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The Huahwi Situation

Do you think Huahwi is going to come back with a "comeback campaign" to gain popularity?

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Jun 1, 2014
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I really don't think he's the type of person that would do that.... (Blocking people on Skype because he's meant for bigger and better things)...
He didn't block anyone (at least not me); he got a new Skype and didn't add many of his close friends from before.


Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
I understand everyone wanting to know what's up, and trying to figure it out, but in the end, when/if he comes back, he'll either explain, or he won't.

All the conspiracy theories are fun and all, but nobody is really going to know anything. Too be honest, everyone should just chill and wait until he comes back.

Maybe all he wanted in leaving was to generate all the buzz and hype that he successfully has :p
Honestly, I feel like your sorta wrong and sorta right. "To be hones, everyone should just chill and wait until he comes back". I've watched #108 about 4+ times already. I bet more than 10,000 of his subs are DYING to find out why and when he'll come back. Not a whole lot of us can wait, especially if you're a HUGE fan of him.


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
(this is my prediction and opinion based on confirmed information I have learned through primary and secondary conversation)

Hello everyone. Now I'm sure that most of you are familiar with Huahwi, one of the first players to gain both high game-rank/good statistics, and YouTube fame in a very short amount of time. Now two months ago, Huahwi disappeared. Completely. The last thing anyone has even heard of him was in early to mid May when he made some teasing remarks on twitter saying #RIPHuahwi, anything else I have not heard of. Now people originally thought he was just going away to study, which is normal. However even with exams, you should have ten minutes to simply write out a status update explaining to people where you are... Huahwi did none of this, instead he has made some immature tweets joking around about his unexplained disappearance. A couple of players (i.e Lovelights and SixZoSeven) who are said to have seemingly close ties to Huahwi have made their own individual videos explaining that they have no idea where he is and why he left, but both did mention one thing. How he seemed to be ignoring them in the past weeks before he made his disappearing act.

Let me take you back a few months...

Huahwi used to be a very friendly and open person, making friends with many people, teaming with everyone, and embracing all friends and fans. And then he hit about 2,000 subscribers. I was pretty good friends with a couple of Huahwi's well known friends (i.e Jamie, if anyone remembers him, and more) and they both stated directly, directly to me that around this time when he hit 2k, he made a new skype, added them, and then proceeded to say something rather nasty or hurtful like "I don't talk to squeakers anymore" and then blocked them on skype. Now, this may have been an exaggeration from what I was told, but there is evidence of him making a new skype, and all of his old "not-so-famous" friends not being on it.

As Huahwi grew more on YouTube, he started gaining a larger fanbase, and started making new friends. New more famous friends... Such as those mentioned before (Love and SixZo) plus a couple other YouTubers of his size. Even more time progresses and through dual-comms with these people, collaborations, solo commentating, Huahwi gains approximately 25k. Want your mind to be blown? Like I said before, Huahwi as he became significantly larger in subscriber count than his old friends, he slowly stopped talking to them, and started making new friends like Graser, Grape, and all of those people (don't quote me on who exactly he's been making videos with, I haven't watched a Huahwi video in months). See a cycle repeating? Huahwi then disappeared, and his subscriber count has almost doubled since his disappearance. Want to know what I think is going to happen..?

Huahwi will very soon come back, and make a huge comeback campaign, gaining an enormous amount of new subscribers, and we may soon see videos of only him with people that are "Graser-level-famous". And the cycle may repeat until he has possibly millions of subs, and a very high rank on the MCSG Leaderboards (if he bothers to keep playing it).

Another thing I could see happening would be Huahwi coming back and making no note of him disappearing, ignoring everything to do with the fact that he was just gone for two months.

Now this may be slightly exaggerated (especially the last part) but I have evidence, insight, and repeating patterns as evidence to back this up.

