Thank you so much for taking time to give such a detailed review on the map. As I have been flying around it the past few days; I can't help but agree with more than one of the things you pointed out as negatives. I have already changed a few i.e. cars on roads and lily pad pathways~ however I need to go ahead and fix the road division; I agree completely that it would make the roads look overall more appealing.
Thanks once again Sean~ hopefully when you check back in the next day or so I will be able to have a new map download and have the map Sean approved.
EDIT: Consider things fixed.
[/] Road division
[/] Vehicles on roads/In parking lots
[/] Lily pads
As for pedestals~ builder preference like you said...
Tal will back up the server tonight~ for now here are some screenshots showing changes:,63u6Lz6#1