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Kithex Build Team [Paid Positions]


Dec 13, 2014
Reaction score
First name: Oguzhan

Age: 14

Timezone: (GMT + 3:00)

Minecraft Username: GereksizOguzhan

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Redstone

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: No.

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): No.

Why do you want to join Kithex?: Because i think my redstone nice! :D

Why does Kithex need you?: Im redstone very nice!


Jul 9, 2015
Reaction score
Unfortunately, after your trial build, you've been declined. This is due to the lack of detail within your trial build. Feel free to reapply in 3 days time.

Congrats, you've been accepted for a trial. I will contact you shortly via PM regarding your trial.

I regret to inform you that both of you have been declined as your application is lacking details in the Why questions. These are the deciding factors of whether you will be an asset to the team. Please include items about your personality and how you will be able to work well with the team. You may reapply in 3 days time.
i did say though :c


Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
First name:Jason



Minecraft Username:Bluus

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Building-Terraforming-Redstone

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: N/A

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): None

Why do you want to join Kithex?: i believe my building skills would be of help to the team and i can benefit the team greatly. I Greatly enjoy building and its one of my very great talents! It makes me happy to hear constructive criticism on My builds and i really think Kithex will be able to support me in this way!

Why does Kithex need you?: I Specialize in all types of Buildings such as Village houses, Homes, Great At interior design!, Creative ways of doing things, Redstone Traps and contraptions, Terraforming , (such as paths, Hills, custom trees, Nature builds, and Shaping Mountains!), Exterior Design is Easy for me beacuse of my happy go getting attitude which allows me to find new ways to inovate and design new builds! This is why Kithex Needs Me!

I, Jason/ Bluus, agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Unfortunately, you've been declined after your trial build due to a lack of detail in your builds. Feel free to reapply in 3 days time. :)

Congrats, you have been accepted into the team after your trial build. Make sure you check your PMs here on the forums. Welcome to the family!
I Dont get it, am i accepted?


Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Dillon

Age: 16

Timezone: Central Standard

Minecraft Username: SavingGrace

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Building and also a little terraforming

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: N/A

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?):

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I have applied for a few build teams and didn't really feel like I could fit in with that team. So I chose this team because of it's staff and I've heard there are a lot of great people. It's just a new opportunity that I have that would be great for me and the team.

Why does Kithex need you?: Because i'm a very creative person. I may not be the best builder in the world but I'm super creative and hardworking. I feel that you'd be missing out on something if I'm not accepted. Not to sound to cocky.

I, [Dillon Daniel] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Mar 21, 2013
Reaction score
First name: Cass

Age: 15

Timezone: Central

Minecraft Username: Casss

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): I love building, but I'm also really good at redstone so I guess really just a mixture of that.

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: I was on team elite but I quit.

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): no.

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I want to join Kithex so I can be part of a team. I love being part of things that are active like this building team. I want to show my abilities in redstone and in building. I think it will be a really fun experience and a chance to make friends. Ever since I came out as bisexual I haven't had a lot because they all left me.

Why does Kithex need you?: Kithex needs me because of my redstone abilities, I'm not just bluffing when I say this I'm pretty good with it. Not great but good. I can also dedicate loads of time to whatever you need built.

I, Cass McCullin, agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.


Jul 2, 2015
Reaction score
First name:Ashton



Minecraft Username:Babi_

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics):Building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]:Dauntless

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?):None thats why I am joining u guys

Why do you want to join Kithex?:Because I want to join a new build team and I want to meet new people and join a new community

Why does Kithex need you?:Well Its a hard question because I dont know if u got everything under control but if you don't thats where I come in everytime someones offline or someones playing MCSG I can come on and build by myself and I dont mind building by myself so yeah :)



Mar 29, 2013
Reaction score
First name:Ashton



Minecraft Username:Babi_

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics):Building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]:Dauntless

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?):None thats why I am joining u guys

Why do you want to join Kithex?:Because I want to join a new build team and I want to meet new people and join a new community

Why does Kithex need you?:Well Its a hard question because I dont know if u got everything under control but if you don't thats where I come in everytime someones offline or someones playing MCSG I can come on and build by myself and I dont mind building by myself so yeah :)

Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to lacking detail in your questions; please spend more time adding detail to your application so we can better understand you as a person. You may reapply in 3 days time.


Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
First name: Isaac

Age: 15

Timezone: EST

Minecraft Username: RiskIt

Forte (Building // Redstone // Terraforming // Cinematics): Building

Current/previous build team(s) [If none, state N/A]: Team Variant

Have any of your maps/maps you've helped on been added to the MCGamer network? (if so, which ones?): Not yet, some are still in progress.

Why do you want to join Kithex?: I would like to join Kithex because I am looking for a group of friends to join and have a good time with as well as build. I love building maps and doing it with a community would only enhance the joy of it. I had a great time in my previous build team and would love to join another to continue on the great times.

Why does Kithex need you?: I am a good builder and a fun guy. Not only am I a good builder, but I can bring a warm happy personality to the group. I love to joke around with people but will be serious whenever needed. I believe that I am needed because of my light hearted attitude and my ability to have a good time and bring joy to people. I always have been able too work well with a team seeing as I have been a member in several clans and love cooperation and group projects!

I, [Isaac] , agree to maintain my activity throughout my time in Kithex and uphold Kithex values and morals, which include: having fun, treating everyone in and out of Kithex with respect and maintaining a positive attitude.

Email: [email protected]

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