  • Huahwi made his original friends, and then we never hear about them again once he reaches a very high spot on the leaderboards
  • Then Huahwi makes new friends and allegedly "hasn't responded to them much before his disappearance" and has started focusing on a new group of people.
  • After he disappeared, he made no attempt to make any kind of tweet apologizing to his fans, friends, or anything, and hasn't made contact with any part of the internet that we know for two months now. The only posts he has made were joking and pointless, making no move whatsoever toward explaining his absence.
  • Most YouTubers that even take a break for four days will post on twitter, facebook, the forums, YouTube, anything explaining where they've been and that they'll be back shortly. Even if it's a simple post like "Sorry I havent been uploading, busy with so and so activity. More videos to come! c:" Nothing. From. Our. Friend. Huahwi. Over. Here.

Now I'm not trying to turn anyone against Huahwi, he is pretty entertaining to watch, and is still very skilled at the game (no matter how much I'm angry at him for sharing high-level and exotic tactics that previously took skill and hard work to accquire.. with everyone... so that now.. everyone can PvP well and doesn't have to put effort into learning or training..), I am simply trying to make a prediction about what may or may not happen. Feel free to rub it all in if this doesn't happen, because I would be wrong, but this is simply my opinion based on what I know to be true.

Please do NOT flame on this thread, feel free to disagree, but do it in a matter that will not cause issues.
Honestly, all I see you do is complain about Huahwi. You need to learn that he changed, and sometimes change is for the better. Maybe you being mad and ranting on about how Huahwi is mean and different now won't change anything. Sure Huahwi has changed, but that is because he got an opportunity. Now hes famous, let him be famous. Sometimes change is necessary, and sometimes you need to learn to just watch things happen, not try and get involved.


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
maybe he quit playing games?
i'm sure tons of people just kinda... stop after a while. no need to get so worked up about the guy.
This is actually the most likely scenario that has happened. It has happened many times in the past, someone maybe a cool guy in the community, a successful staff member, or maybe even just someone else on a different game starts to not want to play it anymore and quits. This is not unusual or unlucky. However, the difference in the situations is that Huahwi disappearing matters to people, not because of his high leaderboard ranking but because of his YouTube. Has anyone wondered what ever happened to DevilcCrafter or whatever his name was? He just quit, and stopped playing, and his leaderboard ranking sank, but not many people cared, and no one posted anything on the forums.

Huahwi has stated in videos that he has played many games in the past, and has jumped from game to game without ever really going back. The one thing that teases for a situation based on yours is the timing of his quitting. Why would anyone popular decrease videos going into summer, when more people are on their devices and want to be entertained. This is a boom time to record and make videos. Not only that, he has 2958 wins! Why would anyone quit so close to 3,000? Wouldn't you just work towards it so you can reach the milestone, and then be done with the game? Personally him quitting at such times means that he won't be coming back. Or if he does, he may be way less active on his youtube. The timing of his quitting suggests that he doesn't really plan on coming back, otherwise he may have planned it better.

Furthermore, maybe all this hype about him gone is what he wants. If he was officially quitting as I have suggested, he could have said something about it to someone. But I digress, no one knows except him, and unless he chooses to speak, it will stay that way.


Edit: Also the name of his last video "To Thaw a Frozen Heart" could have a double meaning? Maybe he is off chasing his long lost love in the Himalayas? :D


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I've actually spoken to him during his absence once personally. He also spoke in the UHC 7 chat in Skype, which was about a month back. I was also supposed to be apart of UHC 7 but left two days before the recording date. To my knowledge, he was still chatting in that Skype chat around that time, but didn't show up for the recording and disappeared after that. This was all in the earlier - mid part of his disappearance.

The way I've viewed it, because he's doing something that I've done to a lesser extent more times, is that he might just have moved onto a new chapter in his life. He's at the age where whether you like it or not, life forces its way into your face, and you can't dedicate the time to gaming and other hobbies like YouTubing that you wish you could. Because of this (speaking for myself right now), I procrastinated multiple times on telling my subscribers whether I was going to continue YTing or not, because I didn't even know what I wanted to do, or if I could do it. Everyone's personality is different, and Huahwi could just simply be avoiding the whole thing + the internet so he doesn't have to think about it. This way he can focus on things happening in his real life. That's what I've had to do on multiple occasions, until I finally settled on the decision that I would have to just quit whether I really wanted to or not. Unfortunately, there's a LOAD of pressure that comes with a successful YT channel, and quitting is ridiculously hard to do because it's tough to let so many people down.

