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Kithex Build Team [Closed]

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Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
First Name: Alexander Diaz Nick: { Zander }

Minecraft IGN: JlowBob231

Age: 15

What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Redstone... but I can also build

Photos/Videos of your builds:
Steampunk House---->http://imgur.com/a/L5GKw#0
Redstone Calculator---->

What are your weaknesses?: My biggest weakness is being creative with my Building. I guess you could say that is what having a team is for. :)

Have you been or are you in any other build team?: Team Mystical. Made it to trial on Team Atlantic Mermaids, but they disbanded. I also know Amy from Atlantic Mermaids. Tell her it's zanderd123 .

How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: Saw it on the forums and I saw Amy was on the team.

Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: I hate working solo. Love groups.

Why Kithex?: You guys have mods on your team and mods are dedicated and that is the type of guy that I am.

Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: I am a soccer player that lives in Arizona and I get a 3.7 GPA average and I am a guy who dedicates himself to stuff that I commit to and I also have what I think is a decent sense of humor. I don't just build, I like building with other people and having fun while doing it, But also being serious while doing so.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: Alexander Diaz Nick: { Zander }
Minecraft IGN: JlowBob231

Age: 15

What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Redstone... but I can also build

Photos/Videos of your builds:
Steampunk House---->http://imgur.com/a/L5GKw#0
Redstone Calculator---->

What are your weaknesses?: My biggest weakness is being creative with my Building. I guess you could say that is what having a team is for. :)
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: Team Mystical. Made it to trial on Team Atlantic Mermaids, but they disbanded. I also know Amy from Atlantic Mermaids. Tell her it's zanderd123 .

How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: Saw it on the forums and I saw Amy was on the team.

Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: I hate working solo. Love groups.

Why Kithex?: You guys have mods on your team and mods are dedicated and that is the type of guy that I am.

Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: I am a soccer player that lives in Arizona and I get a 3.7 GPA average and I am a guy who dedicates himself to stuff that I commit to and I also have what I think is a decent sense of humor. I don't just build, I like building with other people and having fun while doing it, But also being serious while doing so.
I am regret to inform you that... I am very hungry, and you have been accepted for trial :D.
Poke a mod on the Kithex ts for instructions on your trial.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
Due to a change of mind by the Kithex administration, we will be continuing our applications on these forums.


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: Gizm/Joey
Minecraft IGN: MCGamerzism
Age: 14

What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Interior Designing, Cinematic's and Basic Graphics (Video Thumbnails etc) and Photography :D I can do basics od Terraforming but its not my thing :)

Photos/Videos of your builds: These pictures include my Exterior, Interior, Photography and some of my Graphics :) - http://imgur.com/6jCa0Oa,4Z3eiWY,RO...S7W,azCAy8Y,5UYGELH,xffZjvo,xFYHeZI,TotKze9#1

What are your weaknesses?: Exterior building, and most definitely Redstone! However I'm always willing to learn!

Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I'm in Helix Build Team (MCSwish) but I've also been in Atlantic Mermaids Build Team (Amy will remember) but apparently the server broke and the build was lost, and the build team disbanded ;(

How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: Well, I just like to browse around the forums as you know, especially the map section :D so I just found a lot of Kits posts and threads and eventually found the Kithex Thread :D And it seems like a very organised build team and that's what I look for as well as meeting a lot new peeps and getting better!

Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: Well, I'm going to say group projects, but they all have the advantages and disadvantages. One reason why I prefer group projects is I have become much better at working in groups clans and teams etc.

Why Kithex?: I know a few members :D And there's a few members that I've being dying to meet for ages! As I said previously, the team seem really dedicated and organised, and I'm all for that!

Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: A very organised, understandable and articulate person who agrees and respects others opinions as well as putting my point out in a clear and respectable manner. I'm also a good listener, I listen to rules and instructions when it comes to practical builds. Personality wise I am funny (occasionally) kind, and confident (good bye awkward moments :D)
Last edited:


Moderator | Mapping Team
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
First Name: Gizm/Joey
Minecraft IGN: MCGamerzism
Age: 14

What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Interior Designing, Cinematic's and Basic Graphics (Video Thumbnails etc) and Photography :D

Photos/Videos of your builds:

What are your weaknesses?: Exterior building, and most definitely Redstone! However I'm always willing to learn!

Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I'm in Helix Build Team (MCSwish) but I've also been in Atlantic Mermaids Build Team (Amy will remember) but apparently the server broke and the build was lost, and the build team disbanded ;(

How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: Well, I just like to browse around the forums as you know, especially the map section :D so I just found a lot of Kits posts and threads and eventually found the Kithex Thread :D And it seems like a very organised build team and that's what I look for as well as meeting a lot new peeps and getting better!

Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: Well, I'm going to say group projects, but they all have the advantages and disadvantages. One reason why I prefer group projects is I have become much better at working in groups clans and teams etc.

Why Kithex?: I know a few members :D And there's a few members that I've being dying to meet for ages! As I said previously, the team seem really dedicated and organised, and I'm all for that!

Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: A very organised, understandable and articulate person who agrees and respects others opinions as well as putting my point out in a clear and respectable manner. I'm also a good listener, I listen to rules and instructions when it comes to practical builds. Personality wise I am funny (occasionally) kind, and confident (good bye awkward moments :D)
Just to tell you, you will need to add some pictures of your build. You probably just forgot, but go back and add some pictures if you can. I'm not staff, so I can't make any comment on your application.


