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Instinct II [US & CA]

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Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Name:Michael
2.) Age:15 1/2
3.) Minecraft IGN: Msanders100
4.) MCSG Wins:749
5.) MCSG Games Played:4222
6.) Premium [Y/N]:yes, I have platinum donor.
7.) Maturity [1/10]:9 .
8.) Availability [1/10]:9
9.) Skype Username [PM if you don't want to share]: You guys have it , but I'll have to re add you.
10.) TeamSpeak/Skype [Y/N]:yes i have both team speak and skype!
11.) PvP Strengths/Weaknesses [Explain]: Strengths: My pvp strengths are Fishing rods, Swords, FnS, and bows. Weaknesses: Water fights, hackers, teams over 3.
12.) Why should we accept you?:Because I never joined a new clan after I left. I love all of you guys and you is mah family!
13.) Are you active [Y/N]:yes
14.) Were you invited?:parwezy invited meh.
Accepted rank member. Unless anyone else has something else in mind.
Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
1.) Name:Michael
2.) Age:15 1/2
3.) Minecraft IGN: Msanders100
4.) MCSG Wins:749
5.) MCSG Games Played:4222
6.) Premium [Y/N]:yes, I have platinum donor.
7.) Maturity [1/10]:9 .
8.) Availability [1/10]:9
9.) Skype Username [PM if you don't want to share]: You guys have it , but I'll have to re add you.
10.) TeamSpeak/Skype [Y/N]:yes i have both team speak and skype!
11.) PvP Strengths/Weaknesses [Explain]: Strengths: My pvp strengths are Fishing rods, Swords, FnS, and bows. Weaknesses: Water fights, hackers, teams over 3.
12.) Why should we accept you?:Because I never joined a new clan after I left. I love all of you guys and you is mah family!
13.) Are you active [Y/N]:yes
14.) Were you invited?:parwezy invited meh.
I would really appreciate it if you would unblock me on skype since you did that for no reason. Sorry for taking it off topic.


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Nick

Age: 13

Minecraft IGN: MinedAndCrafted5

MCSG Wins: 999

MCSG Games Played: Like 6700

Premium [Y/N]: Y, Diamond.

Maturity[1/10]: 7

Avaliablility [1-10] 7

Skype Username: [PM if you don't want to share]: You have it but its minedandcrafted513

TeamSpeak/Skype [Y/N] Y

PvP Strengths/Weaknesses [Explain]: Im decent with an FnS, and getting a lot better with the rod. Im not so good at killing hackers or strafing.

Why should we accept you?: I made a stupid choice in ever leaving, I was crazy, I love you all way to much to leave. I was thinking, Parwez told me to go with what my heart said, not my stomach, and my heart says that I love you all way to much to leave. Im sorry for ever leaving.

Were you invited? Mhm, by Parwez.


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Nick

Age: 13

Minecraft IGN: MinedAndCrafted5

MCSG Wins: 999

MCSG Games Played: Like 6700

Premium [Y/N]: Y, Diamond.

Maturity[1/10]: 7

Avaliablility [1-10] 7

Skype Username: [PM if you don't want to share]: You have it but its minedandcrafted513

TeamSpeak/Skype [Y/N] Y

PvP Strengths/Weaknesses [Explain]: Im decent with an FnS, and getting a lot better with the rod. Im not so good at killing hackers or strafing.

Why should we accept you?: I made a stupid choice in ever leaving, I was crazy, I love you all way to much to leave. I was thinking, Parwez told me to go with what my heart said, not my stomach, and my heart says that I love you all way to much to leave. Im sorry for ever leaving.

Were you invited? Mhm, by Parwez.
accepted for pending


Nov 18, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Nick

Age: 13

Minecraft IGN: MinedAndCrafted5

MCSG Wins: 999

MCSG Games Played: Like 6700

Premium [Y/N]: Y, Diamond.

Maturity[1/10]: 7

Avaliablility [1-10] 7

Skype Username: [PM if you don't want to share]: You have it but its minedandcrafted513

TeamSpeak/Skype [Y/N] Y

PvP Strengths/Weaknesses [Explain]: Im decent with an FnS, and getting a lot better with the rod. Im not so good at killing hackers or strafing.

Why should we accept you?: I made a stupid choice in ever leaving, I was crazy, I love you all way to much to leave. I was thinking, Parwez told me to go with what my heart said, not my stomach, and my heart says that I love you all way to much to leave. Im sorry for ever leaving.

Were you invited? Mhm, by Parwez.
OverRuled , You're clan application has been Declined.. Please try again in 1 week.
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