Okay it took forever just to pick out these comments I'd like to share my opinion on, but here we go.
Firstly, I have to agree with Edog for the three needs for improvement. The hit reg is just unbearable, and people don't want to just constantly report the same thing all the time. Every little change they make to hit reg seems to of made it worse from what I have seen whilst playing. I'm not a developer, so I won't go into how developing works because I don't know, but I will continue my comments on the developing side further down regarding Lebron's comments.
The Mapping team, maps and chest tiering in general in some cases is good. However, as you will see further in my comments, I think the way this is done isn't as good as it could be. I understand the mapping teams wants for it to be fair, and have even chest tiering across the maps, and that they're experienced in doing this job. However, regarding the tiering at the moment, I think the way it was tiered before (or best too, as I know some of the maps corrupted and needed re-tiering) is the best way to go.
Lastly, regarding community engagement you shall see in my comments as you read, however, the events really need a move along in happening, and I have thought this since MCGamer first came back. It has been too long, and any type of event or tournament (with prizes or not) would be appreciated by the community.
One of the biggest issues among our community is a lack of communication between staff/devs and active players. Both sides are spiteful towards each other because they don't meet each other's needs.
This has forever been an issue. The staff and community don't get along in most circumstances and this needs to be improved. I have spoken about this in my own thread regarding the ability to see staff voice channels on discord. This gives the impression to the community (or at least to me) that the staff think they are worthy of the privacy, and the ability to hide from the community. Also that the community don't get the privilege of seeing online available staff. I won't go too further into this as I already have on another thread, but yes the communication and respect between community and staff is crap. This needs to start with the staff, engaging with the community and not presenting themselves as all power beings over them. This is a community as a whole, staff members or not. Everyones deserves the respect, and it needs to start somewhere, which I think everyone can make a change in themselves to be better in this aspect.
Personally, I find it strange that a good portion of the staff team has little to no experience with this server. It seems like some of them enjoy the power more than anything.
I do sometimes see this as well, and I have continually heard the term 'power' from some staff members, and I think it shouldn't be viewed that way. Yes staff have the authority to punish players who are in the wrong. But they also have the responsibility to respect all players, and be the best possible staff member and ambassador for the community and region they represent. Which I think sometimes isn't being portrayed by them enough.
The community in this case however as well stereotype the staff to be (and words taken from multiple community members) crap, ignorant, and generally power hungry. This is something that I think can change from both aspects. The staff need to engage more in the community, and convey the community’s ideas to the higher staff members, as the community members are the greatest part of the community. However, the community members also need to be open to new staff, not single them out on forums threads, and allow staff members to learn from their mistakes. Everyone makes them, and should be given the chance to improve. Community members also need to try and be open to the new staff team that has been created, and try to encourage them to do well.
ANYWAYS! when the staff want to be moderators to get the red name and not for the overall goal of making the server experience enjoyable for players overall, there's a problem.
4non made a great point by saying that there is a spiteful divide between the staff and the players and i think it's mostly due to the players not feeling heard by the people who run the server.
I don’t agree with singling out staff members here, as I believe these situations have been handled. However, I do agree with this last comment you made as I spoke about in my last comment. This cut between staff and community members needs to be healed. Community members need to be heard, and they need staff members that will be great ambassadors for them and their views.
Hit Registration and Anti-Cheat:
I can't comment personally on the hit registration and the anti-cheat issue, but I know that it is a critical issue that Chad and the Devs are aware of.
With that being said, I have heard them lamenting that the quality of the reports coming in have diminished in number and usefulness over time; ... and I fear that such hostility is only holding such improvements back.
some level of constant change is what is needed for us to both keep the game fresh and figure out optimal arrangements for chests. Just like how CS:GO, Overwatch, CoD, and other competitive games constantly tweak their maps and game systems to address competitive issues in-game, we are trying to accomplish much the same; we're just figuring it out for the first time, this time.
Community Engagement
Throughout Alpha and early Beta while we were waiting for MCSG Maker to arrive, I put a lot of emphasis on the CET on non-gaming matters, namely a few Q&A events that fell through and some information-gathering projects that were not public-facing.
Pair that with CET's relatively small numbers, and getting proper community events started has been unfortunately slower than we'd like. That is my fault for being nieve about realistic windows of opportunities for those other tasks and for not being better prepared for games when those opportunities did arise.
With that being said, my goal for 2020 is to make Community Games a top priority for the network as a whole with regular recurring games (at least one per month). We will actually be starting our first Community Games event in January of 2020 on either the 4th or the 11th. It will be a SoloSG tourney of sorts, and prizes for our winner includes $25 of my own cash along with some other non-monetary prizes such as a custom forum title and maybe some digital goodies from MCG (if they are released on time).
"this place sucks and is doomed". Because by doing so, saying so, and believing so will ultimately make it so, and I don't think any one of us genuinely wants that; if they did, they would already be gone.
Whether we wear the red name, green name, or any other color, what unites us is the drive to make MCGamer a viable and successful community. We may differ on how best to accomplish that, but we must always strive to at least work together on some aspect of the community if we are to have a chance of succeeding. It won't be easy, nice, or always successful, but we must always keep trying. Because one day we will try something that works, and that success will lead us towards the next success. So please, bring your complaints, ideas, reports, and suggestions to me at any time so that we can see what can be done to address them.
