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"MCSG isn't what it used to be..."


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys. c:
Today, I'm making a thread about all the complaints I've been recently seeing about "Mcsg isn't what it used to be!" or "Mcsg sucks now!" or anything along those lines. I feel like this issue totally needs to be addressed by somebody who's been in the community for a long time, and has experience in both the community and staff side, and I haven't seen a thread made about it at all.

Anywhooo, I've seen these comments everywhere and they've been in a lot of resignation notes and leaving threads lately. I kinda just wanna bring up my personal view and my points on the subject, as it kinda seems like the elephant in the room.

Mcsg has changed, drastically at that, within the 15 months that I've been in this community. First of all, the player base has changed. Old players begin to quit, and slowly get weeded out for the new players. Over time, older players get forgotten as the needs, demands, and wants of the newer player get tended to. But, we all have to remember, the devs and admins are doing what the majority of the community wants done.

We have to think of this from their point of view, they run and extremely successful community which takes a ton to keep up. Change is what keeps people coming. If the servers all stayed the same as they were in V1, and the devs never did anything, or listened to any suggestions do you really see the player base being to the height that it is today? Sure, it would keep some older players still playing and still coming, just for the nostalgia, but besides that I think MCSG would have flopped long ago.

SG Classic was brought in for a reason. To try and make people happy, to bring people back to the nostalgic place that they cherished so many months ago. Sure, it's not the same. Nothing around here will ever be the same as it once was. But complaints aren't going to help anyone. I think we should all appreciate the work that the devs, admins, and staff in general put into this server to make sure it stays running for all of us. I know that's easy to forget, and we can all be mad at the things that we want done, but I just don't see the point. Let's all be grateful c:

With that being said, I totally see it from the community side. I see what people mean, the servers are full of hackers, rule breakers, teams, ect. But theres honestly nothing "MCSG" itself can do to fix that completely. Although as an ex-mod, I can tell you, we really really do try.

In conclusion, I think we should really all try to just make these servers as enjoyable for ourselves and others. If you don't like where MCSG has gone, or is going, QUIT. Leave, forget you were ever here, and don't come back. No use forcing yourself to play something you don't enjoy or like anymore. The complaints should really stop. If you're going to complain, bring up valid points that the devs can actually use to fix the servers, and get what you want done.

Let's make these v2 moments something to remember in v3. c:


TL;DR: Read it. I brought up plenty of good points within this thread. Might even be worth it, who knows.

Also, don't rage at me because these are all my view on things. Just thought it needed to be adressed. Pointless? Maybe. But I love writing.

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Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
I totally agree with you on these things. The changes are not meant to effect you on a personal level, they are meant to be for the good of the community over all. I especially liked what you wrote about old players leaving. It just seems like so many are leaving, because these are well-known community members who have lost interest in MCSG. (At least that is the case most of the time.) I tend to stay positive about the community, and so I am really tired of seeing all of the negative posts lately. So thank you for making this thread. :)
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Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
I can totally agree on this as someone who has been here for a year and a half. Very well written.


Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
The community is feeling less and less like a family everyday and the forums are just a spam battleground. But like you said, we can't change that xD well written and colorful.

But honestly, the only reasons I am still here are a couple close friends and lack of a real life. :c


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
I ahve also been in this community for a year and a half. I believe that MCSG V1 was better. I am not saying that today's version is bad, I am just saying I had some of my most memorable moments on MCSG V1 mostly because the community was smaller and majority of the people were nice. The community has grown. There was no possible way MCSG could've stayed how I wanted it because people love this server, like myself, this server has grown intensely and it is too big for everyone to know eachother, in V1, mostly everyone knew everyone. Not anymore.


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
The community is feeling less and less like a family everyday and the forums are just a spam battleground. But like you said, we can't change that xD well written and colorful.
Second. it's just not the same. When I first joined, I loved this community. Open, friendly, and fun. Now, it's nearly the opposite..

But, as a edit, change is coming, and we need to adapt. I think it can improve, and I'll be willing to help that happen


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
I do believe though that the community used to be more like a "family." This most likely has to do with player counts increasing, so you just can't get along with that many people.


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Sg classic is definitely not the same as v1, I agree with you. Over time people have become better, and with that more competitive.
Most people used to play for fun, not so much to win, But now most people are playing competitively.
It might just be an opinion, but I think the community is a tad worse. There still are a lot of nice people, but there are a lot of people who are quite frustrating.

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