As moderators, we try our best to be online and proactive at all times. Sadly enough, we don't have enough moderators to cover all servers/players. That's why it's important for us to rely on users who use the 'Report Abuse' thread. With your guys' help, we have caught countless hackers and spammers. If you ever want a moderator to come to your game, feel free to drop into teamspeak. We're always available, especially late at night (U.S) due to the fact that we've recently added a few more Australian moderators.
We greatly appreciate any member of the community to go out of their way to record/screenshot any hacker/spammer. There are no words to express our gratitude towards your efforts. If anything, you guys are the heroes of the servers. You guys are the ones that make the community AWESOME, and help donate to keep our servers running!
I'll try to be on as much as possible to help you out. If you don't know how to get on teamspeak, there's a thread
HERE if you need help.
I want to thank you very much for your concern, and to tell you that we're working on it! If you can, please help us out by recording hackers/screen-shotting spammers. Your words in the community aren't ignored, and we understand your frustration.
I'm sorry that I can't be much help, but I try my best. I hope you can accept that!
P.S. Sorry for the bad grammar/typing. I'm on my iPod, and it's terribly impossible to type when I'm in a rush!