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why do people hate bajan so much?



Might as well give my full opinion on this.

I don't necessary dislike him. I don't like how he did things though. Most reason people don't like him is because he used a mod called Better Sprint. If you check the MCSG rules I think it says this specifically is illegal. He used it and the staff warned him quite a bit to stop, yet he didn't. After enough became enough they banned BajanCanadian for 7 days. If you check a twitter post he made after being banned he calls the MCSG Servers and staff abysmal. I just don't like how he was in the entire situation. Complains after being banned for breaking a rule that was clearly stated to him.

I also don't like the discrimination with Bacca's. Some may be like that but not all. Saying bad things about a Bacca for his skin is probably the most immature thing I have ever seen.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Are you actually serious! EkegantPanda isn't even a word for gods sake

Edit: apparently when typing in "ekegant" it changes it to "ekegantpanda"...

Anyway, time for my rant on Bajan.


When I joined the MCSG community in November, Bajan was already starting to get popular. I was told about him, and I immediately started watching his videos. ALL of his videos. I have seriously watched every single Hunger Games episode he has put out on his channel. I thought he was amazing. This was also around the time I first started playing minecraft and watching minecraft youtube videos, so I thought if I got into one of his videos, I'd be famous too. :p (I now really don't care whether or not I get into anybody's videos because it really doesn't do anything for you. That was just my n00bish self.) In February, I made an important discovery: I could stalk someone via the leaderboards page in MCSGv1! I admit to stalking it for about a week. A few times though, he was on while I was eating dinner. xD After a week, v2 was released and the leaderboards were changed. I couldn't stalk him anymore! :( I made a thread trying to get the feature back to the leaderboards, but I was trying to act as though I wanted it for OTHER reasons then stalking people. :p I played on the Hive a few times right when it was released, but when Bajan moved to it I really didn't move with him. :) I'm glad I didn't as well! <3 MCSG
I confess to still watching his videos. I like his videos, just not him!

How I felt/feel about Bajan:

At first I was the biggest fanboy. However, as he started hacking, I started to like him less. I especially didn't like how he acted like he was the king in his videos. I was one of those people that always wanted to kill him if I saw him in later game. (I once got my chance in deathmatch on Breeze Island when it was only Bajan and I left. Unfortunately, it was when MCSG had the potions up for sponsoring. :/ He drank a strength potion and killed me with a cake! :( Believe it or not, I was actually laughed at by some people at my school for getting 'killed by a cake'. xD) Because he kind of acted like a complete @$$hole in his videos, I was also the one who always was rooting against him. To this day, if he is playing co-op, I always wish him to lose. Besides that, again, I confess to still watching his videos. I like his videos, just not him!

My reaction to hacking reports:

When he first started hacking, I was a bit upset that my favorite youtuber would be yelled at for using BSM. I realized, though, that those were the rules, and even if you don't like them you still have to follow them. ;) When I heard for a second time that he was using BSM, I wasn't upset with MCSG. I was upset with him. How could he break the rules even though he didn't like them? He acted like he was owning the place! I mean, seriously! If you want your own rules, play on your own server. Finally, he got banned for a week. I really disliked him by then, and was glad that he had moved away. To this day, I still don't like him, and have lost respect for him.

TL;DR: I fanboyed Bajan before he started hacking. I realized that breaking the rules was wrong, and therefore lost all respect for him. I confess to still watching his videos. I like his videos, just not him!


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
theboss (Cant reply on my tablet)

You have no clue what your talking about. Tghis incident occured on a different Hunger Games server. If Bajan isn't bad, why did he tell his army to go harass him? In no way was elegantpanda 'bullying' him. So since bacccas did that to elegant after, you must be saying I should hate baccas instead, right?


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
I suppose the term bacca is more of those who are being over enthusiastic to bajan, and as long as they don't use bsm, i don't mind them.
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score

Anyway, time for my rant on Bajan.


When I joined the MCSG community in November, Bajan was already starting to get popular. I was told about him, and I immediately started watching his videos. ALL of his videos. I have seriously watched every single Hunger Games episode he has put out on his channel. I thought he was amazing. This was also around the time I first started playing minecraft and watching minecraft youtube videos, so I thought if I got into one of his videos, I'd be famous too. :p (I now really don't care whether or not I get into anybody's videos because it really doesn't do anything for you. That was just my n00bish self.) In February, I made an important discovery: I could stalk someone via the leaderboards page in MCSGv1! I admit to stalking it for about a week. A few times though, he was on while I was eating dinner. xD After a week, v2 was released and the leaderboards were changed. I couldn't stalk him anymore! :( I made a thread trying to get the feature back to the leaderboards, but I was trying to act as though I wanted it for OTHER reasons then stalking people. :p I played on the Hive a few times right when it was released, but when Bajan moved to it I really didn't move with him. :) I'm glad I didn't as well! <3 MCSG
I confess to still watching his videos. I like his videos, just not him!

