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Kithex Build Team [Closed]

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Aug 10, 2013
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Go on imgur.com then sign in then click on images in the top right, then link me what is in your URL.


May 21, 2014
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First Name: Andrew

Minecraft IGN: SuperxAndrew

Age: 16

What are you good at?: All-Around

Photos/Videos of your builds:

This is a medieval build I am working on at the moment. It is unfinished but you can see the basic walls, format, and structure.

I don't have very many screenshots saved of my old builds other than my maps. I assure I will only post builds that I created and not the ones that were made by others within the map.

This is the wall design for the bank in Shady Hollow (http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/shady-hollow.106305/).

This is the train station. I built the basic design for the walls. Also some examples of my organics (the trees) can bee seen as well.

This is the wall of the restaurant. This design turned out being really cool despite the unusual detailing.

This is probably my favorite build from Shady Hollow, the bridge. It turned out very realistic.

In this picture my terraforming/organics work can be seen at its best (in my opinion). The river turned out very cool, as well as the land arch. Also the terraforming wasn't over-smoothed/smoothed too little and the river was a perfect depth and width. As for the organics, this is probably my favorite tree on the map.

This is the construction site (I made the dump truck (bottom left), but did not make the church/bull dozer on the right side.). The construction site had very nice detail in my opinion.

This is an example of my work with cars. The design was actually inspired by Keralis (http://www.youtube.com/user/Keralis), but I edited it up to suit my liking and ended up turning into my own design.

Here is my army base from Zone 85: helicopters, etc can be seen on top/in the sky.

Here is the Zone 85 airfield, I didn't actually build all that much of this except the building in the middle and the tower on the right.

This is the cave on Zone 85, it is just another example of some of my terraforming/work with details.

*I didn't post any pictures of my redstone because I feel that the redstone I can do doesn't need its own screenshot. I can build basic things like 2x2 doors, traps, etc, but more complex things take me a while and I don't have any pictures on hand at the moment. The redstone dilemma is explained further below.

What are your weaknesses?:
Redstone, I have a basic knowledge of redstone but I am not able to do very complicated things. I can make many things, but it takes me a while to figure it out. Small things I can do very quickly. As far as the other things, my building is very good (my opinion of course, but I have also been told this), and my terraforming is also better than most. I wouldn't consider myself "weak" in those two areas. And my only weakness in redstone is with the complex stuff, but my basic knowledge allows me to do easy things without breaking a sweat.

Have you been or are you in any other build team?:
I owned my own build team for a while. They helped me build Zone 85 (http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/zone-85.91781/) even though Zone 85 was like 90% me, 10% them.

How did you hear about Kithex[Optional]:
I heard about you guys through your new project on these forums, Plantations. I was very impressed and would love to bring my talents to a group that is already so talented.

Do you prefer working on solo projects or in a group?:
Solo, I am not going to lie. A lot of times it is "my way or the highway". This is mainly due to my natural leadership personality that makes me feel the need to be in-charge. However, obviously, if I am accepted, it will be me building what you guys ask of me. Everything should end up fine despite my preference.

Why Kithex?:
I am looking for a group of people who share my love for building. I didn't want to join a building powerhouse like Team Elite or Discovery Works, but I wanted to be with a group of people who weren't too big or well known so I wouldn't be forgotten amongst all the power, etc.

Describe yourself in about 50-70 words:
I am 16 years old and am going to be a senior in high school. I am trustworthy, mature, and a hard worker. If I get the privilege of joining Kithex I will be an outstanding member. I will put time and effort into my builds and I will be sure to give feedback and help others. If you allow me to join I won't let you down. I will live up to my comments. Overall, I am a mature, natural leader who has 2 years experience with Minecraft building.

Don't worry about not being an amazing redstoner. You're clearly an amazing builder and talented terraformer, those are your main assets, and thanks for applying!


District 13
May 24, 2012
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It is because you are trying to link within your account (http://puu.sh/9gyqz/3cab92269f.png) which we cannot see. You have to go to your images and then send us that link.
Go to the home page of imgur.
1. http://puu.sh/9gyvK/90f846428b.png
Go to the bar in the top right corner.
2. http://puu.sh/9gyxO/c8b2bc4292.png
3. http://puu.sh/9gyza/41478dccd2.png
Click the images button.
4. http://puu.sh/9gyBw/cbfa20aa42.png
Here is the page you link to.


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
It is because you are trying to link within your account (http://puu.sh/9gyqz/3cab92269f.png) which we cannot see. You have to go to your images and then send us that link.
Go to the home page of imgur.
1. http://puu.sh/9gyvK/90f846428b.png
Go to the bar in the top right corner.
2. http://puu.sh/9gyxO/c8b2bc4292.png
3. http://puu.sh/9gyza/41478dccd2.png
Click the images button.
4. http://puu.sh/9gyBw/cbfa20aa42.png
Here is the page you link to.
Thanks :)
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