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Kithex Build Team [Paid Positions]


Jul 31, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Jonathan

Age: 16

Timezone: PST

Minecraft Username: Pyr

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Terraforming and Building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: None!

Images of previous builds (At least 3 different builds): http://www.mediafire.com/view/76tcmy9862embmn/2015-07-31_13.16.08.png
http://www.mediafire.com/view/vqe62...uilding _688e0e8e0d6da12b44dbcb2fb9795e02.png

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): None :c But I've Learn alot from Cf918, my clan owner c:

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I want to join Kithex because I feel like I can improve the building group and I will be able to spend most of my time trying to help assist and build maps with the staff crew. I know some people who are close friends of mine and it would be for the best to have fun with the whole crew. This is also a good stage to improve on building and see one of the maps I participated in get entered to the MCGamer.

Why does Kithex need you?: I believe I'm well qualified to improve the builds with the group and dedicate my whole time to build the maps! I have been on the server for 3 years! So why not get to learn more about the build team c:

I, [Pyr] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.
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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Ryan A. Zalewski

Age: 14 Years Old

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

Minecraft Username: LightGlre (Changing Soon)

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Building / Terraforming / Interior.

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: Previous Build Team : TE - TeamElite (Trial)

Images of previous builds (At least 3 different builds): http://imgur.com/a/H27qA ( If need more detailed pictures just tell me i will reapply.)

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): I have not really try to make a Map or Tried to be apart of someones map, I was as interested as Right now :D.

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I want to join Kithex because i think Kithex is a amazing build team, it is beyond my standards of expectations to be in Kithex, I honestly think my builds are not good at all, and should just be burned, But thats a opinion, I honestly like kithex aswell because all the members of kithex are polite and trustworthy :D.

Why does Kithex need you?: Kithex needs me, Because i will be able to help build maps Interior / Terria of the map, Not alot of people know how to Terraform or know what it is, So i can be someone who is able to help with that, Also alot of people are great at the exterior, But a main part is the interior which is a No problem EZPZ 123 thing for me, Tell me what you want and i will get it done :D.

I, Ryan A. Zalewski , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.
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Jul 27, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Bhenner

Age: 14

Timezone: (UTC+00:00)

Minecraft Username: Bhenner

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Buiding and TerraForming

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: No

Images of previous builds (At least 3 different builds):http://www.mcgamer.net/redirect/?to=aHR0cDovL2ltZ3VyLmNvbS93STY0ZUN6LHBYT01uaHEsbGM5NHRrNiw0VWZVUVllLFJPTzRZcFEsUFNrdDlCYix5ZjVZY3d1IzA=

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): No, but i will love to help .

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I wanna a team that have a great communication and be mature enough to make awesome things together ,i wanna teach, learn and make some cool friends in the process . A team that help each other and where i can work with and improve my skills and get better and better .. A team that we got a ideia and we lets go for it and don't quite to the first try. I build for fun but i will like to do professionally . Thats wy i wanna Kithex :) .

Why does Kithex need you?: You guys are good without me but i can teach and help the menbers to get even better . i am a dedicated minecraft builder since i was 12 years old , always Online for help all the members and the team . If you need i will be there for the team . I can not be the best builder but i know i gonna make a nice try hard for that dream .Because this team is gonna be everything to me if i enter , my family :) .

I, [Bhenner] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.
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Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
First name:


Eastern Standard Time

Minecraft Username:

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics):
I'm okay at terraforming, experienced at building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]:
I am currently in Team Invictus

Images of previous builds (At least 3 different builds):




Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?):

I helped create the map Bayside with Team Invictus. In that map I designed the hot air balloons, my shop, and some interiors. I do not have screenshots of this.

Why do you want to join Kithex?:
I know lots of people in this build team and it would be fun to have even more build projects to work on.

Why does Kithex need you?:
I'm an experienced builder and hopefully I could give insight into maps. Also I will be very active and try my best to help out at all times.

