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Kithex Build Team [Closed]

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Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: Neven, and since I am Croatian, I do have quite a funny name.

Minecraft IGN: TomahawkGoesChop, and no, I am not a ThatOneTomahawk fanboy :)

Age: 13, but I am quite mature. I am not gonna be a brat and say that I my maturity level is 10/10, as that would be a lie. I am probbably a 6/10 as I love common jokes, but im pretty serious when it comes to teams and clans.

What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): I am mainly a builder. I am a decent redstoner, as I can do simple redstone (Redstone doors, enchanting contraptions,...), but not any complex stuff. I used to be a terraformer in a build team, but I feel like my terraforming is not really up to high standarts.

Photos/Videos of your builds: http://imgur.com/a/twISF
(Some of the pictures are on my creative plot on the US creative server, which is like 40% done, the rest 2 are from the SMP I play on. If necesarry, I will supply more pictures)

What are your weaknesses?: Probbably building under big preasure and building in short time periods, as I try and make every detail look good. I also forgot some world edit commands, and im not that good at VoxelSniper, but with a little bit of training on my (portforwarded)server, I could easily be as good as before with them.

Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I have been in "Team Evolve", which used to be a build team on The Fridge (a server which BajanCanadian used to own), and I was terraformer, but again, I dont think im that good of a terraformer.

How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: I heard rummors about there being a new proffesional build team, and some people also confirmed it. I didnt really know what the name is gonna be or who is gonna be in it,. But then one day, this thread came out. Thats basically how I heard of Kithex.

Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: I dont mind any of there, as I am a friendly person, but can also build solo.

Why Kithex?: I was looking to apply for a build team, for a long time, but I just never had the courage, as I was afraid of being declined. One day I decided to just go for it, and almost posted a application for Red Forest, but I said to myself that I would never get in. So when Kithex came, I couraged up again, and now I am writing this application. I am a decent builder (or so I have been told), but I want to also join so my building skills can improve and I can learn from some of the best builders here.

Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: Well, I would say I am quite a friendly person, which doesnt like to start any arguments, and also am always happy. I rage sometimes, but I say to myself: "Its only a game". I am a good student, my usual grades are A and B. I have been learning English since I was 6, when I got my first computer. I learnt English mainly from Video Games, but started learning it 3 years ago in school, as my main forian language is German (Which I am ironically bad at). I can keep great balance between my virtual life, and my social life. I plan to apply for Moderator when I turn 14, in July, and im going to try and get an age exception. (Cant think of anything else to put here xD)

Thank you for taking the time of your day to read my application, wish me luck :3
Have a nice day, and thanks again!
I afraid that your application has been declined, due to the following reasons:
  • Your builds do not meet our standards.
You may reapply in 24 hours.

First Name: Kenny
Minecraft IGN: K3nnyrulez
Age: 14
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): I am mainly a builder but I know basics when it comes to using Voxel Sniper and I understand how reds tone works.
Photos/Videos of your builds: http://imgur.com/a/H5hvB
What are your weaknesses?: I'm not the best at creating the ideas of what to build.
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I am currently in Team Elite.
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]:
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: Probably group but I have been looking at starting some projects recently.
Why Kithex?: Because this team will teach me more building techniques and will generally benefit me and the team in lots of ways.
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: I am fairly mature and have been told I'm quite funny and random. I guess I'm fun to hang around with but when I'm annoyed I'm really grouchy.
I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for trial! Please hop on the Kithex TS and poke a mod. They will give you instructions for your trial.

First Name: Koop
Minecraft IGN: Bonzer99
Age: 13
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Building
What are your weaknesses?: Redstone
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: Nope.
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: Through The Forums
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: Both.
Why Kithex?: Because It Looks Fun, It Sounds Fun And Im Sure Ill Hive Fun
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: I'm A 13 Year Old Boy In Year7 From NSW Australia. I Play Sports (Swimming, Soccer And Sometimes Cricket). In My Spare Time I Do Play MineCraft And Do A lot Of Buildings, I Guess Its My Passion. I Have The Passion For Building. I Got MineCraft Afew Years Back And Loved Building. Although I Only Built Small Houses. Then I Expanded, I Left The Nest, I Started Building GIANT Things And That's Where I Am Today.
Picture Of My Best Building:
I afraid that your application has been declined, due to the following reasons:
  • We would prefer to see more photos of other builds you have.
You may reapply in 24 hours.


Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: Dan
Minecraft IGN: Raptor_Snipzzzz
Age: 16
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Building
Photos/Videos of your builds: http://imgur.com/PO3Q2uR,RxX7yJl,qZe8uDY,TUnZ0XT http://imgur.com/UcibeNa,kg6Svbz,GkOxaD3,gFbOyVb,E17oLKR,A4X4DHv http://i.imgur.com/Ea1hlue.png
What are your weaknesses?: Terraforming
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I am Owner of Team Red Diamond and have been apart of team Hyrealm, Herbox
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: KitMencha
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: i prefer working in a group but can work solo
Why Kithex?: Because I am looking for somewhere to build because I think i have the potential to.
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: I am a hard working Australian builder that loves to play minecraft and build. I am a very nice person I get a long with any one I meet. I know where my grounds Start and never try to go over the limit of it. I am Nice I like to have a joke with people and not insult them. I am kind and loyal I will treat you however you treat me.
I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for trial! Please hop on the Kithex TS and poke a mod. They will give you instructions for your trial.


