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My Argument on Teir 2s and Why They Should be Removed.

Should Teir 2s be Removed? (Please Read the Whole Thread Before Voting)

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Oct 2, 2012
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This is honesly why I would pay MCSG 200$$ for 2 weeks of the old servers with the old players. No teir 2's, SG4 and stuff. SG1,2,3 with the old chests, mobs and "A cannnon could be heard in the distance". postpone the donors things, I just want it back like the old days. I was young and on my moms computer and was scared. I was sometimes shaking. It was SOOOOOO much better (in my opinion) back then, then it is today. Today is based on luck not skill. today its whoever got full iron diamond sword, not who had the best skill. Back then, getting an iron chestplate was like being a god. you would be SUPER lucky to get an iron chestplate. today, you just wonder if my Tier 2's spawned with a chestplate.
Basically what I am saying is that Teir 2s add an enormous luck factor into the Gamemode, and is what essentially makes people run and not fight sword to sword like they used to. Pvp should be about who can strafe better and think faster, not about who can use Flint and Steel better or whom can use a fishing rod. Hell, maybe people might start using Cakes to stop a player from running, I am saying to remove luck as little as possible, and I think in everyone's heart this is what people really mean when they say they miss the "good old days" because they miss when raw Pvp was the winning factor in a fight, not just equipment. I believe Teir 2s should be removed from the Gamemode, maybe make corn chest give cooked food as they do and have a high chance of weapons, but I think that Teir 2s should be removed, because in truth, it is for the best.
You conveyed everything I tried to. Good job sir, you get a large COOKIE
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, I'm going to go into a mini rant here.


No, no no. This idea is not a good one. Nobody wants to play games of full leather, where everyone dies in 3-4 hits. This idea pretty much supports teams, in which people wont be able to get better stuff to fight the teams. Im aware the the growing increase of teams is a problem right now, this would honestly just egg it on. Now moving on to the next topic, whining about fishing rods and new tactics. You pretty much said that the new tactics are unfair, because you obviously dont know how to use them. You say they delay an inevitable death. Not true, theses 'new and terrible' tactics are alot of the reason why you are able to take out people with better stuff than you. You have to be crafty, not just always use brute force, expect the unexpected of a fishing rod flying at you. Remember, its not the sword games, its the survival games. You have to SURVIVE, and those who thrive (Crafty players, fishing rodders, flint and steelers, hit and runners etc.) are the ones who win. Im not saying they are the only ones who do, ive seen fantastic players using brute force. Going to another topic, chest routes. Yet another fantastic element to the game, ruined. We all know that chest that is so hard to get. The one that is past the really hard lava parkour. Lets see, I would much rather see an iron chestplate and maybe a diamond in there. Now with your system, here is what we would see, Leather boots, leather pants, an apple, a raw fish, and a bow. Now i would be pissed off if the chest I worked my butt off for had crappy stuff in it. Probably the last factor i will discuss, the cornucopia. This implementation would completely ruin all of the risk factor in going for the center. The risk that someone could get a stone sword, then murder you! The risk is tough, but you have to make the choice. With this system, it is a no brainer to skip corn, why take the risk if you can get the same stuff in the chest past the lava parkour?

Stop whining that YOU havent adapted to the new tactis, and that they NEED to be changed just because you think they should. Removing tier 2's would honestly ruin the game.



Jan 16, 2013
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I do agree but Tea 2's are so much more handy than just having this leather armor in your inventory and the good armor keeps you alive by a few more hits. Also think about it with leather armor when someone shoots you with a fully charged bow how many hearts does it do? It will only take someone to fully charge a bow shot at you 4-5 times and than you are dead. If they reduced the bow damage limit than i would say yes to this but at the moment it is a no because of the damage weapons will do to you.

Thats my say.


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
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Okay, I'm going to go into a mini rant here.


No, no no. This idea is not a good one. Nobody wants to play games of full leather, where everyone dies in 3-4 hits. This idea pretty much supports teams, in which people wont be able to get better stuff to fight the teams. Im aware the the growing increase of teams is a problem right now, this would honestly just egg it on. Now moving on to the next topic, whining about fishing rods and new tactics. You pretty much said that the new tactics are unfair, because you obviously dont know how to use them. You say they delay an inevitable death. Not true, theses 'new and terrible' tactics are alot of the reason why you are able to take out people with better stuff than you. You have to be crafty, not just always use brute force, expect the unexpected of a fishing rod flying at you. Remember, its not the sword games, its the survival games. You have to SURVIVE, and those who thrive (Crafty players, fishing rodders, flint and steelers, hit and runners etc.) are the ones who win. Im not saying they are the only ones who do, ive seen fantastic players using brute force. Going to another topic, chest routes. Yet another fantastic element to the game, ruined. We all know that chest that is so hard to get. The one that is past the really hard lava parkour. Lets see, I would much rather see an iron chestplate and maybe a diamond in there. Now with your system, here is what we would see, Leather boots, leather pants, an apple, a raw fish, and a bow. Now i would be pissed off if the chest I worked my butt off for had crappy stuff in it. Probably the last factor i will discuss, the cornucopia. This implementation would completely ruin all of the risk factor in going for the center. The risk that someone could get a stone sword, then murder you! The risk is tough, but you have to make the choice. With this system, it is a no brainer to skip corn, why take the risk if you can get the same stuff in the chest past the lava parkour?

Stop whining that YOU havent adapted to the new tactis, and that they NEED to be changed just because you think they should. Removing tier 2's would honestly ruin the game.



Jun 8, 2012
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Tier 2's have always been a part of the game here. They were here last summer... I remember going to tier 2's and getting iron or gold armor and diamonds to fight at corn. If you are saying the outsides of maps are under tiered then I agree. On sg1 there are only one or two chests outside corn that are tier 2 and we could use a little bit more. On Breeze Island only a few of the chests at corn are tier 2. I guess with the tier 2's it would just be boring to go through every chest and get the same leather armor and wood sword. It gives some excitement when you stumble upon a chest that has better gear in it.
You are mistaken, before SG3 Map 1 had no tier2s.
Oct 15, 2012
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TorchScar imBLUNT You both didn't play at the time. You're just scared of the good just like BlazeMaster said.
Also Torch, a real rant is like this:
No, im not actually, and to confirm your statement, I did play at the time, just never made a forums account. And frankly, i dont "miss, nor am i scared of the good."


District 13
Jul 13, 2012
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I agree completely. every game I normally have like full chain and other players have full iron and diamond sword. it's too easy to get good gear now. Back last summer it was rare to get full iron and a diamond sword before the first refill. now atleast 3 people do that now. it's ridiculous. I've only got a diamond chestplate once and that was last summer when it was even harder to get diamonds. now people do it daily. it's ridiculous.
Yet, that's not a problem with tier2s, that's a problem with game balance.


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
Yet, that's not a problem with tier2s, that's a problem with game balance.
It is kinda a problem with tier 2's. the good items are more frequently appearing in tier 2's now so more people have better gear tier 2's are also more common now aswell.

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