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_zeX99_ Is a bad looser. And bit of a Feminine Hygene Product...

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Jul 21, 2012
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This is ricidulous, here you go again, you have PROVED?!!?!? that you are better than yeah i think half The Legends, how isnt this retarded and stupid? Just play the god damn game and have fun, I never say to my enemies: "I am way better than you guys".
And yeah you have said that you are the god of mcsg, don't lie.
Let it out bertha, let it out...


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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I wasnt planning to commewnt on this but after reading though the page I must say that this is ridiculous... Both zex and sleivert acted wrong...
First of all, for zex, if you know you are arrogant you shouldnt just let yourself be like that... being arrogant is rude and is not a characteristic you should be proud of. One thing is recognizeing you are good and the other is being arrogant, if you know you have that defect, you should fix it.... not just let it be....
On the other hand, for Sleivert, looking for exposure or not, being mature or not, whatever you were looking for with this.... this is not the way to solve a problem. If you have a problem with somebody, then you discuss it with that person... and if you dont see an answer from that person THEN you look for back up with people who could help you, but just publishing what another person did just so then he thinks it twice before doing it again, is not the right way to go ahead and do it.

Dont get me wrong here, as you can see im not picking sides and neither Im insulting anyone here, Im sure you can both be great guys appart form this problem... I just dont think this thread is the way to discuss this problem.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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...This thread was very unneeded.
Sure, his actions may not have been right - but it's not even bad enough to do anything about. The way of punishing somebody is not exposing them, that's the wrong way of going about it. Too many times have I seen communities do that - if it gets bad enough...that one user could get a lot of hate for quite a long while. If I was in his position, I'd rather have been temp banned for a few days in all honesty...and with the evidence provided, he doesn't even deserve that quite yet.

The things you guys are calling him are worse than what you can prove he ever did to you - I'd give examples, but I'd rather not do quote after quote of that kind of stuff.

If you have a problem with a player, get evidence and report them - if it's simply never enough (like right here.) then compiling him doing this on numerous occasions will do as well. Finally, you could also simply ignore him.

Everybody gets mad - I have before. It can be extremely difficult when frustrated to hold back saying something stupid - I've gotten close to doing very similar things not long after I first joined, because I'd tend to get very frustrated...have you ever considered the fact that maybe he's holding back something worse he could have said?

This thread is filled with hate and unnecessary debates/flaming. I'm locking this thread now. In the future...the report abuse is for this kind of stuff. Exposure is the wrong way of doing it.


May 28, 2012
Reaction score
In reply to _zeX99_: "I was hones to sleivert since he was one of the best players last year in august or w/e, so i thought he doesn't play asmuch, but i wanted to prove him that i'm one of the best people now and to let him know that i'm not a joke anymore."

If that what you were trying to do you should have said so. I do reckon you as one of the good players, nobody gets that high on the leaderboards without skills so you don't have to prove anything to me, i know you're good. But if you still feel like you have to prove something that's fine, but try to go about it in a friendly way, being (a bit) arrogant is not a good way, and i think if you work on that you can turn this thing around and it will also make more people look up to you.

I also want to say that i'm a little bit sorry for hanging you out, but if you look on the comments it have sparked a discussion about how people should act and maybe people will now think more about how they act in-game. I wish that we didn't have to "scare" people to be respectful and nice, but i think it's a way to start and maybe it will catch on to others. The well known guys need to set the example. And you can still state that you are on of the best, because you probably are, just try to do it with a bit more humility.

Reply to Ikanacanyon7: "If you have a problem with somebody, then you discuss it with that person." I fully agree and i know this wasn't the best way of doing it, but i hope that in this case the goal somewhat justifies the means, it won't do that 100%, that i know. And i do hope you agree with me that this will help in making well known characters in the community think about how they influence other people before they say something they might regret.

Reply to G33ke: "If I was in his position, I'd rather have been temp banned for a few days in all honesty...and with the evidence provided, he doesn't even deserve that quite yet."
This was not meant as "evidence" for him to get a ban in any way, i have already stated this several times and i had a talk with one of the Sr.Mods about it when people said this could get him banned and made sure that wouldn't happen as it wasn't the goal of this thread.

"This thread is filled with hate and unnecessary debates/flaming. I'm locking this thread now. In the future...the report abuse is for this kind of stuff. Exposure is the wrong way of doing it."

It is hate in here, but it's not filled with it, and the debates are not unnecessary if you ask me, we need to have these talks about how we act like a community and rolemodels and i think locking a thread where things like this is being taken up isn't the right thing to do. If you have anything else to say about i would love to have a talk with you over TS, just message me.

As an ending note, i want to say sorry for the hate i created, but i'm also glad for the discussion it started, hopefully i won't and will not do this again, but sometimes when a change is needed the way to start it isn't always pretty. If you have anything else to say, please send me a message, i would love to hear it, but i do not want do disrespect G33ke's decision to close it so i will have it closed after this. Thank you!
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