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Ascendancy [US]

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District 13
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, here goes. So, I have decided to step down as a leader from Ascendancy for now. I'm not sure if I will come back or not, but that will be decided later on. Anyways, to the point of this post. I would like to thank all of the members that have made my time in the clan enjoyable.

DeeRose7 - You were really active and was always enjoyable to talk to. You were the person I talked to the most and I really enjoy talking with you and Deltrix.

Aedrift - Thanks for always being there and standing up for what you know is right. You were always a nice guy and I am glad that your leave didn't ruin anything between us.

Cat_On_A_Poptart - We never really talked much (mainly because your mic is bad) but you were always a funny person that knew how to make people laugh, even through text chat. Just remember, keep your dongers raised. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Deltrix5291 - We played a lot and I betrayed you a lot XD. Anyways, I've known you before the clan was made and we played a lot in early V2. I still remember that time I betrayed you on Holiday back when we were squeakers.

Captain | Lqzer - We constantly argued about rank changes and leadership but we were still friends throughout the whole time. I want you to keep this clan running and put up the loss to Prod, it is generating way more hate then there is needed. Keep the clan going and find a good leader to fill my spot. I would recommend afrecqnzwelo and then move ShakeSchack to Captain. In the end, it is your choice.

AscendancyUS - Thanks for being a good, fun, and nice clan. It made the environment of the TeamSpeak a really fun place to talk with members and play. We always got along for the most part and this clan will definitely leave a mark on my current view of clans.

Thanks for the fun time, I will miss all of you guys. .-.
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Alright, here goes. So, I have decided to step down as a leader from Ascendancy for now. I'm not sure if I will come back or not, but that will be decided later on. Anyways, to the point of this post. I would like to thank all of the members that have made my time in the clan enjoyable.

DeeRose7 - You were really active and was always enjoyable to talk to. You were the person I talked to the most and I really enjoy talking with you and Deltrix.

Aedrift - Thanks for always being there and standing up for what you know is right. You were always a nice guy and I am glad that your leave didn't ruin anything between us.

Cat_On_A_Poptart - We never really talked much (mainly because your mic is bad) but you were always a funny person that knew how to make people laugh, even through text chat. Just remember, keep your dongers raised. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Deltrix5291 - We played a lot and I betrayed you a lot XD. Anyways, I've known you before the clan was made and we played a lot in early V2. I still remember that time I betrayed you on Holiday back when we were squeakers.

Captain | Lqzer - We constantly argued about rank changes and leadership but we were still friends throughout the whole time. I want you to keep this clan running and put up the loss to Prod, it is generating way more hate then there is needed. Keep the clan going and find a good leader to fill my spot. I would recommend afrecqnzwelo and then move ShakeSchack to Captain. In the end, it is your choice.

AscendancyUS - Thanks for being a good, fun, and nice clan. It made the environment of the TeamSpeak a really fun place to talk with members and play. We always got along for the most part and this clan will definitely leave a mark on my current view of clans.

Thanks for the fun time, I will miss all of you guys. .-.
Braden nooo ;-; I'm sad to see you go, but I fully understand your reasons. I wish you the best of luck to whatever clan you go to after this, if you go to one, and just good luck in general. I'll probably still see you in the hub and ask you for scrim on occasion (; Keep them dongers raised, m8. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, here goes. So, I have decided to step down as a leader from Ascendancy for now. I'm not sure if I will come back or not, but that will be decided later on. Anyways, to the point of this post. I would like to thank all of the members that have made my time in the clan enjoyable.

DeeRose7 - You were really active and was always enjoyable to talk to. You were the person I talked to the most and I really enjoy talking with you and Deltrix.

Aedrift - Thanks for always being there and standing up for what you know is right. You were always a nice guy and I am glad that your leave didn't ruin anything between us.

Cat_On_A_Poptart - We never really talked much (mainly because your mic is bad) but you were always a funny person that knew how to make people laugh, even through text chat. Just remember, keep your dongers raised. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Deltrix5291 - We played a lot and I betrayed you a lot XD. Anyways, I've known you before the clan was made and we played a lot in early V2. I still remember that time I betrayed you on Holiday back when we were squeakers.

Captain | Lqzer - We constantly argued about rank changes and leadership but we were still friends throughout the whole time. I want you to keep this clan running and put up the loss to Prod, it is generating way more hate then there is needed. Keep the clan going and find a good leader to fill my spot. I would recommend afrecqnzwelo and then move ShakeSchack to Captain. In the end, it is your choice.

AscendancyUS - Thanks for being a good, fun, and nice clan. It made the environment of the TeamSpeak a really fun place to talk with members and play. We always got along for the most part and this clan will definitely leave a mark on my current view of clans.

Thanks for the fun time, I will miss all of you guys. .-.
I respect people that know it's right to leave. Not trying to offend anyone in this post, but I'm glad you realized that the clan was sort of corrupt at this point in time. I'm happy that I wasn't the only one that thought so. Much respect to you, Smooth. :)


District 13
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Much respect to you, Smooth. :)
This part was nice
I respect people that know it's right to leave. Not trying to offend anyone in this post, but I'm glad you realized that the clan was sort of corrupt at this point in time. I'm happy that I wasn't the only one that thought so.
This part wasn't.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, here goes. So, I have decided to step down as a leader from Ascendancy for now. I'm not sure if I will come back or not, but that will be decided later on. Anyways, to the point of this post. I would like to thank all of the members that have made my time in the clan enjoyable.

DeeRose7 - You were really active and was always enjoyable to talk to. You were the person I talked to the most and I really enjoy talking with you and Deltrix.

Aedrift - Thanks for always being there and standing up for what you know is right. You were always a nice guy and I am glad that your leave didn't ruin anything between us.

Cat_On_A_Poptart - We never really talked much (mainly because your mic is bad) but you were always a funny person that knew how to make people laugh, even through text chat. Just remember, keep your dongers raised. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Deltrix5291 - We played a lot and I betrayed you a lot XD. Anyways, I've known you before the clan was made and we played a lot in early V2. I still remember that time I betrayed you on Holiday back when we were squeakers.

Captain | Lqzer - We constantly argued about rank changes and leadership but we were still friends throughout the whole time. I want you to keep this clan running and put up the loss to Prod, it is generating way more hate then there is needed. Keep the clan going and find a good leader to fill my spot. I would recommend afrecqnzwelo and then move ShakeSchack to Captain. In the end, it is your choice.

AscendancyUS - Thanks for being a good, fun, and nice clan. It made the environment of the TeamSpeak a really fun place to talk with members and play. We always got along for the most part and this clan will definitely leave a mark on my current view of clans.

Thanks for the fun time, I will miss all of you guys. .-.
Smooth, it was great leading with you. I respect your decision to leave; you are a great leader, and good luck with future clans! ^_^ *Salutes*

Also - Prodigious broke official MCGamer rules during the battle and were caught. They can feel free to keep the win up on their thread (Epic_Frog_Song) but after talking to Soul about this Ascendancy has decided that we will not put the battle on the thread. I feel this is a fair compromise. If you guys are gonna say that the "ALL MCSG RULES APPLY" is no longer on the clan battle rules, too bad. It was there when I talked to Soul about the whole thing just yesterday. :p
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