Either way, him leaving and not updating anything (that FB isn't linked on his YT - take it as a grain of salt) for the amount of time that he has is pretty much an indicator that he's probably done for good. I could be wrong, and he might just be taking a break due to overplaying the game and everything happening so quickly; but without the updates, this just seems to be the most logical route.
Before making this thread so harsh or radical, I guess I should have remembered your absenses and that his situation is in fact a tough one. I can't relate yet, because I'm only a freshman in High School, so I guess sometimes it's hard to understand what life is like for him. The reason I mainly made this thread, and made my prediction was because of his fans' reactions, previous experiences with him, and the way he has acted over the past two months. Usually when you take your breaks, you'll occasionally be seen on the forums, and the first time you took one of yours, everyone understood why you were gone for the most part because you mentioned it in your videos, that you'd be very busy, and by the time you had taken your next one people understood that you were busy with more important real-life activities. From what I know, Huahwi has mentioned nothing about this in his videos besides the fact that he might have to take a couple week break for finals.

Another thing that lead me to making this was his fans' reactions (this is not a generalization on all Huahwi fans, just becuase you watch his videos does not mean I'm directing this at you). When you partook on your hiatuses, people had a general understanding of why you were gone, and knew that you weren't just going to leave everyone in the dark. Huahwi's fanbase however, somewhat panicked and went around spamming his friends, parts of YouTube, and the forums about "where did Huahwi go?". The natures of you two are very different, you being an older, more respectful and respected player, while him gaining quick fame, and not gaining quite as much respect (mainly because of how a certain population of his fans act).

The fact that he is active somewhat on Skype and is talking to other YouTubers and stuff on occasion is another sign that just makes me believe that he may as well make one of these "comeback campaigns", because he can take the time to talk to other YouTubers on skype, but not the time to make a simple tweet explaining where he has been. Yet this comes back to the stress thing, maybe I'm completely wrong and he's afraid to come back because he thinks people will be angry at him and stop liking him, you just don't know. I only made my prediction based on what he has previously done to people (yes, I admit what he did to jamie was exaggerated, I don't really think he said directly to jamie "I dont talk to squeakers anymore", Jamie was probably just angry because Huahwi was leaving him in the dark).
Last edited:


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
I think Huahwi was recording an episode of MCSG when suddenly out of no where a grizzly bear walked into his room. This was no ordinary bear, This bear could talk and he was known to be the best cookie chef in the whole of America. Now Huahwi works as the bears assistant cookie chef and thinks of new ingredients to make the best cookies. Huahwi is now known throughout the cookie loving community for creating Jelly bean/Candied orange flavoured cookies and now Huahwi is earning awards for his cookie creations all over the world and we don't even know it....


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
(this is my prediction and opinion based on confirmed information I have learned through primary and secondary conversation)

Hello everyone. Now I'm sure that most of you are familiar with Huahwi, one of the first players to gain both high game-rank/good statistics, and YouTube fame in a very short amount of time. Now two months ago, Huahwi disappeared. Completely. The last thing anyone has even heard of him was in early to mid May when he made some teasing remarks on twitter saying #RIPHuahwi, anything else I have not heard of. Now people originally thought he was just going away to study, which is normal. However even with exams, you should have ten minutes to simply write out a status update explaining to people where you are... Huahwi did none of this, instead he has made some immature tweets joking around about his unexplained disappearance. A couple of players (i.e Lovelights and SixZoSeven) who are said to have seemingly close ties to Huahwi have made their own individual videos explaining that they have no idea where he is and why he left, but both did mention one thing. How he seemed to be ignoring them in the past weeks before he made his disappearing act.

Let me take you back a few months...

