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#TheLegends EU

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Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you?: (Atleast 13) 15
Where are you from?: Sweden
What is your ingame name?: Kallbergz
What should we call you?: (First name or a nickname) Kall, Kallbergz, Daniel, whatever you feel like.
Skype/TS name?: You have my skype and TS is Kallbergz
How many wins do you have?: (Atleast 350) 540.
How many games have you played?: 1585 games.
What's your w/l?: 0.34b
When did you start playing MCSG?: August 2012
How often are you playing?: I try to play atleast 1 game a day but when i have training and some school to do it isn't sure i will play that day.
What is your PvP strenghts?: It's probably rod and bow because i have quite good aim with both bow and rod and i always use rod when i can.
What is your PvP weakness?: Lately it would be dodging Flint & Steel but overall i shouldn't have a too big weakness right now. Sometimes i make some mistakes but i guess everyone does and some of them is that i'm getting too "cocky" and just rushes in and gets in a bad situation.
Why do you want to be a Legend?: Because I feel like this is a clan that have skill and fun together. It suits my play style and i have some friends here. It's some members in Legends that i used to not like but it's fine now. Hopefully i can start having fun together and get to play with everyone here. If i get accepted there is a chance that i won't stay for long so you should keep that in mind and think through a little extra if you planned on accepting me. I won't write the reason here but you will know the reason if i leave. This didn't have anything with being a legend but i didn't see anywhere that i could write it instead.
What is your favourite map?: Sg 4, Valleyside and probably solar frost.
Daniel u nab<3


May 26, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you?: (Atleast 13) I'm 14 years old.
Where are you from?: I'm from Middlesbrough, England.
What is your ingame name?: My ign is MahxiXBL
What should we call you?: (First name or a nickname) Max or Mahxi, whichever suits you best.
Skype/TS name?: My Skype is mahxixbl and my TeamSpeak name is normally something associated with the word Mahxi.
How many wins do you have?: (Atleast 350) I have 320 I think (unfortunately)
How many games have you played?: I've played around 1300 games but I am aiming to improve this once I start to become active on MCSG again.
What's your w/l?: My win/loss ratio is about 25%.
When did you start playing MCSG?: I started playing in June and this was the first server I encountered when I started to play minecraft and has been the only one I have played a lot ever since.
How often are you playing?: I'm normally very active but my recent real life issues had prevented me from playing at all over the past few weeks, but they have now been resolved and I hope to be as active as possible :D
What is your PvP strenghts?: I consider myself to be good with my Flint and Steel and reasonably good when getting combos using my fishing rod and sword, I'm improving with my bow skills a lot but I only believe that they are decent.
What is your PvP weakness?: I always manage to step into fire when it's placed, even if it is a bad flint and steel placement - this is because of my aggressive playing style in 1v1s.
Why do you want to be a Legend?: I have been here before, and I enjoyed playing in FFAs and talking with the members. When I first joined the MCSG forums and stumbled across the 'Clans and Teams' sub-forum I found one of the old Legends threads and saw how highly rated it was, since then I have tried to improve myself to be one of the highly rated players.
What is your favourite map?: I have three maps that I quite like, one being SG4 as it has lots of flat land which is perfect to PvP on, I also manage to get a lot of gear on this map. Another being Solar Frost as I love fast paced games where there is lots of action, I like to lead people over the lava pool and hit them off aswell :p. My final favourite map is Wyverns route, it is a very unique map which not many are experts at, I have a lot of map knowledge on it, (not for the illegal things!) and also I think it is a good map for pvp.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you?: (Atleast 13) I'm 14 years old.
Where are you from?: I'm from Middlesbrough, England.
What is your ingame name?: My ign is MahxiXBL
What should we call you?: (First name or a nickname) Max or Mahxi, whichever suits you best.
Skype/TS name?: My Skype is mahxixbl and my TeamSpeak name is normally something associated with the word Mahxi.
How many wins do you have?: (Atleast 350) I have 320 I think (unfortunately)
How many games have you played?: I've played around 1300 games but I am aiming to improve this once I start to become active on MCSG again.
What's your w/l?: My win/loss ratio is about 25%.
When did you start playing MCSG?: I started playing in June and this was the first server I encountered when I started to play minecraft and has been the only one I have played a lot ever since.
How often are you playing?: I'm normally very active but my recent real life issues had prevented me from playing at all over the past few weeks, but they have now been resolved and I hope to be as active as possible :D
What is your PvP strenghts?: I consider myself to be good with my Flint and Steel and reasonably good when getting combos using my fishing rod and sword, I'm improving with my bow skills a lot but I only believe that they are decent.
What is your PvP weakness?: I always manage to step into fire when it's placed, even if it is a bad flint and steel placement - this is because of my aggressive playing style in 1v1s.
Why do you want to be a Legend?: I have been here before, and I enjoyed playing in FFAs and talking with the members. When I first joined the MCSG forums and stumbled across the 'Clans and Teams' sub-forum I found one of the old Legends threads and saw how highly rated it was, since then I have tried to improve myself to be one of the highly rated players.
What is your favourite map?: I have three maps that I quite like, one being SG4 as it has lots of flat land which is perfect to PvP on, I also manage to get a lot of gear on this map. Another being Solar Frost as I love fast paced games where there is lots of action, I like to lead people over the lava pool and hit them off aswell :p. My final favourite map is Wyverns route, it is a very unique map which not many are experts at, I have a lot of map knowledge on it, (not for the illegal things!) and also I think it is a good map for pvp.
Accepted Rank: Member


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you?: 15
Where are you from?: England
What is your ingame name?: Jaaayx
What should we call you?: Jay

Skype/TS name?: Jaaayx1
How many wins do you have?: 766

How many games have you played?: 2353
What's your w/l?: near 1/3
When did you start playing MCSG?: About 12 months ago
How often are you playing?: Around 1-2 hours a day most days
What is your PvP strenghts?: FnS i am decent with the bow most times
What is your PvP weakness?: Sometimes i am not accurate with the fishing rod :p
Why do you want to be a Legend?: I would like to be in the legends because i like a lot of the people in this clan and believe i will only get better by playing with some of the best players in the world
What is your favourite map?: SG4 Avaricia and demons breeze <3


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you?: 15
Where are you from?: England
What is your ingame name?: Jaaayx
What should we call you?: Jay
Skype/TS name?: Jaaayx1
How many wins do you have?: 766
How many games have you played?: 2353
What's your w/l?: near 1/3
When did you start playing MCSG?: About 12 months ago
How often are you playing?: Around 1-2 hours a day most days
What is your PvP strenghts?: FnS i am decent with the bow most times
What is your PvP weakness?: Sometimes i am not accurate with the fishing rod :p
Why do you want to be a Legend?: I would like to be in the legends because i like a lot of the people in this clan and believe i will only get better by playing with some of the best players in the world
What is your favourite map?: SG4 Avaricia and demons breeze <3
Did you leave Devotion then?
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