Hang on, that won't work in 1.7', well, it still does, but not to it's full potential as it used to. The enemy will still be slowed down in their attempt to escape, it doesn't cut off their sprint, but still slows them down so that you can catch up. Another method is to always be pre-cautious when chasing people, as I mentioned in the 'Don't' section, you always want to be alert with a fishing rod at hand. This allows for multiple first hits when they engage in the fight.
  • Defensive is possibly an easier way to learn to use the fishing rod tactic, but it'll become more crucial and life dependant as it comes along. Now, to start off, you need to play around the enemy, not going straight for the sword, fishing rods help if the get a little too close for your liking, doing so can allow them to get quite a few hits if you are't too careful. Same goes for when running away, if someone gets a little too close, just cast your rod to knock them back out of your path. The second way of defensive fishing rods is the simple little stun, you can knock most chasers off-guard allowing you to get a nasty little combo, making the opposition scared. I see many players do it, but cannot successfully do it. You want to hit them and knock them back, not miss then charge - that is what makes defensive players more vulnerable to combos were they think 'What happened there?' It is a main strategy that many fail to succeed in.
  • I've also recently have been watching particular videos of good players to encourage this technique. It involves casting the fishing rod TWICE, for a double stun, it catches people off guard and knocks then back as far as a regular sword hit. As this happens, it's practically the starter to your sword combo. Tips to practice this is really lean how to cast the rod fast, as the quicker you do it, the more beneficial it is for you.
Note: If you guys want anything to be added to the list, just tell me. Something that you're either interested in, or would just like to know the general pros and cons, just ask.

Credit: Kytria for terrain involvement.

Edit: 19/04/14: Edits to blocking and block hitting and fishing rod, also a small edit to the introduction about who this is useful for.
Last edited:


District 13
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Can I have your opinion on using terrain to your advantage? ;0

I mean, I know mine.. I just want to know yours. :p
I'm not to sure on terrain fighting, I am really clueless.


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
You obviously didn't understand. DON'T SAY FIRST IT'S NOT A FREAKING ACHIEVEMENT AND WON'T GET YOU ANYWHERE ON THE FORUMS. Sorry for yelling :L But you could at least say something relevant to the thread.
It actually is an achievement in its own unique way. People strive to be the first one there. I know it's not relevant but it shows activity if you are able to achieve it. It's not to get you anywhere on the forums. It's all for fun and for show. #FirstPostFTW


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
After seeing your terrain edit I'd have to disagree with a few things, but it does look pretty good. :)
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