Huahwi used to be a very friendly and open person, making friends with many people, teaming with everyone, and embracing all friends and fans. And then he hit about 2,000 subscribers. I was pretty good friends with a couple of Huahwi's well known friends (i.e Jamie, if anyone remembers him, and more) and they both stated directly, directly to me that around this time when he hit 2k, he made a new skype, added them, and then proceeded to say something rather nasty or hurtful like "I don't talk to squeakers anymore" and then blocked them on skype. Now, this may have been an exaggeration from what I was told, but there is evidence of him making a new skype, and all of his old "not-so-famous" friends not being on it.

As Huahwi grew more on YouTube, he started gaining a larger fanbase, and started making new friends. New more famous friends... Such as those mentioned before (Love and SixZo) plus a couple other YouTubers of his size. Even more time progresses and through dual-comms with these people, collaborations, solo commentating, Huahwi gains approximately 25k. Want your mind to be blown? Like I said before, Huahwi as he became significantly larger in subscriber count than his old friends, he slowly stopped talking to them, and started making new friends like Graser, Grape, and all of those people (don't quote me on who exactly he's been making videos with, I haven't watched a Huahwi video in months). See a cycle repeating? Huahwi then disappeared, and his subscriber count has almost doubled since his disappearance. Want to know what I think is going to happen..?

Huahwi will very soon come back, and make a huge comeback campaign, gaining an enormous amount of new subscribers, and we may soon see videos of only him with people that are "Graser-level-famous". And the cycle may repeat until he has possibly millions of subs, and a very high rank on the MCSG Leaderboards (if he bothers to keep playing it).

Another thing I could see happening would be Huahwi coming back and making no note of him disappearing, ignoring everything to do with the fact that he was just gone for two months.

Now this may be slightly exaggerated (especially the last part) but I have evidence, insight, and repeating patterns as evidence to back this up.

  • Huahwi made his original friends, and then we never hear about them again once he reaches a very high spot on the leaderboards
  • Then Huahwi makes new friends and allegedly "hasn't responded to them much before his disappearance" and has started focusing on a new group of people.
  • After he disappeared, he made no attempt to make any kind of tweet apologizing to his fans, friends, or anything, and hasn't made contact with any part of the internet that we know for two months now. The only posts he has made were joking and pointless, making no move whatsoever toward explaining his absence.
  • Most YouTubers that even take a break for four days will post on twitter, facebook, the forums, YouTube, anything explaining where they've been and that they'll be back shortly. Even if it's a simple post like "Sorry I havent been uploading, busy with so and so activity. More videos to come! c:" Nothing. From. Our. Friend. Huahwi. Over. Here.

Now I'm not trying to turn anyone against Huahwi, he is pretty entertaining to watch, and is still very skilled at the game (no matter how much I'm angry at him for sharing high-level and exotic tactics that previously took skill and hard work to accquire.. with everyone... so that now.. everyone can PvP well and doesn't have to put effort into learning or training..), I am simply trying to make a prediction about what may or may not happen. Feel free to rub it all in if this doesn't happen, because I would be wrong, but this is simply my opinion based on what I know to be true.

Please do NOT flame on this thread, feel free to disagree, but do it in a matter that will not cause issues.
When he made his new skype I don't think he added me Jamie or Diego (littlerawr_) but it used to be so much fun grinding wins with him and he was so nice. I miss when he was more down to earth


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Honestly there has to be something that is stopping him from staying in contact with the virtual world. As far as anyone could tell he was a nice person and cared about his subscribers. He would not just abandon us without ANY sort of notice. If he was younger, perhaps around 15 years old, it could be a possibility that he didn't do well on exams and his parents are VERY harsh and haven't allowed him to upload anything.

le quack

Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Also odd he would play on an Asian server when he plays in the US. I am going to say it is a fake because his ping would have been unbearable.
lol i remember that the owner was trolling and everyone was Huahwi at one point even me! xD


Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
I don't like speculating but...

When you're a student I assume paying for internet and a PC is quite expensive... Maybe he just ran out of money?


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
That was Jamie. I remember a few days after that special was released, Huahwi, me, Jamie, and some other people were in a Skype call. Some guy in the game was like "Huahwi, are you really a girl?" and then we invited him into the call and legit tricked him into believing that Huahwi was a girl xD
I remember that, pretty sure the guy that asked was a randy huahwi added to the call as a joke.
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