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Apex - AU Clan

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Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Alright, to start with, I have nothing against any of you in this clan, infact i consider you all friends, however croe97 you must look at the attitude of some of your clan members. They're giving your clan a bad name. Almost every game I'm targetted of spawn by a group of #apex. Then when they kill me they state " Too easy" or "GG" followed by #apex. On other terms good luck with the clan
Get off the #Apex page Walrus your not wanted here. Think to yourself why we target you.


Mar 29, 2013
Reaction score
Get off the #Apex page Walrus your not wanted here. Think to yourself why we target you.
Flok and Croe both know the problem hear and we've discussed it, you have no right at all to tell me to get off the clan page when me and the 2 leaders are still discussing what is going to happen. They know just as much as me that targetting is wrong and should not be something that you have to resort to , to get rid of a half-decent player. The main problems of this "Targetting" is mainly Tyestar and you. I wouldn't target you ever, as I have absoulutly nothing against you. I in-fact never target because I feel like I can give my best shot to kill someone head on. Not to have to completly go out of my way to get a kill on a good player. It's something we call a try-hard. Someone that thinks there the best and goes and plays with the altitude of " I shall target every good player when I get a weapon". Targetting Happens TheClownCostume but it's when its used as when I'm killed the targetter says such things as "GG noob" or " Too easy" . This is what has been happening between me and a couple of members of this clan. This is precisly why I talked to croe97 and flok. You and Tyestar have a poor attitude against me, someone who did nothing wrong but tell you to get off the Phoenix Clan Page because you were constantly annoying us. I am not annoying you as I am stating some problems that should be fixed as the attitude of most clan members is attrocious, especially tyestar. Then once he kills me off spawn says #apex or somthing really naive like that. Now I'm sorry about this rant but you have no right to be telling me off for some critism on how to make this clan better. Going around targetting people off spawn is not a good way to set out a clan. This is why #Pegasus was a fail. It consisted of tryhards, wannabe's and complete cocks. They targetted me off spawn every game and had a team of 6-9 every game. Your clan doesn't use big teams, thank god, as you are all skilled players. If you want to be a succesful clan and not fall apart maybe act good. You've gained the respect for me ( everyone in this clan) Don't let your clans representation drop by some pillucks acting like complete morons. Now that I've finished my rant.

-Walrus xoxo


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
·Minecraft username Fragnetic
·Age 15
·Wins 53 Total Games Played 221
·Maps you generally like to play SG5, Holiday resort, Teweran hunger games 2, Survival games
·Skype name Fragneticmc
·Game Rank(VIP, Donator, Regular etc.) Regular
·Been banned?(for?) Never :)
You have been ACCEPTED into the Apex clan as an Adept Member.


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
ClownCostume has been REMOVED from the clan for the following reasons.
Not abiding by the terms and conditions the clan has set (following MCSG rules).

Disrespecting other clan members/members from other clans after an initial warning.


Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
Flok and Croe both know the problem hear and we've discussed it, you have no right at all to tell me to get off the clan page when me and the 2 leaders are still discussing what is going to happen. They know just as much as me that targetting is wrong and should not be something that you have to resort to , to get rid of a half-decent player. The main problems of this "Targetting" is mainly Tyestar and you. I wouldn't target you ever, as I have absoulutly nothing against you. I in-fact never target because I feel like I can give my best shot to kill someone head on. Not to have to completly go out of my way to get a kill on a good player. It's something we call a try-hard. Someone that thinks there the best and goes and plays with the altitude of " I shall target every good player when I get a weapon". Targetting Happens TheClownCostume but it's when its used as when I'm killed the targetter says such things as "GG noob" or " Too easy" . This is what has been happening between me and a couple of members of this clan. This is precisly why I talked to croe97 and flok. You and Tyestar have a poor attitude against me, someone who did nothing wrong but tell you to get off the Phoenix Clan Page because you were constantly annoying us. I am not annoying you as I am stating some problems that should be fixed as the attitude of most clan members is attrocious, especially tyestar. Then once he kills me off spawn says #apex or somthing really naive like that. Now I'm sorry about this rant but you have no right to be telling me off for some critism on how to make this clan better. Going around targetting people off spawn is not a good way to set out a clan. This is why #Pegasus was a fail. It consisted of tryhards, wannabe's and complete cocks. They targetted me off spawn every game and had a team of 6-9 every game. Your clan doesn't use big teams, thank god, as you are all skilled players. If you want to be a succesful clan and not fall apart maybe act good. You've gained the respect for me ( everyone in this clan) Don't let your clans representation drop by some pillucks acting like complete morons. Now that I've finished my rant.

-Walrus xoxo

Thanks for bringing this to our attention


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
Flok and Croe both know the problem hear and we've discussed it, you have no right at all to tell me to get off the clan page when me and the 2 leaders are still discussing what is going to happen. They know just as much as me that targetting is wrong and should not be something that you have to resort to , to get rid of a half-decent player. The main problems of this "Targetting" is mainly Tyestar and you. I wouldn't target you ever, as I have absoulutly nothing against you. I in-fact never target because I feel like I can give my best shot to kill someone head on. Not to have to completly go out of my way to get a kill on a good player. It's something we call a try-hard. Someone that thinks there the best and goes and plays with the altitude of " I shall target every good player when I get a weapon". Targetting Happens TheClownCostume but it's when its used as when I'm killed the targetter says such things as "GG noob" or " Too easy" . This is what has been happening between me and a couple of members of this clan. This is precisly why I talked to croe97 and flok. You and Tyestar have a poor attitude against me, someone who did nothing wrong but tell you to get off the Phoenix Clan Page because you were constantly annoying us. I am not annoying you as I am stating some problems that should be fixed as the attitude of most clan members is attrocious, especially tyestar. Then once he kills me off spawn says #apex or somthing really naive like that. Now I'm sorry about this rant but you have no right to be telling me off for some critism on how to make this clan better. Going around targetting people off spawn is not a good way to set out a clan. This is why #Pegasus was a fail. It consisted of tryhards, wannabe's and complete cocks. They targetted me off spawn every game and had a team of 6-9 every game. Your clan doesn't use big teams, thank god, as you are all skilled players. If you want to be a succesful clan and not fall apart maybe act good. You've gained the respect for me ( everyone in this clan) Don't let your clans representation drop by some pillucks acting like complete morons. Now that I've finished my rant.

-Walrus xoxo
GG. That is my only response.


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Crackersauce has RESIGNED from Apex due to inactivity within the clan.


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Few members in this clan are a bit dodgy. Either way, best of luck with the clan!


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
Will people from NZ be able to join the clan, we are right next to AU


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Just saying if tyester targets me again and then says gg nub I will stay on this thread and continue to pointless post like alot of your clan members do on our page!
With respect to this post, I agree that these clans are now becoming a catfight as such between power and reputation. Much like the KCC and the Rebels. Seriously, stop this nonsense..
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