First name: Leon
Age: 14
Timezone: GMT
Minecraft Username: Levah
Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Terraforming
Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]:
Hyperion (I terraformed the famous build of Ianite for CaptainSparklez N' Friends)
Red Forest
Kithex (I use to be a admin at kithex before V2)
Team Elite.
Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): Mockingjay, SGShore and I think I did a tiny with springfield.
Why do you want to join Kithex?:
Because I feel this is a good build team and I know a few people in the team. I think I will fit in just fine.
Why does Kithex need you?:
Not to one up my self but I feel my experience is much more impressive than many other members of the community and I feel I would be a asset to the build team.