Hit Reg:
I agree with you. I can imagine the quality of reports coming in isn’t as good as it used to be. It is something players can work on to help these issues. However, I also agree with Lebron regarding this, as players don’t want to have to constantly report the exact same thing every single time. If it’s the same issue players become impatient, and I know people need to be patient due to it being beta. However, the hit-reg wasn’t an issue in the beginning, so I don’t know why it was changed in the first place.
I understand the want to be like the other competitive games with changes in chest tiering over time etc. and it being something you are all slowly figuring out. However, this should be done in the future. Most of the players that are around are players from 3 years ago. They want to play the same routes they used to, so why is it being changed? If the greater community want the same old same old, then why not do that? I think with tiering, just do the normal as it was in the past for the time being. When there is a good map pool, and a bigger community, then go about changing it in a few months after full release. But for the time being, making changes like this is just aggravating the community and giving the staff extra stuff to deal with that could be avoided.
Open mic night was not very successful the first round, but why would it, the community isn’t big enough at the moment to make it so. However, this community is 90% competitive and clan based (at least from the OCE perspective). So why aren’t there any events that appeal to this part of the community? I understand that you were waiting for MCSG Maker to be released. But why wasn’t there an event ready to be posted as soon as it was? I’d find it very hard to believe that the community manager at least didn’t know that MCSG Maker was on its way. It would surprise me as well if the Team Leads didn’t know.
I also question why the Community engagement team was giving jobs todo in the back end. I know their job is very versatile and involves many aspects. But the name of the team is literally
“community engagement team”, and I haven’t seen much engagement with the community at all. I understand time has flown bye, and I appreciate your recognition about the windows of opportunity being lost. However, I think the CET should be able to run events and things themselves. From the OCE aspect, many events had been held in public servers already. And I don’t think MCSG Maker was really the problem with events being held.
I am excited for the future of events however, and look forward to seeing how this solo tournament runs! I guess I have just been disappointed in the lack of events since MCGamers release, and I hope with the new year this can be worked on dramatically.
Also, in regard to awards at events, I really think players would just be appreciative of an event itself, and no need for awards. Bragging rights I think would be reward enough. Or even make a simple banner for signatures on the forums or something that doesn’t require funds at all.
Lastly for this comment, I do agree with you Col. The MCGamer is dying comments is not helping keep a positive mind-set for the server. The community needs to have hope in the server, and continue to encourage the development of it. Regardless of what colour our account wears, everyone has power to change the community for the better, and look forward to the future of this server. I am glad that this time around, more comments, feedback and opinions are being accepted by the staff team whether they are negative or positive. Because it allows freedom of opinion for these issues, and I think the staff are doing a great job of handling everyone, and giving them the opportunity to have a voice.
It's at this point where the anticheat/ nocheat should just be reset to stock values for the live servers so people can get on with things and not be hampered by how shockingly awful the nocheat is, and it should be progressively configured on a private server where volunteer players take their time with the developers to help tune it so it works. Unfortunately, the developers have stated they refuse to revert the changes to the nocheat, and will ultimately be the demise of the server. The development of the server led to the servers decline in the past as will it now.
I think this is a fantastic idea. From what I have gathered about development (which isn’t a lot by any means) I think by reverting to what the anti-cheat used to be, before the hit-reg problems that weren’t there in the first place. It will take out some of the negativity against the server. Doing this could allow for more playable gameplay for the community. And by opening a separate area for anti-cheat testing and bug testing, players can volunteer their time towards that to help test the bugs. It will allow the developers to work on their code and anti-cheat, without sacrificing good gameplay for the rest of the community.
The people who truly play MCSG have been stranded on an island and you actually think that the only way for those people to get off the island is to pray for things to be better. Col, I'm sorry, but are you kidding me? I (and many others) have been on this island since 2013. That's six years. Who, in their right mind, could believe that something will change when it still hasn’t for six years?
Stop riding on some wildly romantic "Minecraft Revival" optimism and either give these people a boat or tell them that they're never getting off the island.
I really like this metaphor and just had to add it in. But I agree, people can talk and type and announce or whatever they want, but if things don’t actually change in the end then what is happening here?
For example, weeks ago Kraken stated that Zone 85 would be taken out and replaced with Zone 85 Revamped (as was expected in that week’s map update). I’m not a developer but I am sure this isn’t that hard to do, but again we have gone through other map updates and it still hasn’t changed. Something as small as this just adds to the communities frustration which could’ve been easily avoided.
The developers don't know the first thing about PvP in any way and to force people to put up with their issues for pretty much 2 months is pretty unfair for the players. Something needs to change with their attitude and approach to developing the server and without a positive change in approach player count will continue to decline. Any other server or game would revert their game back to before they broke the game if something on this scale happened to them.
Again, I think the revert and separate area for development would be so helpful, and keep the gameplay better for everyone whilst the server can still be worked on.
Gosh that took way too long, but thank you for reading if you made it this far.