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Kithex Build Team [Paid Positions]


Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Isaac

Age: 15

Timezone: EST

Minecraft Username: RiskIt

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: Team Variant

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): Not yet, some are still in progress.

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I would like to join Kithex because I am looking for a group of friends to join and have a good time with as well as build. I had a great time in my previous build team and would love to join another to continue on the great times.

Why does Kithex need you?: I am a good builder and a fun guy. Not only am I a good builder, but I can bring a warm happy personality to the group. I love to joke around with people but will be serious whenever needed. I believe that I am needed because of my light attitude and my ability to have a good time and bring joy to people. I always have been able too work well with a team seeing as I have participated in several clans and love cooperation and group proojects!

I, [Isaac] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.

Email: [email protected]


Jul 8, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Creat

Age: over 13

Timezone: GMT

Minecraft Username: Creatived

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Terra, builder.

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: a few popular ones

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): nope

Why do you want to join Kithex?: new experience and help on something that would effect people and make their day.

Why does Kithex need you?: Because I'm highly skilled builder that also works well with people.

I, Creatived , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Mar 29, 2013
Reaction score
I regret to inform you that you've been declined as your application is lacking details in the Why questions. These are the deciding factors of whether you will be an asset to the team. Please include items about your personality and how you will be able to work well with the team.


Jul 8, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Creat

Age: over 13

Timezone: GMT

Minecraft Username: Creatived

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Terra, builder.

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: a few popular ones

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): nope

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I want to join kithex because I want to go on an adventure which will never end, something that can create and atmosphere that it will never get boring building again, and especially alone. To get together with a community and build stuff together and have fun while doing it. Nothing to serious.

Why does Kithex need you?: Because I'm a okay builder that want to share knowledge and get knowledge, while having fun. I'm on most at the time and will be free. I'm a fun person being with but also quite shy, but love a good chitchat.

I, Creatived , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
First name: Sebastian

Age: 14 years of age.

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time [EST]

Minecraft Username: Sedrazo

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: I used to be a builder at Team Elite.

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): None.

Why do you want to join Kithex?: This is mainly due to the fact that I have seen Kithex before and I really would like to be apart of Kithex. Helping them out in anything that is needed. Also, I would like to be involved with many things and try to help out Kithex the best I could provide.

Why does Kithex need you?: Well, I am really not too sure why Kithex would need me. I guess I could say that I am a somewhat okay builder when it comes to building. I feel as that my previous building strategies could try to help and benefit the build team. Anyways, on to what I was saying, I feel as that Kithex would need someone who can encourage the team and show support to it.

I, [Sebastian] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
First name: Matt

Age: 16

Timezone: AEST (GMT+10)

Minecraft Username: Jockstah

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: I used to be in Kithex and Team Scattershot, a team by Mr_Dice a year or 2 ago.

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): Springfield. I did a few cars and a shop.

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I think one of the main reasons I want to join Kithex other than to build is to be apart of the family again. The Kithex family from what i can remember were great and a really good team in general. I also feel like joining another build team again and I think Kithex will suit me fine.

Why does Kithex need you?: I guess maybe a can build a little bit, I've had a bit of experience on maps before and I know how the process works. If there are things assigned to me I can try my best to the best of my ability and really just help as much as I can.

I, [Jockstah] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Dec 13, 2014
Reaction score
First name: Oguzhan

Age: 14

Timezone: (GMT + 3:00)

Minecraft Username: GereksizOguzhan

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Redstone

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: No.

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): No.

Why do you want to join Kithex?: Because i think my redstone nice! :D

Why does Kithex need you?: hmm...


Jul 9, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Nash

Age: 13, 14 in about 1 month

Timezone: AEST (GMT +10)

Minecraft Username: Vesinity

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: M/A

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added tothe MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): No.

Why do you want to join Kithex?: Because for a long period of time I've drembt of being in a build team, being able to bond with others, create new things. I'd want to consider it a journey that would never end!

Why does Kithex need you?: Kithex needs me for my personality, building talent and my pure dedication towards this build team. To be accepted would forfill my goal throughout the MCGamer Community.

I, Vesinity/Nash, agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2013
Reaction score
Unfortunately, after your trial build, you've been declined. This is due to the lack of detail within your trial build. Feel free to reapply in 3 days time.

Congrats, you've been accepted for a trial. I will contact you shortly via PM regarding your trial.

I regret to inform you that both of you have been declined as your application is lacking details in the Why questions. These are the deciding factors of whether you will be an asset to the team. Please include items about your personality and how you will be able to work well with the team. You may reapply in 3 days time.

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