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#TheLegends EU

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Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you?: (Atleast 13) 15
Where are you from?: Sweden
What is your ingame name?:
What should we call you?:
(First name or a nickname) Kall, Kallbergz, Daniel, whatever you feel like.
Skype/TS name?: You have my skype and TS is Kallbergz
How many wins do you have?:
(Atleast 350) 540.
How many games have you played?: 1585 games.
What's your w/l?: 0.34b
When did you start playing MCSG?: August 2012
How often are you playing?: I try to play atleast 1 game a day but when i have training and some school to do it isn't sure i will play that day.
What is your PvP strenghts?: It's probably rod and bow because i have quite good aim with both bow and rod and i always use rod when i can.
What is your PvP weakness?: Lately it would be dodging Flint & Steel but overall i shouldn't have a too big weakness right now. Sometimes i make some mistakes but i guess everyone does and some of them is that i'm getting too "cocky" and just rushes in and gets in a bad situation.
Why do you want to be a Legend?: Because I feel like this is a clan that have skill and fun together. It suits my play style and i have some friends here. It's some members in Legends that i used to not like but it's fine now. Hopefully i can start having fun together and get to play with everyone here. If i get accepted there is a chance that i won't stay for long so you should keep that in mind and think through a little extra if you planned on accepting me. I won't write the reason here but you will know the reason if i leave. This didn't have anything with being a legend but i didn't see anywhere that i could write it instead.
What is your favourite map?: Sg 4, Valleyside and probably solar frost.


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you?: (Atleast 13) 15
Where are you from?: Sweden
What is your ingame name?: Kallbergz
What should we call you?: (First name or a nickname) Kall, Kallbergz, Daniel, whatever you feel like.
Skype/TS name?: You have my skype and TS is Kallbergz
How many wins do you have?: (Atleast 350) 540.
How many games have you played?: 1585 games.
What's your w/l?: 0.34b
When did you start playing MCSG?: August 2012
How often are you playing?: I try to play atleast 1 game a day but when i have training and some school to do it isn't sure i will play that day.
What is your PvP strenghts?: It's probably rod and bow because i have quite good aim with both bow and rod and i always use rod when i can.
What is your PvP weakness?: Lately it would be dodging Flint & Steel but overall i shouldn't have a too big weakness right now. Sometimes i make some mistakes but i guess everyone does and some of them is that i'm getting too "cocky" and just rushes in and gets in a bad situation.
Why do you want to be a Legend?: Because I feel like this is a clan that have skill and fun together. It suits my play style and i have some friends here. It's some members in Legends that i used to not like but it's fine now. Hopefully i can start having fun together and get to play with everyone here. If i get accepted there is a chance that i won't stay for long so you should keep that in mind and think through a little extra if you planned on accepting me. I won't write the reason here but you will know the reason if i leave. This didn't have anything with being a legend but i didn't see anywhere that i could write it instead.
What is your favourite map?: Sg 4, Valleyside and probably solar frost.
Umg, its kall o:


Eldoggo around here
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you?: (Atleast 13) 15
Where are you from?: Sweden
What is your ingame name?: Kallbergz
What should we call you?: (First name or a nickname) Kall, Kallbergz, Daniel, whatever you feel like.
Skype/TS name?: You have my skype and TS is Kallbergz
How many wins do you have?: (Atleast 350) 540.
How many games have you played?: 1585 games.
What's your w/l?: 0.34b
When did you start playing MCSG?: August 2012
How often are you playing?: I try to play atleast 1 game a day but when i have training and some school to do it isn't sure i will play that day.
What is your PvP strenghts?: It's probably rod and bow because i have quite good aim with both bow and rod and i always use rod when i can.
What is your PvP weakness?: Lately it would be dodging Flint & Steel but overall i shouldn't have a too big weakness right now. Sometimes i make some mistakes but i guess everyone does and some of them is that i'm getting too "cocky" and just rushes in and gets in a bad situation.
Why do you want to be a Legend?: Because I feel like this is a clan that have skill and fun together. It suits my play style and i have some friends here. It's some members in Legends that i used to not like but it's fine now. Hopefully i can start having fun together and get to play with everyone here. If i get accepted there is a chance that i won't stay for long so you should keep that in mind and think through a little extra if you planned on accepting me. I won't write the reason here but you will know the reason if i leave. This didn't have anything with being a legend but i didn't see anywhere that i could write it instead.
What is your favourite map?: Sg 4, Valleyside and probably solar frost.
Accepted!!! Rank : Member!! :D


May 13, 2013
Reaction score
I can't believe I'm not cheerleader. Thats gotta change..


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Guys, I finished the Clan Design, now Elgoldo is included and fisheer is removed (Still have backups)
but since fisheer was my contact person. who can I add on skype to send it to?
msg me. :)
Your graphic design is amazing, just thought I'd let you know! :)


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
I'm reeeeeally sorry! You really don't have to re-accept me if you don't want to. I would completely understand if you choose not to.

Using mostly the same app as before because it wouldn't be any different.

How old are you?: (Atleast 13)17
Where are you from?: South-West England, Somerset

What is your ingame name?: Easy_Soup/Hercudez, I would be using Easy_Soup for any clan battles since it has friend rank.
What should we call you?: (First name or a nickname)Whatever you like
Skype/TS name?: You have them all.
How many wins do you have?: (Atleast 350)518 on Easy_Soup, 3 out of 4 on Hercudez. :p
How many games have you played?: 1747.

What's your w/l?: 0.29, however, I think I'm going to use Hercudez for a good w/l ratio.

When did you start playing MCSG?: 6-7 months ago. I have taken probably a month of not playing in total, so probably more around 6 months.

How often are you playing?: I'd say at least 3 hours a few days a week. I'm enjoying MCSG at the moment and am playing both that and Hive.

What is your PvP strengths: I am a ton better with the bow now, I used to be very bad with a bow, Noah helped a lot with getting better. I am good at listening in clan wars, I will always listen to the people that are more experienced than myself and go by their decisions. I am decent with a sword, especially against teams of 2. I am also fairly decent at lighting people on fire.

What is your PvP weakness?: I am not very good at dealing with teams of 3+, I never know how to take them out besides lighting them on fire. I am pretty bad at dodging fire, I often get set on fire, although I am trying to improve this. I am also not great with fishing rod, a better explanation would be to say that I am very inconsistent, my accuracy is not very good, but when I hit one, I can sometimes take advantage of it.

Why do you want to be a Legend?: You guys are my MCSG family, you have been around for such a long time for me. You guys are some of the best players on these servers and it is great to be involved with such an amazing bunch of people. You also are in my opinion the best clan to ever be on these servers global. ;) I really apologise for leaving so hastily last time, but I thought I was done with MCSG, then I made my own clan, which didn't go very well, now I'm back. Hope you can understand. I left recently which was so stupid of me, I now probably have the reputation of a clan hopper, but with the same clan. There's no other clan I would rather join. I hope you can forgive me but it is entirely up to you, I will accept your decision either way.

What is your favourite map?: SG4, Solar Frost, Avaricia, Demons Breeze. I prefer small maps when playing alone, for faster games. For clan wars I believe that larger maps make for more intense battles.
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Wait Elgoldo is back :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O I didnt know that ........
No seriously guys we know he's back ;)
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