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Kithex Build Team [Closed]

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Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: Stefan
Minecraft IGN: Swordz_
Age: 14
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Building & Terraforming
Photos/Videos of your builds: [1] http://gyazo.com/60814c176ba04b981e7486cf1fb61035 [2] http://gyazo.com/1b4a7c2c9b7f7f303de8b686d8dad42d [3] http://gyazo.com/7326a1d561e0246d762b154e4246768b [4] http://gyazo.com/3fd71783c9e4359b8cd81bb2f3a3287b [5] http://gyazo.com/e2dc22e6e28d1ff39a79cae1a5c91259 [6] http://gyazo.com/40bee76e91f6eba9d1c19145178337a4 [7] http://gyazo.com/5d6c686a22ec2ad72fbee17e367e9c9d [8]http://gyazo.com/e71b9dba61786e9c228bf981f9ca97e0
What are your weaknesses?: building organics
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I was in RF.
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: From a lot of friends of this community.
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: I dont mind any suites.
Why Kithex?: Because i believe they are an up and coming build team.
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: Hey my name is Stefan, I'm 14 years old. I'm from the north of ireland. I play a lot of soccer and also love computer games. I found out about minecraft 2 and a half years ago since then ive never been of it xD. I became moderator here on Saturday and really like it. Id also really like to join this team to chill out with some members and have fun! :D


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: Stefan
Minecraft IGN: Swordz_
Age: 14
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Building & Terraforming
Photos/Videos of your builds: [1] http://gyazo.com/60814c176ba04b981e7486cf1fb61035 [2] http://gyazo.com/1b4a7c2c9b7f7f303de8b686d8dad42d [3] http://gyazo.com/7326a1d561e0246d762b154e4246768b [4] http://gyazo.com/3fd71783c9e4359b8cd81bb2f3a3287b [5] http://gyazo.com/e2dc22e6e28d1ff39a79cae1a5c91259 [6] http://gyazo.com/40bee76e91f6eba9d1c19145178337a4 [7] http://gyazo.com/5d6c686a22ec2ad72fbee17e367e9c9d [8]http://gyazo.com/e71b9dba61786e9c228bf981f9ca97e0
What are your weaknesses?: building organics
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I was in RF.
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: From a lot of friends of this community.
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: I dont mind any suites.
Why Kithex?: Because i believe they are an up and coming build team.
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: Hey my name is Stefan, I'm 14 years old. I'm from the north of ireland. I play a lot of soccer and also love computer games. I found out about minecraft 2 and a half years ago since then ive never been of it xD. I became moderator here on Saturday and really like it. Id also really like to join this team to chill out with some members and have fun! :D
Your application is currently pending whilst our administration decides the result.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
I am going to apply; I just need to prepare an application.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: Gizm/Joey
Minecraft IGN: MCGamerzism
Age: 14

What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Interior Designing, Cinematic's and Basic Graphics (Video Thumbnails etc) and Photography :D I can do basics od Terraforming but its not my thing :)

Photos/Videos of your builds: These pictures include my Exterior, Interior, Photography and some of my Graphics :) - http://imgur.com/6jCa0Oa,4Z3eiWY,RO...S7W,azCAy8Y,5UYGELH,xffZjvo,xFYHeZI,TotKze9#1

What are your weaknesses?: Exterior building, and most definitely Redstone! However I'm always willing to learn!

Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I'm in Helix Build Team (MCSwish) but I've also been in Atlantic Mermaids Build Team (Amy will remember) but apparently the server broke and the build was lost, and the build team disbanded ;(

How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: Well, I just like to browse around the forums as you know, especially the map section :D so I just found a lot of Kits posts and threads and eventually found the Kithex Thread :D And it seems like a very organised build team and that's what I look for as well as meeting a lot new peeps and getting better!

Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: Well, I'm going to say group projects, but they all have the advantages and disadvantages. One reason why I prefer group projects is I have become much better at working in groups clans and teams etc.

Why Kithex?: I know a few members :D And there's a few members that I've being dying to meet for ages! As I said previously, the team seem really dedicated and organised, and I'm all for that!

Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: A very organised, understandable and articulate person who agrees and respects others opinions as well as putting my point out in a clear and respectable manner. I'm also a good listener, I listen to rules and instructions when it comes to practical builds. Personality wise I am funny (occasionally) kind, and confident (good bye awkward moments :D)
First Name: Joseph
Minecraft IGN: OverLord547
Age: 13 sorry if this is to young!
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Building
Photos/Videos of your builds: http://gyazo.com/faae0acde061e18f9e81d80cd1709cc2 http://gyazo.com/9b97775318390acebd7b7bf034f9ed40 http://gyazo.com/aa604c7b67df02af63004834098e3a46 http://gyazo.com/8d494e7927b4bbe7876a5117fc0339b2 http://gyazo.com/1025f46c470d7b592f40c5090925bcdf http://gyazo.com/4e044dc5f494bb08bf8f30916781fa2f http://gyazo.com/4b696e4139966835b8fa82fbc372b55f http://gyazo.com/9608e522919c4912a931acdacf98665b http://gyazo.com/5f9c0935b0dd64b3aea963dcac84e0d4 http://gyazo.com/e587ee5aca5783b8019b219ba59a4731 http://gyazo.com/bc9c30f6f4828c56ecb735d6b6d795e7 Sorry for making you click all of them didn't know how to add them all in one!
What are your weaknesses?: I have to say that I am not very good at terraforming if you expect me to do it. Also sometimes I don't put enough detail in my first designs but I correct them and make it look better!
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I am currently in two build teams already! I know this sounds bad but I will be 100% committed to Kithex!
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: I have two friends. One is already in this Build Team and one is applying!
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: I prefer to work in a group!
Why Kithex?: Why not? This seems like a professional build team which is just what I need and come on KitMencha is owner!
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: I am a sporty person who likes minecraft! I have a dog which is currently 9 months old and I love pets! I currently have exams so I will have to revise but no revision will stop me getting on my minecraft account :). I am funny and can be serious when I need to be!

I hope you see potential!
Thank you for applying, unfortunately your applications have been denied due to the following reason(s):
  • Your builds do not met our standards
  • Your description did not show much detail
You may not reapply until you speak with myself and the administration due to an investigation regarding the two of you.
First Name: Stefan
Minecraft IGN: Swordz_
Age: 14
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Building & Terraforming
Photos/Videos of your builds: [1] http://gyazo.com/60814c176ba04b981e7486cf1fb61035 [2] http://gyazo.com/1b4a7c2c9b7f7f303de8b686d8dad42d [3] http://gyazo.com/7326a1d561e0246d762b154e4246768b [4] http://gyazo.com/3fd71783c9e4359b8cd81bb2f3a3287b [5] http://gyazo.com/e2dc22e6e28d1ff39a79cae1a5c91259 [6] http://gyazo.com/40bee76e91f6eba9d1c19145178337a4 [7] http://gyazo.com/5d6c686a22ec2ad72fbee17e367e9c9d [8]http://gyazo.com/e71b9dba61786e9c228bf981f9ca97e0
What are your weaknesses?: building organics
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I was in RF.
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: From a lot of friends of this community.
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: I dont mind any suites.
Why Kithex?: Because i believe they are an up and coming build team.
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: Hey my name is Stefan, I'm 14 years old. I'm from the north of ireland. I play a lot of soccer and also love computer games. I found out about minecraft 2 and a half years ago since then ive never been of it xD. I became moderator here on Saturday and really like it. Id also really like to join this team to chill out with some members and have fun! :D
I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to do an interview with our administration team. If you pass the interview we will have you do a trial.
I am going to apply; I just need to prepare an application.
I see you have purchased a membership, welcome to the team :). Send me your Skype name on Slack please.


Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for applying, unfortunately your applications have been denied due to the following reason(s):
  • Your builds do not met our standards
  • Your description did not show much detail
You may not reapply until you speak with myself and the administration due to an investigation regarding the two of you.

I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to do an interview with our administration team. If you pass the interview we will have you do a trial.

I see you have purchased a membership, welcome to the team :). Send me your Skype name on Slack please.
oh ok Thank you anyway for having the time to look at my post :)


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Thank you for applying, unfortunately your applications have been denied due to the following reason(s):
  • Your builds do not met our standards
  • Your description did not show much detail
You may not reapply until you speak with myself and the administration due to an investigation regarding the two of you.

I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to do an interview with our administration team. If you pass the interview we will have you do a trial.

I see you have purchased a membership, welcome to the team :). Send me your Skype name on Slack please.
Understood, I'll work on my builds since tbf, there not that great, I'm currently working on a SG map so I'll contact after that's done!


May 31, 2014
Reaction score
First Name: Ben
Minecraft IGN: Turbofigher
Age: 18

What are you good at? I’m good at creating contraptions (Redstone) and generally good at all round building.

Photos of my builds:

What are my weaknesses?

I'd have to say my greatest weakness is self-assessment... but I could be completely wrong.
Have I been or in any other build team?


How did I hear about Kithex?

I heard about Kithex from a friend “TriadicUser” who suggested that I should apply and attempt to join Kithex.

Do I prefer solo projects or in a group?

I like to work on buildings/structures in a group or alone, as I don’t really mind, but prefer to work as a team to get everything done quicker. However with Redstone, I prefer to work alone as I like to concentrate so I can get the mechanics running smoothly.

Why Kithex? I heard that is was a good build team from friends, and since I’d like to join Kithex. I suppose it would be good to socialise with the community, and get to know new people. Have fun with people on the build server. And generally have a good time.
Describe myself in 50-70 words: I’m an 18 year old gamer who has always enjoyed games. I play things such as LoL (League of Legends) and strategy times and of course Minecraft. I like to socialise with the new people. Finally I’m quite a mature person, but likes to have fun at the same time.
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