How I felt/feel about Bajan:

At first I was the biggest fanboy. However, as he started hacking, I started to like him less. I especially didn't like how he acted like he was the king in his videos. I was one of those people that always wanted to kill him if I saw him in later game. (I once got my chance in deathmatch on Breeze Island when it was only Bajan and I left. Unfortunately, it was when MCSG had the potions up for sponsoring. :/ He drank a strength potion and killed me with a cake! :( Believe it or not, I was actually laughed at by some people at my school for getting 'killed by a cake'. xD) Because he kind of acted like a complete @$$hole in his videos, I was also the one who always was rooting against him. To this day, if he is playing co-op, I always wish him to lose. Besides that, again, I confess to still watching his videos. I like his videos, just not him!

My reaction to hacking reports:

When he first started hacking, I was a bit upset that my favorite youtuber would be yelled at for using BSM. I realized, though, that those were the rules, and even if you don't like them you still have to follow them. ;) When I heard for a second time that he was using BSM, I wasn't upset with MCSG. I was upset with him. How could he break the rules even though he didn't like them? He acted like he was owning the place! I mean, seriously! If you want your own rules, play on your own server. Finally, he got banned for a week. I really disliked him by then, and was glad that he had moved away. To this day, I still don't like him, and have lost respect for him.

TL;DR: I fanboyed Bajan before he started hacking. I realized that breaking the rules was wrong, and therefore lost all respect for him. I confess to still watching his videos. I like his videos, just not him!
100% Same by me ;)


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Lol JUST cuz he didn't like the rules, he used a mod. Well, by this logic, we shouldn't hate anyone who hacks. Leafygreentea should be our bff. He JUST used a hack, no big deal lol. It doesn't matter whether you like our rules here or not, if you can't follow them, don't play here.

And yeah, ppl hate the baccas cuz they remind us of mitch and jerome.


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
Anyone who hates Bajan just cus' he hacked is stupid. It's just a little thing, no one got hurt or anything like that, even though some people got cyberbullied, it wasn't his fault, he can't control his fans, he was just having fun but some people just take it too far anyways, what done is done, we should all just forget about it and move on. Nobody's perfect, he made a mistake, that doesn't mean we should all just hate him. He really like BSM so that's fine, everyone has diffrent oppinions on things and since they could reach an agreement so he left. For baccas, we can't hate on them, just let them be who they want to be, hattin' just cus they have the skin is well... racist, sort of.


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score

Anyway, time for my rant on Bajan.


When I joined the MCSG community in November, Bajan was already starting to get popular. I was told about him, and I immediately started watching his videos. ALL of his videos. I have seriously watched every single Hunger Games episode he has put out on his channel. I thought he was amazing. This was also around the time I first started playing minecraft and watching minecraft youtube videos, so I thought if I got into one of his videos, I'd be famous too. :p (I now really don't care whether or not I get into anybody's videos because it really doesn't do anything for you. That was just my n00bish self.) In February, I made an important discovery: I could stalk someone via the leaderboards page in MCSGv1! I admit to stalking it for about a week. A few times though, he was on while I was eating dinner. xD After a week, v2 was released and the leaderboards were changed. I couldn't stalk him anymore! :( I made a thread trying to get the feature back to the leaderboards, but I was trying to act as though I wanted it for OTHER reasons then stalking people. :p I played on the Hive a few times right when it was released, but when Bajan moved to it I really didn't move with him. :) I'm glad I didn't as well! <3 MCSG
I confess to still watching his videos. I like his videos, just not him!

How I felt/feel about Bajan:

At first I was the biggest fanboy. However, as he started hacking, I started to like him less. I especially didn't like how he acted like he was the king in his videos. I was one of those people that always wanted to kill him if I saw him in later game. (I once got my chance in deathmatch on Breeze Island when it was only Bajan and I left. Unfortunately, it was when MCSG had the potions up for sponsoring. :/ He drank a strength potion and killed me with a cake! :( Believe it or not, I was actually laughed at by some people at my school for getting 'killed by a cake'. xD) Because he kind of acted like a complete @$$hole in his videos, I was also the one who always was rooting against him. To this day, if he is playing co-op, I always wish him to lose. Besides that, again, I confess to still watching his videos. I like his videos, just not him!

My reaction to hacking reports:

When he first started hacking, I was a bit upset that my favorite youtuber would be yelled at for using BSM. I realized, though, that those were the rules, and even if you don't like them you still have to follow them. ;) When I heard for a second time that he was using BSM, I wasn't upset with MCSG. I was upset with him. How could he break the rules even though he didn't like them? He acted like he was owning the place! I mean, seriously! If you want your own rules, play on your own server. Finally, he got banned for a week. I really disliked him by then, and was glad that he had moved away. To this day, I still don't like him, and have lost respect for him.

TL;DR: I fanboyed Bajan before he started hacking. I realized that breaking the rules was wrong, and therefore lost all respect for him. I confess to still watching his videos. I like his videos, just not him!



Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
I don't really hate Bajan, I knew nothing about him or baccas until my friends told me about them, and I just found the whole thing kinda dumb.
Only seen like 2 of his videos, and to be honest, his and Jeromes voices piss me off to no end.

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