Just a question:
If I record a video while testing out the auto-detection thingy, can I appeal and have the 60 second ban removed from my record?
I log into Minecraft using a BSM Jar, and start recording at the Title Screen where it says "SinglePlayer" "MultiPlayer" etc.
I say out loud (For the video) "I am using a Better Sprint Mod Jar, to test out the auto-kick, to see how effective it is."
I log into an MCSG Server, say the Hub or a server that is in-game, and get kicked/tempbanned
And then I say "As you can see, MCSG really does have an auto-detection system."
Will I be able to appeal the ban and have it removed from my record, if I give the video as evidence that I was merely testing it?
This is purely for informational purposes, as I'm curious to see how effectively/quickly the system detects BSM.
Edit: I don't know if this was asked before, I didn't look through all the comments. My apologies if it was.