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How smart are you in real life?

Are you smart and do you have a lot of homework and not much time to play minecraft?

  • I am smart but don't have much homework so I am able to play minecraft a lot.

    Votes: 64 64.6%
  • I am smart and have a lot of homework so no minecraft for me :(

    Votes: 16 16.2%
  • I am neutral, not smart or not intelligent.

    Votes: 9 9.1%
  • I am not intelligent and have little homework so I am lucky because I have time to play mine craft!

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • I am not intelligent but have so much homework. It is so unfair! I dont have time to play minecraft.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • I don't care about what you are saying.

    Votes: 8 8.1%

  • Total voters


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
Intelligence, just like normality, is relative. You might live in a very rural area, where most people grow up to do labor work, but in school you excel compared to other people. But that person into a school where kids come from wealthy backgrounds, he could be one of those "slackers".

There's a reason intelligence is rarely measured, and that's because intelligence is relative. You can't use IQ to scale someones smarts. Smart could mean studying a lot, smart could mean getting exemplary grades, smart could mean being able to read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and fully comprehending it. Intelligence is relative.

Also, I'm going to leave the words of a very smart man here: http://imgur.com/gallery/Pk4bJ


Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
I've been same as you. I am gifted.
I learned in gifted class aswell, and apart from that, I were goin univerity once a week since I was grade 4 (Im grade 10 now, its over now). for the past 6 years.
It is tough. but you have to deal with it, I had less HW than you, much less, but still. I hope it will be easier for you to deal with soon!


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
I had a 99 average in grade 7 in grade 8 and have a 100 4 being popular legit


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
As my maths teacher always says, you are academically smart, but not smart. These days, with a more liberal (and better) system of how we view things such as intelligence or 'smartness', we tend to see it differently, for example.

I get Excellence (A equivalent) in most of my tests, and I learn new concepts quickly, and am not afraid to work hard. This probably makes me academically smart, or the general stereotype of smart.

However, in PE (Physical Education) I'm clumsy, don't make much effort and also drop the ball often (quite literally). This makes me not very sport smart, or good at things like that.

In things such as Music, Dance and Drama, well lets say if I were to perform in Swan Lake, I would quite definitely be the ugly duckling, because I am not artistically smart.

What this post/rant/random paragraph is trying to say is smart shouldn't be defined to a person who achieves highly academically. Being smart is just simply trying your hardest, and achieving what you you want to achieve.

I just noticed that at this point the OP may not like my random off-topic rant, so I apologise, but I was just stating my opinion of the question in the title in my own unique way.


I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to post because this thread is really old lol, but I thought I would add this.
Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard because he had already begun to see the opportunity to make his billions and Harvard wasn't providing the refinements to his education in which he was seeking. He didn't "drop out of school at a young age". If you're going to make statements as specific as that at least know what you're talking about. I sure hope you don't inspire people to drop out just because "Bill Gates" did it.
Nope, it's allowed because it's on topic c:

Now, to answer the guys damn question amirite?

Last year, I got all A's, and I pretty much gamed 24/7. But I don't remember a thing from last year :>. So, this year, I really don't get to play much MC. ;-;


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
65% of the people who voted are liars :p
90% of people on this thread are liers
Rough estimate
I saw people who said their iq is 190
Also it was steve jobs who didnt get the proper education and made billions

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