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why do people hate bajan so much?


Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
hey guys I was wondering why do people hate BajanCanadian so much? I mean he didnt do anything wrong, i know he hacked but its not like you can hate people for doing that. now people are saying "ew bacca" like seriously grow up. I like his videos but I stayed on these servers cause I like these more but its almost impossible for me to do because people are always like "fist the bacca" or "kill the hacking bacca first" my account was TheRealBacca but had to change it to something else becuase people pick on me(I dont want to say my new account because people will call me stupid bacca again). I just don't think Bajan didn't do anything wrong, hes just a regular player who used a mod becuase he didn't agree with the rules. he was just stating his opinion and a lot of people hate him for that. its not like he sabotaged the servers with baccas on purpose. baccas don't really do anything either, people just say "ew bacca" cause they associate with Bajan.

My rant is over (thread inspired by ExKing )


May 13, 2013
Reaction score
"I just don't think Bajan didn't do anything wrong, hes just a regular player who used a mod becuase he didn't agree with the rules."

This is exactly why most mcsg players don't like him or his fans. You can't just go breaking rules because you don't agree with them, otherwise why have the rules in the first place.
The other reason I find people dislike baccas is because most of them are quite young. Being a younger age means a lot baccas are less mature( not all but the majority), simply because maturity is majorly influenced by age. When you find a large demographic of people who are less mature than the people that they are surrounded by, they can often frustrate those that are older or more mature. Bajan is therefore associated with bringing in a large demographic of young players to the community, which not a lot of people like.

Personally I don't care who is playing, but killing baccas has become like an inside joke for mcsg players. Joining in on it makes players feel included and part of the community. Theres some other reasons, such as players not liking players who just copy famous people, but I'm at school so I cant keep typing...

Anyway theres not really any advice that can be given to solve the issue except getting good at pvp, thats one of the best ways to gain respect here :)

Edit: Also I forgot to add bajan insulted mcsg with this tweet: GG! Looks like I am finally finished using the abysmal MCSG services! Don't bother unbanning me! Won't be playing ;) pic.twitter.com/OODjKdzvRF


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
What's your new account? I've seen you before but i didn't know it was you


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
First off, I dislike BajanCanadian. I have nothing against any baccas other than said person.

I hate him because:

*Exactly what reeves said. 'I don't like the rules, so i'll mess with the rules'.
*In one of his videos, he discusses people who follow him and kill him. Fine, but then he names of these players and starts to harass them. Baccas then stalked and harassed this guy because of this 'Amazing Guy' who told them to. It got so far where he was crying for help on the forums. (not this one, another server).


District 13
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
I just don't think Bajan didn't do anything wrong,
Double negative. This pretty much means that Bajan did not do anything right.

BajanCanadian has insulted MCSG, as Reeves has said, and he has abused the rules by downloading Better Sprint Mod, which is against the rules, as it gives unfair advantages to other players.

This BajanCanadian problem has been solved some time ago, so please do not start another arguement.

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I'm just going to say what I believe here. To be honest, I was never big for Bajan. I don't hate him, I don't love him. I will give credit when credits due by saying that Jerome is actually quite funny. People seem to hate them because of their sub base. While they don't really have a problem with Bajan / Jerome, they do have a problem with baccas as they find them immature. For some reason they treat bacca fanboys and Bajan/Jerome the same. It annoys me to no end when I see people say "Jerome sucks" or "Bajan sucks". If I ever hear them say that, I ask them why. Typically they have no reasoning, and if they do it involves baccas. I explain that that means they hate their fanbase, not the two gentlemen themselves.


Feb 5, 2013
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I've said it before, but I'm saying this again in case you are referring to me. I despise BajanCanadian, not the fanbase. Jerome was not the one to cyber bully some guy just trying to play the game. If I eanted to, I could EASILY hate the fanbase, because they all agreed to go and harass this player because he told them to. But I don't. Because then I would, too, be targetted for being a 'bacca killer'.


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
Most people don't have a problem with Bajan, they have a problem with his fans. I don'y understand it, everyones reasoning is "they hack, they're immature, and they break the rules" but when in reality, I've maybe seen one hacking bacca ever, they are the immature ones if they are discriminating over stereotypes, and yeah, some baccas break the rules, but so do non-baccas.

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