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Aug 29, 2013
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Your entitled to your opinions, fair enough, however, I would greatly prefer that you would not do this, it is as if you are shoving it in my face, as if I don't care, as if I was wrong, as if i am stupid, and an idiot, i can go on forever, but I won't, Maybe you do not understand my point, if that is the case, then you are simply not mature enough to understand my point, you do not have the ability to think beyond your selfish mind, once you mature, you will broaden your mind, The other case for posting this is the fact that maybe you hate me, my clan, and everything i stand for, and again, you are entitled to your opinion, and freedom of speech, is granted for many reasons, but it was not created to dismay others, and that is what you are doing here, so please, just try your best to keep it to yourself, if you do not want to read it, then don't but please do not make me feel as if I am just dirt and ashes, i worked extremely hard on that. I really hope that in the near future our clans can just make up, and be allies, just please, try to comply with the point i have been trying to make. Thank you and have an excellent night.
I'm erect.


Nov 4, 2013
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IGN: coscobplaymc
Wins: 620
Games Played: 3000
Strengths: bow and sword
Weaknesses: teams of 4
Skype/TS: ElmoPlaysMinecraft
Activity: 2 or more hours a day if thats what you mean?
Anything else you'd like to add: at frist i as a very big noob at the game


Feb 5, 2013
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Alright, well, even though I lead the clan for a whopping week, I am leaving the clan. There are many reasons on to why I am leaving. I am going to be strictly honest as well, a high percent of that reason is because Primeval rebanded, along with Forgotten, and to think of the Nostalgia of those clans in the past, I really want to go back. Even though I am not the best PvPer, or Leader, I really tried my hardest with you guys, and I want you to all know that. The atmosphere of this clan was amazing, and still will be. I probably will be hated by you guys for leaving the clan... :c But I am doing what I truly want to do, it's your guys decision to respect that or not. Not that I am writing this because I will never talk to you guys again, I am writing this because this will go down in my MCSG book of being one of the most fun times I have had. :)

On to the lovely members.
Stabazam - You we're a great leader and owner of this clan, and in the future, I can see you rising up in a new clan. But for now, I am going to enjoy primmy with you!

Toxic- Thank you for the memories of Forsaken, without you, I would not have had the most dearest times I have had.

Mathy - I do not know what you are going to pursue onto, but I hope someday, I can lead with you again. It was really a good time, and I hope we get to be in the same clan again in the near future! If you continue Forsaken, I wish you the best of luck.

AVG - You are seriously so awesome. You are a great leader, and if you stay, as well as if math does, this clan will stay successful. You are one of the coolest people ever. I hope we still keep in touch!

Rielu - Ur osm and fnny. And a rlly gud pvper to

0ggY - I seriously think you are awesome. I am really really going to miss you. You are a great player, and I want you to prove that to where ever you go.

totos - You are a well deserved elite with great PvP skills. I tried getting you and other members to take my spot when you werent being played. Now you will have a guaranteed spot! c:

Tiki - OMG. You are like my bestfriend. I'm really going to miss you, I hope we can keep in touch. Make sure to hop on TS every now and than. Also. prove your PvP skills to where ever you pursue on to.

RTG - You are hilarious, and good at Pvp. I am glad I accepted you. Twas a really good choice. c:

Droid - you are awesome, and really underated. I hope to see you in Prim. c:

DeJarLes- Your funny af. I will miss you. stay ch
What a fooker doesnt put me in fookin messed up


Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
What a fooker doesnt put me in fookin messed up
u were afk in forsaken, I didnt think u were gonna com bak. But
Con - he is awesome, and my like bestfriend, hope to tlk 2 u in da fututre


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
Maybe you should include [US] in the title, just to avoid any confusion.


Oct 13, 2013
Reaction score
So...You disbanded the clan? I thought the clan was going great! I actually came onto these forums to apply, but I guess......
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