I, [LittleJay] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
Wondering where the shop is located..
Our shop is no longer in operation as we do not sell anything anymore.
Minecraft Username: Pyr
Your application has been declined as your builds do not meet our current standards.
Minecraft Username: LightGlre (Changing Soon)
You have been accepted for trial. iVelocityGaming will PM you with more details.
Minecraft Username: Bhenner
Your application has been declined as your builds do not meet our high standards.
Minecraft Username:
Your application has been accepted for trial. iVelocityGaming will PM you with more details.


If you've been declined, you are more than welcome to reapply in 3 days.


Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
First name: Kane

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT +8

Minecraft Username: Frostyy

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: Sponges

Images of previous builds (At least 3 different builds): http://imgur.com/7AiKkRJ
http://imgur.com/pY9HW3l http://imgur.com/ioAyuqI http://imgur.com/mKORArI

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): I have made maps for the MCGamer network, but they haven't been added. Link: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/narrock-manor.168874/

Why do you want to join Kithex?: Well, there are many reasons why I would love to join Kithex. Mainly because I would like to help out the build team and try to show my building skills to the best. I would also like to improve on my building skills. Also to try and learn experience from them.

Why does Kithex need you?: Well, you see, I believe Kithex needs someone who can cooperate and be helpful. I think I am a helpful person and I feel as that I can show the build team that I am worthy for the team. To also improve where I am at now, but also to use my building skills at the highest ability for Kithex.

I, [Kane - Frostyy] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
First name: Dannielle

Age: 18

Timezone: UTC+10:00

Minecraft Username: LilBub

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): I believe I am best at building.

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: N/A

Images of previous builds (At least 3 different builds):

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): N/A

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I want to join Kithex because I believe this is an amazing build team with already amazing achievements and so much potential to strive for more in the future, I have watched this build team grow since 2012 when Nick was first creating it. This team is full of great people (so what is one more eh? haha) and I think I could really learn from them as well as maybe share some different build styles.

Why does Kithex need you?: I believe I could bring a lot to the table and make a difference in the team, I have different build styles that could inspire or help other members of the team to grow in their techniques just as they could help me in so many ways. I am a dedicated worker, once I am given a task I work hard until the job is complete and even then will be a perfectionist making sure everything is perfect.

I, [Dannielle] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.
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Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
First name: Gregory

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Minecraft Username: Hect0rg

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Redstone

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: Invictus

Images of previous builds (At least 3 different builds): I have built a contraption in the sewers of bayside.

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): Bayside SG

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I would like to join kithex for several reasons:
-> I want to get into building and want to get back into redstoning.
-> I want to have the pride of having a map on the mcgamer network
-> I want to expand the people I know
-> I want to be part of another successful build team.
-> I have a few friends in the team and they suggested I applied which is what I'm doing.
-> Finally, I applied for my love of minecraft and more specifically redstone.

Why does Kithex need you?:
-> I have heard you are in need of redstoners.
-> I can redstone some pretty cool features for the maps
-> I am a very happy person and can bring joy to everyone
-> I'm just so cool xD

Thanks for reading! :D


Mar 4, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Noah

Age: 15

Timezone: PST

Minecraft Username: Trytan

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Terraforming

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: N/A

Images of previous builds (At least 3 different builds): I made a terraforming speedbuild for this purpose P1

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): No, but I would like to.

Why do you want to join Kithex?:
I've never joined a build team and would like to try out for one.
> I would like to test my limits with terraforming.
> I feel like I can contribute a lot to this build team

Why does Kithex need you?:
Because I would be a great addition to the build team.
> I'm very fun and enthusiastic
> The more the merrier.

I, Trytan , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Jul 9, 2015
Reaction score
First name:
Minecraft Username:
Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics):
Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]:
Team elite
Images of previous builds (At least 3 different builds):
Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?):
I placed 17 block in sg skyline
Why do you want to join Kithex?:
Because i think i am skilled enough to help this team
Why does Kithex need you?:
For the things that i can and other can't
I, [Tqrget/Younes] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positiveattitude.

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