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Just to tell you, you will need to add some pictures of your build. You probably just forgot, but go back and add some pictures if you can. I'm not staff, so I can't make any comment on your application.
Will do! Just did this on ipad so I had no chance of adding it! Will add when I get on my computer! Thanks for reminding me though! :D

EDIT: Added photos :) :D
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Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
First Name: Joseph
Minecraft IGN: OverLord547
Age: 13 sorry if this is to young!
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Building
Photos/Videos of your builds: http://gyazo.com/faae0acde061e18f9e81d80cd1709cc2 http://gyazo.com/9b97775318390acebd7b7bf034f9ed40 http://gyazo.com/aa604c7b67df02af63004834098e3a46 http://gyazo.com/8d494e7927b4bbe7876a5117fc0339b2 http://gyazo.com/1025f46c470d7b592f40c5090925bcdf http://gyazo.com/4e044dc5f494bb08bf8f30916781fa2f http://gyazo.com/4b696e4139966835b8fa82fbc372b55f http://gyazo.com/9608e522919c4912a931acdacf98665b http://gyazo.com/5f9c0935b0dd64b3aea963dcac84e0d4 http://gyazo.com/e587ee5aca5783b8019b219ba59a4731 http://gyazo.com/bc9c30f6f4828c56ecb735d6b6d795e7 Sorry for making you click all of them didn't know how to add them all in one!
What are your weaknesses?: I have to say that I am not very good at terraforming if you expect me to do it. Also sometimes I don't put enough detail in my first designs but I correct them and make it look better!
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I am currently in two build teams already! I know this sounds bad but I will be 100% committed to Kithex!
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: I have two friends. One is already in this Build Team and one is applying!
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: I prefer to work in a group!
Why Kithex?: Why not? This seems like a professional build team which is just what I need and come on KitMencha is owner!
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: I am a sporty person who likes minecraft! I have a dog which is currently 9 months old and I love pets! I currently have exams so I will have to revise but no revision will stop me getting on my minecraft account :). I am funny and can be serious when I need to be!

I hope you see potential!


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
First Name: Gizm/Joey
Minecraft IGN: MCGamerzism
Age: 14

What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Interior Designing, Cinematic's and Basic Graphics (Video Thumbnails etc) and Photography :D I can do basics od Terraforming but its not my thing :)

Photos/Videos of your builds: These pictures include my Exterior, Interior, Photography and some of my Graphics :) - http://imgur.com/6jCa0Oa,4Z3eiWY,RO...S7W,azCAy8Y,5UYGELH,xffZjvo,xFYHeZI,TotKze9#1

What are your weaknesses?: Exterior building, and most definitely Redstone! However I'm always willing to learn!

Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I'm in Helix Build Team (MCSwish) but I've also been in Atlantic Mermaids Build Team (Amy will remember) but apparently the server broke and the build was lost, and the build team disbanded ;(

How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: Well, I just like to browse around the forums as you know, especially the map section :D so I just found a lot of Kits posts and threads and eventually found the Kithex Thread :D And it seems like a very organised build team and that's what I look for as well as meeting a lot new peeps and getting better!

Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: Well, I'm going to say group projects, but they all have the advantages and disadvantages. One reason why I prefer group projects is I have become much better at working in groups clans and teams etc.

Why Kithex?: I know a few members :D And there's a few members that I've being dying to meet for ages! As I said previously, the team seem really dedicated and organised, and I'm all for that!

Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: A very organised, understandable and articulate person who agrees and respects others opinions as well as putting my point out in a clear and respectable manner. I'm also a good listener, I listen to rules and instructions when it comes to practical builds. Personality wise I am funny (occasionally) kind, and confident (good bye awkward moments :D)
First Name: Joseph
Minecraft IGN: OverLord547
Age: 13 sorry if this is to young!
What are you good at?(Building/Terraforming/Redstone/All-Round): Building
Photos/Videos of your builds: http://gyazo.com/faae0acde061e18f9e81d80cd1709cc2 http://gyazo.com/9b97775318390acebd7b7bf034f9ed40 http://gyazo.com/aa604c7b67df02af63004834098e3a46 http://gyazo.com/8d494e7927b4bbe7876a5117fc0339b2 http://gyazo.com/1025f46c470d7b592f40c5090925bcdf http://gyazo.com/4e044dc5f494bb08bf8f30916781fa2f http://gyazo.com/4b696e4139966835b8fa82fbc372b55f http://gyazo.com/9608e522919c4912a931acdacf98665b http://gyazo.com/5f9c0935b0dd64b3aea963dcac84e0d4 http://gyazo.com/e587ee5aca5783b8019b219ba59a4731 http://gyazo.com/bc9c30f6f4828c56ecb735d6b6d795e7 Sorry for making you click all of them didn't know how to add them all in one!
What are your weaknesses?: I have to say that I am not very good at terraforming if you expect me to do it. Also sometimes I don't put enough detail in my first designs but I correct them and make it look better!
Have you been or are you in any other build team?: I am currently in two build teams already! I know this sounds bad but I will be 100% committed to Kithex!
How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]: I have two friends. One is already in this Build Team and one is applying!
Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?: I prefer to work in a group!
Why Kithex?: Why not? This seems like a professional build team which is just what I need and come on KitMencha is owner!
Describe yourself in about 50-70 words: I am a sporty person who likes minecraft! I have a dog which is currently 9 months old and I love pets! I currently have exams so I will have to revise but no revision will stop me getting on my minecraft account :). I am funny and can be serious when I need to be!

I hope you see potential!
Your applications are currently pending. Please be patient and one of the Admins will get back to you.
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