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The Fellowship (US Clan)

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Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Zac
Timezone: MST
Time Available: Mainly Weekends but if lucky some weekdays
IGN: The one and definite only Awesomeboy5
MCSG Wins/Total: 205/ this is a secret
Classic Wins/Total: 1/4 Im da best
Skype/TS/Mic: Gotz dem all
Best PvP Quality: Secondary weapons: but my real specialty is the Bow
Worst PvP Quality: Lets see the lag probably but quality i'd have to say block hitting when I try to
MCSG Donator: #DiamondDonor4lif3
Why do you want to join The Fellowship? Well I want I clan thats well organized with good players who actually know what they are doing
What are your past clans? #Axis, #Instinct ( love you Fuzzyc00ki3 ), #Vigorous, #Vigorousv2
What experience do you have with members in The Fellowship? Ummmmmmmm idk :(
What would make you an asset to the clan? Umm I am a pretty good leader if you are gone for a while and pretty good at pvp i'd say
Are you willing to purchase a new account? Im thinking AwesomeTF
Post a video showing your PvP ability (Not required, but strongly recommended): The only thing I have on my youtube is my series of catching hackers
Comments/Additional information: Swegitty Sweg Sweg Sweg


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Alex
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Time Available: I'm homeschooled, so I can be on at very odd hours of the day, although generally I'm on from 4 PM to 9 on weekdays. On Saturdays I'm offline until 4 PM, with rare exceptions, as well as Friday night after 7 PM. (Family/friend events occur on a regular basis at those times, and unfortunately I am not allowed to be excused from attending.)
Age: 14, I will be turning 15 next month.
IGN: Mooclan
MCSG Wins/Total: 435/2088
Classic Wins/Total: 2/17
Skype/TS/Mic: My Skype is Moocrafter, on TeamSpeak I go under the name "Mooclan" or "Mooclan [Laptop]". My laptop has a worse microphone, but I get much higher FPS, so I use it more.
Best PvP Quality: Strafing and strategizing. I'll let you judge for yourself.
Worst PvP Quality: Overuse of Flint n' Steel - I often place more FnS than I need to, resulting in a waste of it. Also, I am still learning how to shoot a moving target better, as I'm lacking slightly in that department.
MCSG Donator: I have Iron Donor until at least January 1st.
Why do you want to join The Fellowship?: I know several members of the Fellowship, and believe that I would be a positive addition to the clan.
What are your past clans?: EliteSquad, Rebels, and Aviate are the three main clans that I have been a part of.
What experience do you have with members in The Fellowship?: I know the founder, @DoUEvenShift/FrotoTF, as he is the one who bought me iron donor. I also spoke for quite some time with Lucidictive, KingTut, and Torchy.
What would make you an asset to the clan?: I can be responsible and keep a level head when it counts, and I'm relatively mature. I am an experienced fighter, and can be on at various hours of the day in a pinch.
Are you willing to purchase a new account?: I am willing to purchase a new account, but unfortunately my PayPal at this time is empty, and I don't know when I'll be able to deposit the funds required.
Post a video showing your PvP ability (Not required, but strongly recommended): My YouTube channel is MooclanTheCow, (You can find it in my signature). Unfortunately, I cannot upload a video at this time, as the laptop I am playing on is not capable of recording at a decent rate of FPS.
Comments/Additional information: I look forwards to perhaps working with The Fellowship in the near future.

And remember, one does not simply walk into Mordor!


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
I really want to apply, but I really like my clan already. :( I guess i'll be (head) cheerleader.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Waleed you've been DECLINED, you may reapply in a week.
Mooclan you've been ACCEPTED as a guard!
Awesome c:

I'd just like to mention that the question
Are you willing to purchase a new account?
It's not just an account with the suffix "TF", it's also a username related to Lord of the Rings, such as Frodo (FrodoTF), Gandalf (GandalfTF) etc., and it's preferred if it is a member of the Fellowship, such as Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, etc. (Unless they're already all taken.)
Last edited:


Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Nathan
Timezone: EST
Time Available: Usually around 4pm - 11pm on weekdays. However, on weekends I usually am on for many hours.
Age: Currently I am 15 years old
IGN: My current IGN is Nebulousity.
MCSG Wins/Total: 52/205, though if you were to consider my alts that number would rise to around 442/1205
Classic Wins/Total: Like 2/14 (I don't really like classic)
Skype/TS/Mic: I already have both these programs and I am currently awaiting a new microphone which should be here in 2-4 days.
Best PvP Quality: Honestly speaking I'd say I'm best at Sword, F&S and I do show some potential with a bow.
Worst PvP Quality: I am terrible at dodging F&S, this usually puts me at a disadvantage but I usually can recover from it by playing tactically. I am also pretty bad at the fishing rod.
MCSG Donator: I have around 2 months left on my Gold donor.
Why do you want to join The Fellowship?: I want to join the fellowship because I consider all the members to be my family, I talk to you guys on almost a daily basis and honestly I feel like I would fit in with this clan perfectly.
What are your past clans?: The only clan I've been in was Aviate.
What experience do you have with members in The Fellowship?: I am very close friends with pretty much all the members of The Fellowship.
What would make you an asset to the clan?: I can definitely help when it comes to a lot of the decisions need to be made and my knowledge of chest routes and my tactics are very good IMO.
Are you willing to purchase a new account?: I am willing to purchase a new account though it may take 2-4 weeks for me to purchase said account.
Post a video showing your PvP ability (Not required, but strongly recommended): Though it is strongly recommended my toaster doesn't agree.
Comments/Additional information: Lucid, you better not DECLINE me.
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