1.) Name:Michael
2.) Age:15 1/2
3.) Minecraft IGN: Msanders100
4.) MCSG Wins:749
5.) MCSG Games Played:4222
6.) Premium
[Y/N]:yes, I have platinum donor.
7.) Maturity
[1/10]:9 .
8.) Availability
9.) Skype Username
[PM if you don't want to share]: You guys have it , but I'll have to re add you.
10.) TeamSpeak/Skype
[Y/N]:yes i have both team speak and skype!
11.) PvP Strengths/Weaknesses
[Explain]: Strengths: My pvp strengths are Fishing rods, Swords, FnS, and bows. Weaknesses: Water fights, hackers, teams over 3.
12.) Why should we accept you?:Because I never joined a new clan after I left. I love all of you guys and you is mah family!
13.) Are you active
14.) Were you invited?
arwezy invited meh.