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Ascendancy [US]

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District 13
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
I have decided to put the loss against Prodigious up as it is extremely stubborn to not give them the win they deserve. After further discussion we have cleared things up. There is no need for any drama for any of this, so keep it off the thread. Sorry for any inconvenience Epic_Frog_Song .-.
Well that didn't last long


Sep 19, 2013
Reaction score
In-Game Name:Creeper_GG
Skype Username:Michael_Creeper_GG
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]:800
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]:Diamond
Time Zone:Est
Past Clans:Insidious, with a few other clans, but for a long period of my competitive playing was with insidious.
PvP Weaknesses:Honestly my biggest weakness would most likely be hackers, they are sometimes easier to kill then others but more then half the time they are my biggest PvP weakness.
PvP Strengths:I have been told by most of my good friends that for me it narrows down to two things, those being the fishing rod and the flint and steel. in my personal opinion i would say i'm more accurate with the flint and steel then the fishing rod.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]:I've been banned twice one i got chargedback and 2nd for spam which was an awful mistake on my part.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]:If i had to say one thing about myself is i'm a likeable guy who is not hard to get along with. I can be very funny at times and make the team laugh, i also feel as if i encourage fellow members in battles and scrims. I am also very mature and i do not start flame with any other clans in any circumstances what so ever.


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name: SniperSnakez/maxiscool24
Name: Jack
Age: 14
Skype Username: SniperSnakez
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: I think about 1100 and something.
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Yes, I have gold donor.
Time Zone: EST
Past Clans: Radiant, Insidious, Titans, Impalers, CyanVolts, and many more.
PvP Weaknesses: I would say that my weakness is dodging arrows and my bad days. By my bad days I mean some days I just cannot PvP good, for some reason.
PvP Strengths: Bow Standoffs (Sometimes), Fishing Rod, and sometimes strafing.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: I think I had some abuse bans long ago, and a ban when I had a texture pack that made everything bright which I didn't know I could be banned for.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Well, I love to play minecraft, I enjoy every part of it. I also play baseball, I am on my leagues all-star team and I work hard at it, I have a camp in the summer that I am going to. I also have a really good computer where I lag none at all, with a decent internet. I have been playing Minecraft for 3 years, and MCSG for about 2. I really enjoy factions, but I still play MCSG a lot.


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
You guys have a Faze in your roster are you going for feeds or more trickshots, just wondering :)

Im joking dont hurt me pls

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name:Creeper_GG
Skype Username:Michael_Creeper_GG
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]:800
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]:Diamond
Time Zone:Est
Past Clans:Insidious, with a few other clans, but for a long period of my competitive playing was with insidious.
PvP Weaknesses:Honestly my biggest weakness would most likely be hackers, they are sometimes easier to kill then others but more then half the time they are my biggest PvP weakness.
PvP Strengths:I have been told by most of my good friends that for me it narrows down to two things, those being the fishing rod and the flint and steel. in my personal opinion i would say i'm more accurate with the flint and steel then the fishing rod.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]:I've been banned twice one i got chargedback and 2nd for spam which was an awful mistake on my part.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]:If i had to say one thing about myself is i'm a likeable guy who is not hard to get along with. I can be very funny at times and make the team laugh, i also feel as if i encourage fellow members in battles and scrims. I am also very mature and i do not start flame with any other clans in any circumstances what so ever.
In-Game Name: SniperSnakez/maxiscool24
Name: Jack
Age: 14
Skype Username: SniperSnakez
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: I think about 1100 and something.
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Yes, I have gold donor.
Time Zone: EST
Past Clans: Radiant, Insidious, Titans, Impalers, CyanVolts, and many more.
PvP Weaknesses: I would say that my weakness is dodging arrows and my bad days. By my bad days I mean some days I just cannot PvP good, for some reason.
PvP Strengths: Bow Standoffs (Sometimes), Fishing Rod, and sometimes strafing.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: I think I had some abuse bans long ago, and a ban when I had a texture pack that made everything bright which I didn't know I could be banned for.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Well, I love to play minecraft, I enjoy every part of it. I also play baseball, I am on my leagues all-star team and I work hard at it, I have a camp in the summer that I am going to. I also have a really good computer where I lag none at all, with a decent internet. I have been playing Minecraft for 3 years, and MCSG for about 2. I really enjoy factions, but I still play MCSG a lot.
Accepted as trial! ^_^


District 13
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name: SniperSnakez/maxiscool24
Name: Jack
Age: 14
Skype Username: SniperSnakez
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: I think about 1100 and something.
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Yes, I have gold donor.
Time Zone: EST
Past Clans: Radiant, Insidious, Titans, Impalers, CyanVolts, and many more.
PvP Weaknesses: I would say that my weakness is dodging arrows and my bad days. By my bad days I mean some days I just cannot PvP good, for some reason.
PvP Strengths: Bow Standoffs (Sometimes), Fishing Rod, and sometimes strafing.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: I think I had some abuse bans long ago, and a ban when I had a texture pack that made everything bright which I didn't know I could be banned for.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Well, I love to play minecraft, I enjoy every part of it. I also play baseball, I am on my leagues all-star team and I work hard at it, I have a camp in the summer that I am going to. I also have a really good computer where I lag none at all, with a decent internet. I have been playing Minecraft for 3 years, and MCSG for about 2. I really enjoy factions, but I still play MCSG a lot.
Recommended, really cool guy.


Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
If you need to kick me feel free spending my time with IRL friends and when I do get on pc well theres the steam summer sale so dp what you need to :)
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