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Catching Fire/Quarter Quell update and lifetime diamond giveaway!


District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
I want Diamond donor on my account 40s. Js.

But before i start, a couple idea's i had for QQ:

To prevent OP players from camping corn and dodging all of the disasters:
Have the corn explode (because the blocks will regenerate) at random times.

Edit: ^^ Corn refills at 17 minutes. So from 18 minutes to 16 minutes, the corn cant explode.
To prevent players who are looting refill from dying.

Also, Whenever a player touches the dome (like in the movie) they take quite a bit of damage (6-8 hearts.).

The Jabberjay's are fewer in numbers, but have a 1/5 chance to damage/poison you.

As for the disasters:

  • Electric Creepers
  • The ground caving in at random spots.
  • Quicksand!
  • Tnt from the sky! (only maybe 1-5 blocks, we're trying to prevent lag here.)
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Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
An earthquake, so if a player steps certain area they get shot up in the air, potion effects etc..


Aug 8, 2013
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Hello tributes!

To start off this post, thank you to those of you who have participated in the Quarter Quell beta testing so far. We've been able to find a lot of things that need worked on and correct them before our actual release. One of the major complaints so far has been client lag and freezes caused by the volcano and flood. Because of this, we have decided that we're going to replace two of the segments, the volcano and flood (9:00 - 10:00 and 10:00 - 11:00), with user-submitted disaster ideas!

But even better - for the two most creative disaster suggestions that are possible in Minecraft without causing massive client lag and end up being implemented into the game, the first person to suggest each disaster will get a lifetime diamond rank! If you have an idea for a disaster, suggest away; there's no harm in making a suggestion, and if your suggestion is chosen as one of the two disaster segments, you will win a diamond rank!

The winners will be picked tomorrow (Thursday, January 23). Thank you, again, everyone for assisting with the testing, and we're looking forward to seeing everyone at the grand opening this weekend!
First just let me say in general, the Catching Fire map you came up with is outstanding!

I guess a general note would be the lag. Other than that, one of the only other things that i noticed was that whatever item i had in my hand, or item i had selected in my hotbar, would disapear about 10 minutes into LiveGame. Along with that, occasionally random chests would appear and disapear. And a few chunk loading errors.

Other than that, awesome job! Cant wait to play on the new modified version!



District 13
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Idea 1:
There could be angry wolves that would spawn and attack you. Like those things hurt and their just creepy their like. mwahaha. bark. death.
Idea 2:
You know how in the first book those mines around the stash of food well this is similar to that in a way. There could be "landmines", tnt with a pressure plate,or just a hidden block, that wouldn't activate until it is time. I am pretty sure this can be done with redstone but I don't know cause I don't do redstone myself.
Idea 3:
I know there is mobs in other sections, but what if in this section invisible mobs spawned. Like and it could be all mobs from spiders to skeletons to creepers and even witches maybe.
Idea 4:
The Ender Dragon could spawn along with some Ender Men xP
Idea 5:
I know there is already a section with bats, but you know the tracker jackers in the movie well what if there were bats, or anything similar to this, that if it touched you, you would get a nausea and poison effect because even though in the movie they are deadly I don't think it's fair for them to kill you.
Idea 6:
Exploding pigs!!!!

More ideas to come when I think of some ^.^
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District 13
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
1. Anvils Drops of the sky. Causing damage (of course) if it falls on you.

2. So a zombie pigmen with armour making it look like a tribute. It has a nameplate above it with one of the remaining tributes that are standing, but if you attack it, more zombie pigmens come out and try to kill you.


Feb 25, 2013
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My Disaster Idea is quite simple and deadly;

Randomly the map will choose one of the tributes remaining and kill them instantly.
You could say its not fair, but when is the hunger games ever fair?

You could be a tribute with no good items at all hiding out in the forests near cornucopia spying on the guy near all the chests with everything and boom he dies and you can run over and grab all his stuff.

Russian Roulette!

ps: Also the thrill of not knowing if you could die when the clock strikes ___ pumps you up and makes you sweat. ;)


Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
So I was thinking it would be really cool if there was "muttations" that were either zombie pigman or wolves. Each one would have the name of a fallen tribute, and if possible, if you had personally killed the tribute, they would target you especially. Don't know if something like this has already been done. And I think it might help if we had a list of disasters so there aren't any repeats.

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