Feb 23, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: David
Minecraft IGN: mmmeh
Age: 17 and pregnant.
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): All-around woop woop. Applying for that Architect spot yo.
Photos/Videos of your builds: Aye my time to shine. k, so i've been building for like 2 years so this stuff finna be juicy:

My portfolio shall be linked at the end of these pics, i just picked some that i thought were rather pretty. (All visual effects done by me too btw)

A quick arena I made in 5 hours, still fun to build tho:

A kit pvp map made as a commission:

One of the regions:

My first try at a large-scale airship, i think she turned out pretty nifty:

A multi-purpose arena

An old spawn I created for my server back in like 1.4. (The feels..)

Recreation of the Eastern Air Temple (Dragons made by my buddy SamoaSpider)



What are your weaknesses?: I occasionally find difficulty in collaborating with others on a specific build, I tend to have it my way or the highway, however this can be often be overcome by some negotiation.
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: Yep yep, head builder of Team PwnCraft, we do recreational builds for servers and what-not.
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: Tbh Forairan commented in global chat that the servers would be down for maintenance and linked to a post on the site, so I perused my way to the build teams sections for the giggles and decided why not apply.
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: While I'm in a build team myself, I mostly do solo builds as I find the only way to ensure a build is done properly is to do it myself.
Why Kithex?: Great question. Why not Kithex? Heh, jokes aside, it'd be a great learning experience to collaborate with other builders and improve my own skills while also helping out others with theirs.
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words:
Online, extroverted, irl, supa introverted. I like to think I warm those around me and bring an overall joy to others when speaking with them. I feel that my humor gets me well-liked and overall I tend to be a pleasing guy. Wowzurs, this feels like i'm applying for a job or something, heh. K well pretty much I don't mean to sound too pretentious, but I think i'm rather rad. (Oops that was 71 words, don't hate me)


Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
A quick arena I made in 5 hours, still fun to build tho:

A kit pvp map made as a commission:

One of the regions:

My first try at a large-scale airship, i think she turned out pretty nifty:

A multi-purpose arena

An old spawn I created for my server back in like 1.4. (The feels..)

Recreation of the Eastern Air Temple (Dragons made by my buddy SamoaSpider)



Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: David
Minecraft IGN: mmmeh
Age: 17 and pregnant.
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): All-around woop woop. Applying for that Architect spot yo.
Photos/Videos of your builds: Aye my time to shine. k, so i've been building for like 2 years so this stuff finna be juicy:

My portfolio shall be linked at the end of these pics, i just picked some that i thought were rather pretty. (All visual effects done by me too btw)

A quick arena I made in 5 hours, still fun to build tho:

A kit pvp map made as a commission:

One of the regions:

My first try at a large-scale airship, i think she turned out pretty nifty:

A multi-purpose arena

An old spawn I created for my server back in like 1.4. (The feels..)

Recreation of the Eastern Air Temple (Dragons made by my buddy SamoaSpider)



What are your weaknesses?: I occasionally find difficulty in collaborating with others on a specific build, I tend to have it my way or the highway, however this can be often be overcome by some negotiation.
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: Yep yep, head builder of Team PwnCraft, we do recreational builds for servers and what-not.
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: Tbh Forairan commented in global chat that the servers would be down for maintenance and linked to a post on the site, so I perused my way to the build teams sections for the giggles and decided why not apply.
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: While I'm in a build team myself, I mostly do solo builds as I find the only way to ensure a build is done properly is to do it myself.
Why Kithex?: Great question. Why not Kithex? Heh, jokes aside, it'd be a great learning experience to collaborate with other builders and improve my own skills while also helping out others with theirs.
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words:
Online, extroverted, irl, supa introverted. I like to think I warm those around me and bring an overall joy to others when speaking with them. I feel that my humor gets me well-liked and overall I tend to be a pleasing guy. Wowzurs, this feels like i'm applying for a job or something, heh. K well pretty much I don't mean to sound too pretentious, but I think i'm rather rad. (Oops that was 71 words, don't hate me)
Accepted for trial. Poke a mod on the Kithex ts to be whitelisted.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
Update: we now have 2 trial devs. 3 of our trial admins passed their trials(Lauren started her trial a week later so she has one more week). Due to certain circumstances we have promoted Ghotiyz to Head Admin to run the team alongside Bowser and Azzonian.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
Applications will be closing in a few weeks time, make sure to get your applications in as soon as you can.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone, just wanted to point out that we are looking for architects for a big project, apply soon!
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